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Playing Freelancer on Windows mode - Printable Version

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Playing Freelancer on Windows mode - aznremix416 - 12-11-2010

So heres the rundown.

Right now i have a wide LCD monitor and I did the -dx to play it on my screen resolution. However I would much rather play on windows mode, however when I switch to windows mode evertime i move my mouse out of the window it switches to desktop, therefore making my mouse freeze ingame. This gets annoying and unplayable, so is there a program where I can get or a way to make it where the mouse keeps inside the Window while im playing the game?

Playing Freelancer on Windows mode - Alex. - 12-12-2010

Apparently a program called D3D Windower will fix this. I haven't got it to work though. (Maybe it only works on Windows XP and earlier?)

Cannon added a hex edit to The Starport's Dev 101 Limit Breaking wiki page 5th May which is labelled "keep FL display running when the window doesn't have focus", so I guess he plans to add this in 4.86.