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Number of systems - Aoyagi - 12-12-2010

Is it just me or is the number of solar systems getting quite close to the player limit? In the 4.86 there is 160-ish of them and that doesn't help the chance of getting player-player encounter, right? As it is now, people have to search for it and more systems are on the way. The only places I know of that have some population in them most of the time are New York, Dublin, Tau 23, Alpha and Gamma. Possibly other places with lucrative mining fields.

Does anyone else see a problem in that? Is there a solution?

All I can think of is rising the player limit (which is a problem because of game's singlecore thingy, or so I hear) and luring more people in or removing a lot of systems, neither of which is likely. Help me out here, playing 'find the fun' becomes boring after few weeks.

Number of systems - Korny - 12-12-2010

Totally agree with that, it isn't necessary to have more and more shiny systems. Gallia is totally unnecessary aswell but that isn't the matter in this topic.

I say, rather pack more things to explore and discover into the current systems, than adding more and more systems as there already are.

Number of systems - Sturmwind - 12-12-2010

I heard it's not quite possible to remove already existing systems without entirely wiping the character database, which would obviously create a certain amount of negative feedback.

Then again, I don't see why they keep adding systems instead of modifying existing ones, that's a good question. It's probably since having a new system creates a more precise illusion of getting something new than some extended features. Market psychology, I guess.

Number of systems - Korny - 12-12-2010

Maybe not remove them, but don't add more and more of them..

Number of systems - dodike - 12-12-2010

It's server vs mod type of a conflict. While the increasing number of systems is beneficial for the mod because people like seeing and exploring new places, it doesn't help the server gameplay much, quite the opposite.
Thanks god we have Liberty and mining fields.

Number of systems - Korny - 12-12-2010

' Wrote:It's server vs mod type of a conflict. While the increasing number of systems is beneficial for the mod because people like seeing and exploring new places, it doesn't help the server gameplay much, quite the opposite.
Thanks god we have Liberty and mining fields.

As I said, instead of adding more systems add more stuff into the current systems you can explore. I'd actually love to see that.

Number of systems - hribek - 12-12-2010

So I heard there will be a player wipe. But don't take my word for it.

I heard that it gets boring if you have nothing new to explore.

I also heard a lot of other things which I don't dare post here.

Number of systems - Aoyagi - 12-12-2010

' Wrote:Totally agree with that, it isn't necessary to have more and more shiny systems. Gallia is totally unnecessary aswell but that isn't the matter in this topic.

I say, rather pack more things to explore and discover into the current systems, than adding more and more systems as there already are.
I'd assume it would be difficult to add things since most of the systems are pretty full already. I was thinking more like changing then adding.

' Wrote:I heard it's not quite possible to remove already existing systems without entirely wiping the character database, which would obviously create a certain amount of negative feedback.

Then again, I don't see why they keep adding systems instead of modifying existing ones, that's a good question. It's probably since having a new system creates a more precise illusion of getting something new than some extended features. Market psychology, I guess.
What about just locking them? But I guess that would make the mod unnecessarily large.

Also modifying them is probably more work for justifying it, hehe.

' Wrote:Maybe not remove them, but don't add more and more of them..
Well that would be a start.

' Wrote:It's server vs mod type of a conflict. While the increasing number of systems is beneficial for the mod because people like seeing and exploring new places, it doesn't help the server gameplay much, quite the opposite.
Thanks god we have Liberty and mining fields.
If you think about it, this exploring isn't exactly helping the server in longterm point of view. If devs add 15 systems it will take you 3 days to completely map them, if you are slow. Making modifications to the existing systems without telling where exactly they are or even the system they are placed in, it will take much longer. And I still don't see why nobody uses places that are not discoverable from the plane. Or at least it is used rarely.

' Wrote:So I heard there will be a player wipe. But don't take my word for it.

I heard that it gets boring if you have nothing new to explore.

I also heard a lot of other things which I don't dare post here.
Wipe? According to my experiences from other servers/games, it's a very healthy thing to do.

Although this place is named Discovery, there isn't much to discover and never will be for people who play here for some time. The fun of exploring is in finding something special and frankly the only special think you can find now is the nomad world.

You can whisper the other things to me. ^^

Number of systems - BalckWidow - 12-12-2010


Number of systems - dodike - 12-12-2010

' Wrote:"Discovery"
Are you talking about ship scanner or TV channel, I'm not quite sure.