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Looking for prosective factions - Printable Version

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Looking for prosective factions - jasonwill2 - 12-12-2010

So I recently downloaded the mod, have played for about a day, and am looking for potential factions to join once I get off my feet.

In the past I have played another Freelancer RP mod, with almost identical flight mechanics, I played that one for about a year, and so far most of the stuff is very similar in basic aspects.

I have looked into RP basis and relations a little and the Gallic or German factions look most promising for what I am looking for. Mostly, I am looking to pilot a bomber, and I heard the german factions have really good bombers and perhaps after I have played for two weeks I will send them a request to join.

If anyone could point me in the right directions, or give any advice, I would greatly appreciate it. I have read the rules, and am eager to start RPing with you guys soon. :D

edit: my ingame name on the server is "Neale"

Looking for prosective factions - michiyl - 12-12-2010

Ah, there you are ^^ I knew I remembered a guy I helped ingame that wanted the stuff you want ^^

Please remember, the "Germans" here are Rheinländers (or Rheinlanders, as you may call them);)I think the Kusari players don't want to be called Japanese either :)

But you are right: Rheinland has three (!) very good bombers.

The first is the Bergelmir, maybe the smallest bomber you can get your hands on.
The second is the Fafnir, a way larger bomber than the other one.

I wanted to fly the Bergelmir by myself but my Rheinland Military character decided to become a pirate in Liberty instead, so that wasn't an option anymore ^^ Maybe I'll try it in a singleplayer game later ...

Anyway, to fly one of these 2 bombers, you are required to have the proper Rheinland Military ID (and IFF of course). So you might want to send your application form to the official RM faction in this forum.

The third Rheinland bomber is the Red Hessian Thor spacecraft. It's a "pirate" (Rheinland criminals are more the political enemy of the system than your credit-hunting pirate like in Liberty) vessel, so you are probably not going to use tradelanes that often ... But the Red Hessian Army (RHA) players will surely show you the way if you want to join them!

As always, it's your decision ...

Looking for prosective factions - Glis - 12-13-2010

Hey there welcome to Discovery RP, here are a few links that should help you out:

-Discovery Role-Play 24/7 Rules

-Tutorials and Support Sub-Forum

-Full List of Server Commands

-List of Server Rules

-Forum Rules

-Technology Chart

-Discovery Mod Wikipedia

-You can also relay on these people to help you out or if you have questions. That would be all from me, good luck, have fun and see you ingame.

Looking for prosective factions - sean24 - 12-13-2010

Hello and welcome to the server!

It's great to see that you are interested in factions, but be sure to talk to the members in game/read their info before joining.

I would start right here- one of my favorite threads. It contains information on all official player factions on the server.

Looking for prosective factions - jasonwill2 - 12-13-2010

Thanks guys, I seem to be getting a better hand of things in game. The strangest thing for me is traveling, needing to use the lanes to move effectively across systems.

Other than that, the ship I was eyeing until I join a faction needs 3 more hours of mining, but I'm more willing to mess around for now with the npcs.

Hope to see you guys ingame.

Looking for prosective factions - Coin - 12-13-2010

welcome to the disco!

yeah, npcs have been buffed from sp. watch out for those nommies.

Looking for prosective factions - 'Ends' - 12-13-2010

Welcome to disco,read rules,be considerate and be happy.
Quote:I think the Kusari players don't want to be called Japanese either:)
Kusari is also made up of Chinese people too, like me:D

Looking for prosective factions - DarthBindo - 12-13-2010


We has Praetorian!

/hypnosis on

Look at it in all its Corsairyness.

Imagine yourself raping Tridentes in that.

Imagine yourself menancing traders in that.
Imagine youself at the vanguard of a massive Corsair warfleet in that.

You are falling under my will be a corsair....You will join the Brotherhood....


Lol just kidding.

If you like the Rhein, go for it. They get to have lots of fun pewpewing Liberty caps and fighting Hessians.

But, <insert shameless Brotherhood plug here>.

Vivat Fraeternatie! Vivat Imperii! Vivat Corsair!

Looking for prosective factions - Dieter Schprokets - 12-13-2010

Join RM then, sir.

Looking for prosective factions - jasonwill2 - 12-13-2010

Quote:If you like the Rhein, go for it. They get to have lots of fun pewpewing Liberty caps and fighting Hessians.

Cap killing ftw! As it is, I'll need to wait those two weeks.