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An open Gallia. - Printable Version

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An open Gallia. - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 12-17-2010

::Given at the Seventeenth Day of Decembre in the Seven-hundred and Eighty-fourth Year of the Reign of the Royal Family ::

[Image: gnnking_new-1.png]

"In every war there are casualties. Lives lost, cities destroyed. Reputations shattered and trust in families and friends torn in two. The material and the immaterial get damaged or destroyed, and we are left with the ashes and memories of a broken past. By secluding ourselves from those who had betrayed us we had hoped to never have to mourn or fear again. But alas.

Those who would see us dead, down to every last man woman and child for the faith we hold in ourselves, our honour and respect for tradition sought to end that isolation. They sought to end the way we lived our lives by reintroducing those who would betray us so long ago. The Council managed to device a cowardly way of eluding our forces in order for them to detonate parts of the minefields, opening the entrance to any and all visitors. This you know.

What you most likely do not know is that there have been several attempts by the people on the other side of our barriers to make contact with us. Some tried this in a decent, civilized way. Others tried this by invading our homes with their warships claiming to be our allies or friends, or sometimes enemies. Those who would invade have been driven off, and will be driven off until the end of time.. However..

Now that I your sovereign, King Charles XI have seen that the Gallic people are ready to meet those whom we once called friends, family and brothers-in-arms once more.. That you have adjusted perfectly, as expected, and have learned whom you can trust and who you should cast away along side with the filth that would seek to expose you before your completion.. I say let them come. Let those who greeted us kindly and with words of peace and loyalty come into our homes and trade with us as friends. Just like we did before."
~King Charles XI.

Those whom we shall welcome as brothers and friends are as follows.

I. The corporation known as the Independent Neuralnet Division (Abb. IND) shall be welcomed in Gallic Royalist Space and are to be treated as our own corporations. Protect them when they are amongst us and treat them as you would your brother.
II. The corporation known as the Interspace Commerce Transport Division (Abb. icT) shall be welcomed in Gallic Royalist Space and are to be treated as our own corporations. Protect them when they are amongst us and treat them as you would your brother.

Requests may be made by the varying factions of the house of Kusari for entrance into the Gallic kingdom. No offers or requests have currently been made.

Requests may be made by the varying factions of the house of Bretonia for entrance into the Gallic kingdom. No offers or requests have currently been made.

Requests may be made by the varying factions of the house of Rheinland for entrance into the Gallic kingdom. No offers or requests have currently been made.

Requests may be made by the varying factions of the Sirian borderworlds for entrance into the Gallic kingdom. They will be looked at individually. No offers or requests have currently been made.

I. The individual by the name of Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen, of the SMS Hohenzollern, is to be allowed access to enter Gallic Royalist Space and to be treated as any loyal Royalist would.
II. The corporation known as Orbital Spa & Cruise (Abb. OSC) shall be welcomed in Gallic Royalist Space and are to be treated as our own corporations. Protect them when they are amongst us and treat them as you would your brother. They are to be allowed to trade non-restricted and contraband items, but are prohibited from transporting any forms of human cargo from or to Gallia.
III. The individual by the name of Mac Butler, of the Merchant Vessel Antelope, is to be allowed access to enter Gallic Royalist Space and to be treated as any loyal Royalist would.
IV. The individual by the name of JhC, of the JhC Unpacified, is to be allowed access to enter Gallic Royalist Space and to be treated as any loyal Royalist would.
V. The mercenary group known as "Reavers. Inc" is allowed access into Gallic space. All laws and regulations will apply to them as it will to any other.

Of course, now that we are prepared, Gallic families and corporations trusted by her people may leave the protection of our realm in search for newer, richer pastures.


I. All members of the EFL family.
II. All members of the IDF corporation.
III. All members of the GMS corporation.

:: Requests for departure or entrance rights may be sent by families, corportations and individuals to the office of the Grande Marechal Lilith LaCroix, or via a return message to this channel.

In the unlikely event that any of the Gallic, or allowed Sirian corporations can tear through their own soul and find it in themselves to attempt to bring any harm to the Gallic people, their rights will be immediately revoked and they will be considered hostile to the Kingdom of Gallia and it's people. In order to prevent any misunderstandings that may end up costing the lives of innocents, the crown has prepared a document for all men and women seeking entrance and exit in and out of Gallia. The document will be signed, along with a five million Sirius standard credit sum to be sent to the GRN|RNFS-Chant.Du.Cygne as a sign of completion.

[color=#FF0000]- The following items are listed as contraband:
1. Cardamine
2. Synthetic Marijuana
3. Nomad Items and Materials
4. Slaves
5. Human Organs
6. Black Market Munitions

'€“ All items listed above will be subject to apprehension and/or destruction
by His Majesty'€™s Royal Navy, along with the issuance of a 5-million credit fine.

*Clause I '€“ Slaves are to be secured by His Majesty'€™s Royal Navy, and directed to
the nearest station for medical attention and re-integration into society. Slavers,
being an affront to human decency, are to be destroyed immediately.

*Clause II '€“ The following items are listed as restricted, and subject to Royal
Navy inspection before being allowed to proceed:
1. Military Equipment (Including Vehicles, Nuclear Devices, Light Arms)
2. Jump Gate/Trade Lane Parts
3. Prometheum

I. Trading vessels belonging to known aggressors are to be destroyed immediately.
II. Trading vessels may be subject to inquiry by His Majesty'€™s Royal Navy.
III. Trading within the Gallic Core and Borderworlds will be subject to Gallic Law
and Gallic Royal Police regulations.

His Majesty will hope that this is a step along the right path towards a reunion with the people of Sirius, our old brethren.

His word is law and his will is just,
Office of King Charles XI.


An open Gallia. - Wafellini - 12-19-2010

[Image: 1554neravatar.png]

My name is Thomas Dering. I am the captain of Luxury Liner "Amber" under the Orbital Spa & Cruise corporation. I would like to ask You for permission to enter Your space in order to start human traffic services.
I am making luxury trips with vacationers and tourist to every corner of the Sirius sector and I would like to add Your "corner" as my new target of exploration and holiday trips for my passangers. I have heard much about the magnificent sights and wonderful people of Gallia and I would be very grateful if I would be able to show all of this to the people of Sirius.

I am sending You the details of the ship , equipment and crew of the Liner "Amber" and possible passenger types I would be carrying towards Your mighty Kingdom.

:::Incomming data files:::
:::Data received - opening:::
[Image: 254px-Enterprise-s.png]
Enterprise - L-584 Luxury Liner
Ship Class : Liner
Built by : Orbital Spa and Cruise

Technical information

Guns/Turrets: 0 / 11
Opt. weapon class: 7
Max. weapon class: 7
Additional equipment: 1xCM
Hull strength 180,000
Max. shield class 7
Cargo space 4,300 units
Nanobots/Batteries 700/700
Max. impulse speed 80 m/s
Max. thrust speed 140 m/s
Power output 90,000 u
Power recharge 7,500 u/s

Vacationiers , Tourists , various types of bussines men and women , VIPs , scientist and possible crew members looking for a job in new open space, all of my passangers would be civillians and I am not going to take any millitary personel apart of my own on ship security personel which is 40 members of my crew armed with small arms what I assume is not a threat and with my experiance of all this years I am flying Sirius is just mandatory to have such crew on the ship. I am able to disarm the security with small arm if You will ask for it.

I will be honoured to have permission to enter Your space and show my passangers the beauty of Your sector.
If You have any thing You would like to add I am here waiting for Your ideas and terms of agreement in this case. I would like to add that I am just speaking here as an individual captain in OSC corporation and I am not speaking here for all my co-workers. I am asking You for permission for my ship not the faction.
I am awaiting Your reply.

Thomas Dering

An open Gallia. - Exile - 12-19-2010

::Given at the Nineteenth Day of Decembre in the Seven-hundred and Eighty-fourth Year of the Reign of the Royal Family ::

Mister Dering,

Although we are pleased to see such enthusiasm and work put into your request, we must sadly deny it for the time being. We have only recently opened our borders and some amongst us would much rather start with small numbers of people entering our kingdom, rather than have tourists all over it right at the start. Feel free to try again in a while, perhaps our view will have changed.

His word is law,
The Administration of border affairs.

An open Gallia. - Elven - 12-19-2010

[Image: pf_vince.jpg]
[Incoming transmission]
[Source: Richard L. Lloyd-Stewart, Business relations director]

Greetings, my name is Richard Lloyd-Stewart, I represent Sirrian corporation known as Cryer Pharmaceuticals. Our products include varies of humanitarian items and health security goods. We're currently the only Sirrian corporation actively producing high-grade pharmaceuticals, unlike of some of our minor competitors already being pushed out of business. Cryer Pharmaceuticals is delivering high range of artifical-grown human organs. We're also funding majority of science organisations, located in houses of Bretonia, Liberty and Kusari. Right now we're seeking further place to extend our market coverage, and my eye was caught by Gallic markets. Furthermore, I heard Gallia is largely superior-populated to Sirius, so it could be good place to give more jobs to descrease general level of unemployed specialists. On another hand, I'm interested to find out who's supplying Gallia with quality-grade pills, our opportunities to trade. I'd be very grateful if you could point me to this person, gentlemen.

Right now I'd like to visit Gallia personally - most likely employing delivery services of one of our liners, or alternatively using my personal fighter and two-three escorts. If business carries on, I may extend my request further.

Thank you for attention,
sincerely yours,
Richard Lloyd-Stewart

An open Gallia. - Exile - 12-19-2010

::Given at the Nineteenth Day of decembree in the Seven-hundred and Eighty-fourth Year of the Reign of the Royal Family ::

Mister Richard Lloyd-Stewart,

His majesty is pleased to hear of your interest, and has seen fit to offer you a chance inside the Gallic borderworlds if you will agree to the following restrictions :

I. All your products will be tested for any errors in their synthesis, main purpose and side effects by Royalist employed scientists and medical officers before release.

II. Any products released onto the Gallic markets will be shipped by Ilé-De-France shipping to their intended destination and/or selling points.

III. All ships carrying your product, personnel and any other form of (biological) material necessary for creation, distribution, administration, management or any other form of tasks connected to your products will be shipped to Bourg-En-Presse station in Burgundy and will be received by Gallic Royal Navy military personnel.

IV. You will be given the necessary room in order to oversee the distribution of your products on Bourg-En-Presse. The area designated to you will serve as your Gallic Kingdom HQ.

V. You will not work for the enemies of the crown inside of Gallia and will agree to uphold the Gallic Royalist contraband laws listed in the original transmission.

VI. Failure to uphold any of these terms, the Gallic laws or the Gallic customs may result in the revoking of your license and/or being called to the Gallic courts for proper criminal persecution.

After agreeing to these terms, a sum of five million Sirius standard credits will be sent, by you, to the Gallic Royal Navy on the transfer ID : GRN|RNS-Chant.Du.Cyne as confirmation of the agreement.

His word is law,
The Administration of border affairs.

An open Gallia. - Elven - 12-19-2010

[Image: pf_vince.jpg]
[Incoming transmission]
[Source: Richard L. Lloyd-Stewart, Business relations director]

This agreement will be discussed at the next meeting of the board of directors. Once we reach agreement or disagreement, I'll contact you immediatly.

On another hand, do you have consultants? I have plenty of questions, and I presume many of our board members will have some as well.

Richard Lloyd-Stewart

An open Gallia. - Exile - 12-19-2010

::Given at the Nineteenth Day of Decembre in the Seven-hundred and Eighty-fourth Year of the Reign of the Royal Family ::

Mister Richard Lloyd-Stewart,

Any questions may be filed on this channel or via private communications.

An open Gallia. - Lister - 12-21-2010

[Image: 2ahvblw.png]
[font=agency fb]
ID - Interspace Commerce
[color=#99FFFF]IFF - Interspace Commerce
Head Quarters - Newark Station, New York

My name, is Thomas Mahone - the CEO of Interspace Commerce. If you are not aware already, Interspace Commerce is a major insurance and shipping company within Sirius. With roots, started in Liberty, we have grown and now got stations within the other houses. Bretonia, Kusari and Rheinland. We are hoping to expand this list with a new client - Gallia.

I am interested to get to know what makes Gallia ticking. Financially speaking of course. Now, lets talk about what Interspace Commerce could do for YOU.
  • Set up large scale insurance schemes for the Gallian people and companys.
  • Help supply Gallian bases and vessels.
  • Import and export goods on a large scale.
  • Emplace new banking systems and help support the Gallian people and companys.
We will need to know who you declare 'hostile of the crown' so we can act accordingly. Consider our request, we can do a lot more than just ship goods from A-B. We can expend our offers even further. I would also like to expect Gallia myself at some point, check your air space.

sincerely yours,
Thomas Mahone

An open Gallia. - Exile - 12-21-2010

::Given at the Twentieth Day of Decembre in the Seven-hundred and Eighty-fourth Year of the Reign of the Royal Family ::

Monsieur Thomas Mahone,

We must sadly deny your request for access into the kingdom of Gallia. We already have our own insurance companies and would rather not rely on foreigners in this matter. It could very well bankrupt the nation if we did so. Besides this, Ilé-De-France shipping already takes care of any and all cargo needed to be shipped in and outside of Gallia.

Perhaps if you could bring something to the table that we could want or need, then we might reconsider.

His will is law,
The Administration of border affairs.

An open Gallia. - Lister - 12-21-2010

[font=agency fb]Well this certainly is a day of bad news. No matter, time is the best medicine. Hopefully in the near future, you can reconsider the proposal. However, to speed things up, we may be able to something new to the table. What do you need? From that, we can discuss what Interspace can deliver.

sincerely yours,
Thomas Mahone