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Ehon - Printable Version

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Ehon - Ehon - 12-27-2007

*Guardian patrol, this is the Rio Grande you are cleared for launch*

*Roger that Rio, VHF Guardian is launching and begining patrol of Copperton asteroid field*

--As the Fighter exited the hanger he eased the throttle up and manuvered from the Battleship, one eye on the stars, and the other on his Nav computer as he begain entering the coordinates for his flight plan--

*Rio, this is VHF Guardian, proceding to Waypoint 1, Cruise engines engaged*

*Roger that Guardian, happy hunting*

--He sat back into the seat, relaxing a bit, he was still near the trade lanes, he extended the scanners range and allowed himself to think for a moment or two, reflecting on how he got to where he was...

Six months earlier on planet Denver, his parents were not too thrilled with his career choice.
" No son of mine would be ferried around in some tin can of a ship, close quarters, filthy and unsanitary. "
Love you too Dad
" Those Navy pilots are the worst breed, arrogant and womanizing and they dont think of anyone but themselves "
How wrong you are Mom

So he left, and boarded the Missouri. The firsat day of training was brutal. Everyone was placed in flight simulators, with real time stimulus and feedback control. Meaning, you crash and crash and burn.

Who ever figured out that pain is a great training tool, deserves to spend an hour feeling the Tender mercies of the Chief Master Seargent.--

*Rio, this is Guardian, Waypoint 1 reached, Proceding to Waypoint 2, All clear*

*Roger that Guardian, procede with mission*

-- Basic Training over, he was outfitted with the guardian, not quite the best fighter in the fleet, but she could hold her own, and she was his. He ran a ew missons from thie Mizzou but orders came in and he was transferred to the Colorado system. Never quite sure, but a hunch that his father had something to do with his posting. Keeping him close to home. --

--His Eyes snapped open as his computer squawked at him, incoming hostiles--

*Rio, this is Guardian, I have hostile contact, 3 o'clock, I have them ID'd as Outcasts.*

*Roger that Guardian, you are Weapons Free, Engage and good luck, Rio Out*

-- his eyes lit up as he disengaged the cruise engines, lit the thrusters to full, and tore through their formation one bandit already breaking up...

Yep...Today was turning out to be a good day.--