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Newbe - Vincent la Blue - 12-19-2010

Hey I joined the Discovery Server one week ago. And I have to say I'm impressed it seems to be a very good Server with some nice Players. I hope my good experiences with this Server will continue.

My Pilot name is: Charles_Carlitos maybe you've already seen me out there.
Tough I have a mervenary ID I like to earn my money with trading. But now I discover Discovery to found out which organisation to join.

About me:
I'm 18 years old and play freelancer for 3 years now.
I'm from Gemany (Rheinland) I live near Ingolstadt yeah it's a real City over here^^

Some facts about Carles_Carlito:
Name: Carles Carlito
Born: 796 at Planet Crete

His father was a Corsair, his mother a Liberty Civilian who worked on a Prison Liner, one day the prision liner had been attacked by Corsairs. His mother Jeane Smith survived the attack, and had been captured by the Corsairs and was brought to Crete. There she met Silvio Carlito, who treated her very well. She'd fall in love with him and after a few months she was pragnant. Silvio didn't know about that fact so he left Jeane alone, because the Corsairs planed to attack the Red Hassians. After 3 months in which she heard nothing about him, she already played with the thought to return to Liberty. But this wasn't that easy. If you live in Crete one year you'll live there for the rest of the live. The Corsairs fear that military informations about Crete could be overherad by the wrong people. So it was especially difficult for Jeane to leave Crete without Silvio's help. But he simply doesen't came back and the birth of her child would take place soon. Offical leaders of the Corsairs had declared Silvio as "lost" 1 month ago. So Jeane was alone when her child Carles was born in 796. Shortly after the birth of Carles she decided to implement her plan into action. In a dark night she took the Corsair Hernandez Casjuana as hostage. And used him to escape from Crete with Carles to the near Freeport 9. There she paid a Mercenary, who flow her to Erie safely. There the little Carles grew up, with no idea where he comes from. His father Silvio haven't been found till yet. Now he want to discover the space by himself, although his mother don't want him to do. Will he chose the same way as his father and join the unlawful Corsairs, or will he become a Police Agent and one day maybe even face his father? We don't know what the future brings for the young Carles, he has everthing in his hands.....

Sorry for the mistakes there are some with 100% guaranty^^

Newbe - VoluptaBox - 12-19-2010

Well, what can I say, welcome! See you in space nice! :D

Newbe - Alex. - 12-19-2010

Not every day someone comes along to the welcome forum with a story about their character. Nice job. Welcome to Disco!

Newbe - Korny - 12-19-2010

' Wrote:Not every day someone comes along to the welcome forum with a story about their character. Nice job. Welcome to Disco!

This, hehe. Welcome on board buddy, enjoy your stay.

Newbe - 'Ends' - 12-20-2010

Hi welcome to disco,read rules,be considerate and be happy

Newbe - Silver.2 - 12-20-2010

What Alex said.

But, besides that, it's good to meet you! Have a fun stay, in our community.

Oh, and make sure to read the rules, RP...and, have fun

Newbe - dodike - 12-20-2010

He will join the Black Sails. Great story with happy end.

Newbe - Primitive - 12-20-2010

' Wrote:He will join the Black Sails. Great story with happy end.


Welcome Carlito, have fun:)see you around

Newbe - dodike - 12-20-2010

' Wrote:You mean THE BLACK SAILS ?

Welcome Carlito, have fun:)see you around
BBcode whore

Newbe - Glis - 12-20-2010

Hey there welcome to Discovery RP, here are a few links that should help you out:

-Discovery Role-Play 24/7 Rules

-Tutorials and Support Sub-Forum

-Full List of Server Commands

-List of Server Rules

-Forum Rules

-Technology Chart

-Discovery Mod Wikipedia

-You can also relay on these people to help you out or if you have questions. That would be all from me, good luck, have fun and see you ingame.