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Need different tag - The Joker - 12-22-2010

Targeting people became quite annoying for me lately against freelancer tag owners, especially in larger battles which follow me around constantly. I'm sure many of you guys have the same problems when flying gb/cruiser/bs. Asking Admins for anything is out of the question. I've been denied in 90% of cases (except when I gotten pirate ID for slave liner); asked for Fugitive IFF regarding this issue several months back. To have no tag at all also isn't good. I prefer having certain factions on my green and, besides that, I'd be dropping rep all the time because of, sometimes necessary, nano/bats feeding.

Question is; which tag should I pick that wouldn't ruin this char's RP and ZOI? Another problem will occur; if I make freelancers red to me, I'd be having very few places to dock. Lets not forget that I'd be red to zoners as well, so no docking on Z-bases as well (if I remember correctly, zoner and freelancer reputations are closely related).

Two options cross my mind:
- Outcasts
- Xenos

Personally, I'd pick Xenos but would that tie me with their ZOI? Or was it the ID which regulates one's ZOI the most? I'm not hostile to them and, by having this tag, I wouldn't be docking at their bases as well--since the Joker is not allowed to do that. Furthermore, they're totally red to everyone, correct? So, where would I be allowed to dock?:)

Choosing Outcast tag is so not-this-char. He has no ties with OC whatsoever and he's probably not welcomed on their bases, as far as 101st is concerned. Having OC tag would totally be OORP for this char.

So... What's left for me to choose?

P.S. Not that they should care that much, but opinion of any of the Admins would be very much welcomed.

Need different tag - Ed Von Nya - 12-22-2010

Freelancer tag is not connected to anything except Baffin and some Freelancer NPCs in some rare areas. So, Zoner will not be affected. But to drop Freelancer rep to red you'll have to search for NPCs. (Shooting other NPCs not affecting that tag)

// Edit: I voted in few topics already for Pirate IFF, was told i can't haz.

Also, IFF not affecting Zoi, ID does. But IFF is RP thingy so you have to think about it. Having Xenos ID will not bring you hostile with all their enemies. For example Liberty Navy ships could be Neutral to Corsairs somehow.

Need different tag - The Joker - 12-22-2010

' Wrote:Freelancer tag is not connected to anything except Baffin and some Freelancer NPCs in some rare areas. So, Zoner will not be affected. But to drop Freelancer rep to red you'll have to search for NPCs. (Shooting other NPCs not affecting that tag)

// Edit: I voted in few topics already for Pirate IFF, was told i can't haz.
Once you start shooting FL npcs, Zoner rep goes down.
Either way, even if this isn't true, this still doesn't solve my problem of which IFF to pick.

P.S. Pirate IFF doesn't exist. Or have I missed something during one of my breaks:)

Need different tag - Hidamari - 12-22-2010

get that "Hostile" iff, or phantom.

Need different tag - Ed Von Nya - 12-22-2010

I was proposing to add Pirate IFF.. Well, if you want to have as many people red as you can to just push R button for nearest target so you'll have to bring all reputations down yourself... Or maybe you just have to ask admins to drop all rep for you.
Anyway, IFF is just an indicator shows your highest reputation. If you have Freelancer ID, Xenos IFF and you neutral to Navy, you'll have Navy ships showing neural. But, they'll have you hostile because of IFF, perhaps. So solution is somwhere not in IFF at all.

Need different tag - Ebon - 12-22-2010

Or no IFF ?

But then Admins must adjust it nicely.

Need different tag - The Joker - 12-22-2010

' Wrote:get that "Hostile" iff, or phantom.
No one would give it to me. The Joker isn't a Phantom, he just works with (some of) them sometimes. <strike>Hostile IFF</strike> (typo, I meant Fugitive IFF) is controlled by Admins and they're... erm... hostile towards me:lol:

Need different tag - Not Espi - 12-22-2010

hostile is admin iff i think.

Need different tag - Ed Von Nya - 12-22-2010

Yes, Hostile rep belongs to Admins and Battlestar is hostile repped. (Hostile IFF shows when you have administrator rep full green)

Need different tag - The Joker - 12-22-2010

' Wrote:hostile is admin iff i think.

Correction, I meant Fugitive IFF. Typo.