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Black Prophecy NDA - Etaphreven - 12-23-2010

Black Prophecy beta testers may now share the love with everyone else. <3

Black Prophecy NDA - Exile - 12-23-2010

It needs a lot of work. More like an Alpha.

Black Prophecy NDA - Etaphreven - 12-23-2010

* Etaphreven craves for details.

Black Prophecy NDA - Exile - 12-23-2010

It's pretty. Combat is interesting. All it has going for it atm.

Black Prophecy NDA - Etaphreven - 12-23-2010

Fun. I've just received my own beta key. <3

Black Prophecy NDA - pruskis92 - 12-23-2010

me too. :3

Black Prophecy NDA - oZoneRanger - 12-25-2010

Impossible to get throught the orientation mission...the mouse lag is horrible...making it unplayable. I ajusted all the mouse settings I could and didnt make anything better. Impossible to track a target. Mouse jumps and jerks. I Check the forums...similar complaints from others...but no solution...

anyone got one? or know of this problem?

Cheers and MerryXmass


Black Prophecy NDA - Dantrithor - 12-25-2010

There's no solution for that problem. I went through that mission five times until I completed it.

Fortunately, after you go through it once, you can skip that prologue mission and be left at the newb station of The Spire.

The game is oriented to PVE missions, both solo and in group, although there are arena-like systems with other human players to PVE against. Weapons and equipment are still being balanced, but are not (very) buggy anymore.

The problem is the depth of the game is very shallow, with only combat, combat, combat, and exploration being limited to finding new bases with higher level missions... which you can find as they get auto-unlocked, and show in a too simple system list, with the 3D map being little more than a graphical detail with no further use.

Also the ship customization does not reflect heavily on the ship's looks, unless you pay a lot of attention. And once you pick a side, you can not create characters of the opposing faction, which is annoying.

Current bugs I know about are:
- Infinite money: After you scoop some plasma from ai fighters, dock at a station. Every time you open the trade window and hit "cancel" you'll get extra plasma. Rinse and repeat ...
- Chat window not accepting enter key input to send messages, for no aparent reason.
- Graphical glitches on character selection screen.

Those are the ones I reported, but there're many more. You can also get stuck while picking a mission and have to join a team and pick up a TEAM mission to be able to pick solo missions again. Otherwise you get an error message about a mission being already started.

It's not an Alpha, though, as has been claimed in several places. The problem is, with such limited options in gameplay, any bug affecting them will be noticed and will harm the whole gameplay experience. They better begin increasing the options of the game, or we're going to see some kind of counter strike in space... and (mostly) without team organization.

Black Prophecy NDA - pruskis92 - 12-25-2010

I played it few hours. I wouldn't call it beta yet. At the moment it doesn't worth playing.

Black Prophecy NDA - Cond0r - 12-25-2010

Its very buggy, wouldn't call it "beta".

The point of the whole game can be dumbed down to "World of Warcraft in space". There is an item store (nuff said), in which you can buy stuff, to have better gear, bla bla bla. There is no skill involved in pvp, its all about who has better stuff (more RL money to spend on a game). Your character levels up (WoW), so you can get better stuff (WoW), so you can do higher lvl PVE missions (WoW).

Been in the beta for a couple of months now, and all I can say is: Huge disappointment overall.

Edit: Its pretty. Thats the only + I can think of.