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Rise & Fall (Project Resurrection) - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 12-25-2010

07 October 818 AS
Currently onboard the CFS Terminus...
0345 HOURS
Sector Position: Omicron Lost, Sector K-22-56-65

Jack was about to debrief the Gallic Expeditionary Team, when the deck alarm signaled an enemy presence, the infamous bounty hunter battleship, the Black Widow, appeared on the long range scanners. The morale of the crew was very high, due to recent and successful missions that they've took part in, but something was wrong. Jack presaged that something was about to get wrong. But he didn't know what, and he didn't wanted to alarm the crew with some stupid clairvoyances. Because of the recent bounty hunter incursions in the Edge Nebula, the crew of the Terminus, and on the other warship-escorts of the Terminus, raised considerably, from almost forty-five elements, to an exorbitant ninety-six. After twenty minutes, the radar-operators lost the ID of the Black Widow.

Jack Aubrey: I think that we can give them a break for now. They deserve a hot breakfast after all the bustle. And if you could be kind, could you kindly get me a cup of coffee? I'm about to crumble because of the exhaustion. Please notify Adriana that I want to see her on the C.I.C deck ASAP.

Cadet: Sir, yes Sir! I was asked by professor Synk if you could check these images, they are mugshots from one of our spy-satellites around Dabadoru. DeVirgo is deploying a considerably large fleet of warships around Dabadoru, professor Synk thinks that they are about to assault Freeport 11.

Jack Aubrey took the pictures and examined them

Jack Aubrey: This is very concerning, I can distinguish the fish-like profile of at least four heavy battleships, and one support battlecruiser, this is indeed valuable information, please forward them to the Order High Command. And before that you could even think about the coffee, please contact Elijah, asap. I want him in the video-conference room in about twenty-five minutes. The Camelot is in danger.

Cadet: Roger, sir!

Deck AI Voice: Patrol number 42 left the docking-bay; Zoner Transponder ID in 34K; Current Deck Temperature: 24° C; Current Time: 0414

Rise & Fall (Project Resurrection) - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 12-26-2010

07 October 818 AS
Currently onboard the CFS Terminus...
0545 HOURS
Sector Position: Omicron Lost, in orbit around the 'Pink Princess', Sector Y-12-33-A3

Jack was debriefing the G.E.T.F, or Gallic Expeditionary Task Force, a small reconnaissance team, that had a rather complicate mission at hand. They needed to gather more informations about Gallia's current technology level, economical level, and military strength, but this was a very dangerous mission. The Gallic Royal Navy was their probable enemy, since they were known to shoot upon any kind of vessel constructed in Sirius and found in Gallia.

A holographic projection appeared, the projection showed a 3D map of the Gallic Kingdom

[Image: gallicmapcopy.jpg]

Jack Aubrey: Now, where is Adriana?

Rise & Fall (Project Resurrection) - Dave Synk - 12-28-2010

07 October 818 AS
Location : Near FP 11
0553 Hours

Legion was standing along side the Camelot near the defense perimeter of the FP 11. To stay clear of the neutral zone, they took a good distance from it to be sure that we dont have any problems later. Dave sent the images about the possible BHG ships at the Terminus, and he was waiting for a confirmation. The visual feed was still jammed because of the Nabulae and possible some jamming devices the BHG had at Dabadoru. They knew that the situation could be worse from moment to moment. Then Dave received an invitation at the HoloVideo Comm. It was from Jack, and it was urgent.

Dave : Connection established, I hope you have something new Jack.....

Rise & Fall (Project Resurrection) - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 12-28-2010

07 October 818 AS
Currently onboard the CFS Terminus, VideoCom Room...
0600 HOURS
Sector Position: Omicron Lost, in orbit around the 'Pink Princess', Sector Y-12-33-A3

After the future mission into Gallia debriefing was over, Jack headed towards the Video Communications room on deck 4B, right under the bridge section. The guard was sleeping on his chair, apparently drunk, given the fact that a bottle of beer could be seen right under the chair. Jack frowned and entered the room. The communications officer established a direct communications link with the CLC Legion.

The large screen went online

Jack Aubrey: Greetings Dave, I have some interesting news for you, maybe you'll be pleased to hear them. Cerberus is about to make a reconnaissance mission within the Kingdom of Gallia, please advise your assistant, that certain Whicks, that he can use the Deep Space Explorer currently moored at Evora, I need you on a very heavy fighter. Meanwhile I advise that you leave your XO in temporary command of the Legion, and you should pick your personal fighter and head towards the Terminus' position in Omicron Lost, quickly. This is all Dave.

Jack walked away form the screen, his footsteps could be heard

Rise & Fall (Project Resurrection) - Dave Synk - 12-28-2010

07 October 818 AS
Aboard the CLC Legion
0610 Hours

Jack was a little pressed and had a very anxious tone. Short and at the subject, not his general way to talk with people. The mission was something of great importance. Dave sent a message to his old adress of Dr Thomas, back to Evora, hopefully he can get the message on time. Dave put an order that his XO Ashley will take temporary command of the Legion until he arrives from the mission assigned by Jack. He then headed fast to the Hangar bay and took his fighter. He left on a wondering state without talking too much and giving details to others. Ashley watched worried, how Dave's fighter left in a hurry to the Omicron Lost system, at the coordinates given by Jack. He knew that more was coming... Jack didn't said all. The Legion and Camelot were falling back to their initial posts.

Rise & Fall (Project Resurrection) - Nicholas Jurgen - 12-28-2010

07 October 818 AS
Location: Near FP11
0350 Hours

Cdr Elijah Jurgen was in his stateroom sleeping onboard the Camelot when he received an urgent message. "Oh this had better be good"

Cadet: "Cdr Jurgen, your presence is requested onboard the Terminus and in the video conference room in 25 minutes. Well, it has been 5 minutes already so make that 20 minutes, sir!"

Elijah: "Do not get smart with me cadet. Unless of course you do not plan on being promoted. Tell Col Aubrey I am on my way. I will be coming in my Nephthys."

Cadet: "Roger that sir!"

Elijah Jurgen got up and dressed rather quickly. He informed his new XO, Danica Carney, that she was not in control of Camelot.

He now headed toward the shuttle that would take him to FP 11 to board his fighter. Then he headed toward the coordinates provided him. Elijah thought to himself that it had to be serious if Jack wanted him there so quickly. But what could it be?

Rise & Fall (Project Resurrection) - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 12-28-2010

07 October 818 AS
Currently onboard the CFS Terminus, Jack's Quarters...
0655 HOURS
Sector Position: Omicron Lost, in orbit around the 'Pink Princess', Sector Y-12-33-A3

Jack stood impassive in his quarters, watching outside from the thick windows, the Pink Princess was there, a rather strange gas giant, one of the many oddities of the Nomad Worlds. Jack returned to his desk, pressed some buttons, and a sort of armor protection covered the windows, leaving the whole room into darkness, the artificial lights of the room went online, showing a rather comfy place. Jack called a cadet:

The door of Jack's quarters opened, and a cadet walked in

Jack Aubrey: Please inform our cook that I'm willing to have breakfast with some officers in my quarters. And if you could bring me a bottle of wine, I'll be very glad.

Cadet: Sir, yes Sir!

Jack sat down in his deskchair while the cadet left the room

Rise & Fall (Project Resurrection) - Nicholas Jurgen - 12-28-2010

07 October 818 AS
Location: Omicron Lost
0410 Hours

Elijah was heading toward the Terminus as fast as his ship could fly. It is a good thing the ship has autopilot and he can set a course. Elijah was not fully awake yet and he probably would have flown his ship into the nearest wreck.

There she is, the Terminus.

"Terminus, this is Cdr Jurgen requesting permission to dock"

"Cdr Jurgen, your request is granted. Col Aubrey is awaiting you in the video conference room. A cadet will escort you upon your arrival."

"Roger that Terminus."

Elijah docked aboard the Terminus and headed to the video conference room to meet Jack.

Rise & Fall (Project Resurrection) - Omicron - 12-28-2010

07 October 818 AS
Currently onboard the CFS Terminus, CIC
0610 HOURS
Sector Position: Omicron Lost, in orbit around the 'Pink Princess', Sector Y-12-33-A3

Adriana ran to CIC room, she was busy preparing her equipment. At place she relaxed and pressed button to open. She was late and she knew that.

Doors opened, but Aubrey was not here. One of the officers aproached her and saluted.

Amanda Blake: Aubrey wanted you to came here, what took you so long.

Adriana D'Angelo: Sorry for being late, but my equipment won't prepare itself. Not standard issue cerberus equipment et cetera.

Amanda Blake: Allright, meet colonel in his quarters.

It's hard being a Maltesan in organisation that lacks other members which require cardamine. Adriana need take care about cardamine herself. Cerberus is helpful in that matter, covering costs and assisting in safety of her storage. She modified her battle suit specialy for long tasks, something just like recon inside Gallia. Medical interferance consisted alongside with standard anti-biotics cardamine injection system to sustain D'Angelo alive.

At captain quarters, she used intercom and messaged colonel about her arrival.

Rise & Fall (Project Resurrection) - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 12-28-2010

07 October 818 AS
Currently onboard the CFS Terminus...
0700 HOURS
Sector Position: Omicron Lost, in orbit around the 'Pink Princess', Sector Y-12-33-A3

Upon seeing Major Elijah Jurgen, the video communication's room operator, a certain Finn, stood up and made the typical military salute, the movement of his hand showed that he was an ex Liberty Marine Corps member. After the formal salute, the operator informed Elijah that Jack was currently in his quarters.

The door of the room opened, the Terminus' medic, doctor Frederich Kassel entered

Frederich Kassel: Major Jurgen, zhe Colonel is awaiting you in his quarters, you are invited to have breakfazt with him and the other officers. I myself will be prezent there. I excuse myself for zhe strong rheinlander accent.

Frederich and Elijah left the room, headed for Jack's quarters