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My Mod- Asteroid field. (Making lootable field bigger) - Printable Version

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My Mod- Asteroid field. (Making lootable field bigger) - Blackbeardjr - 12-27-2010

First of all Happy Christmas to all.

Okay, so i have been reading tutorials from this website and others. So I'm making this Mining Style Freelancer, but my problem is that when i try to edit some of the files the modding doesn't work. Here is what iim talking about. (I'm doing to this to all the asteroid fields i chossed ramdamlly)

Okay the first time i did it with this ateroid field it worked i was so happy but when i got greedy i changed it to something new.
asteroid = DAsteroid_rock_small1
count = 20
placement_radius = 120.000000
placement_offset = 80.000000
max_velocity = 15.000000
max_angular_velocity = 3.000000
color_shift = 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000
zone = zone_bw08_niobium1
asteroid_loot_container = lootcrate_ast_loot_niobium
asteroid_loot_commodity = commodity_niobium_ore
dynamic_loot_container = lootcrate_ast_loot_niobium
dynamic_loot_commodity = commodity_niobium_ore
asteroid_loot_count = 0, 0
dynamic_loot_count = 1, 5
asteroid_loot_difficulty = 40
dynamic_loot_difficulty = 2
zone = zone_bw08_niobium2
asteroid_loot_container = lootcrate_ast_loot_niobium
asteroid_loot_commodity = commodity_niobium_ore
dynamic_loot_container = lootcrate_ast_loot_niobium
dynamic_loot_commodity = commodity_niobium_ore
asteroid_loot_count = 0, 0
dynamic_loot_count = 1, 5
asteroid_loot_difficulty = 40
dynamic_loot_difficulty = 2
zone = zone_bw08_niobium3
asteroid_loot_container = lootcrate_ast_loot_niobium
asteroid_loot_commodity = commodity_niobium_ore
dynamic_loot_container = lootcrate_ast_loot_niobium
dynamic_loot_commodity = commodity_niobium_ore
asteroid_loot_count = 0, 0
dynamic_loot_count = 1, 5
asteroid_loot_difficulty = 50
dynamic_loot_difficulty = 2

So when i wanted to make the loot for every system i changed some part like the count was changed to count = 200 because i wanted to make more asteroids appear. Then all the rest i forgot because when i changed it to 500 the next time to see if it work i din't the problem is how can i make it again so that when players are mining is easier and they have alot more of a chance to get the loot.

Okay if you don't understand is . I wan't to make it so that theirs more asteroid max 200 for the area and that it can be lootable because when i try it doesn't work. The only thing that i can make happen is how much asteroids can be seen. But when i shot to test the mod come out nothing. I dont know what i did before that it worked but damm i wish i din't change it because now i have to bother you guys to help me.

My Mod- Asteroid field. (Making lootable field bigger) - Cannon - 12-27-2010

Do you realise that by using this on the server you are considered to be cheating?

If you don't want to be banned, you'd better change all of your files back to the original ones.

It is okay to mod files for your own use in single player or your own server. It is not okay to use modified files on this server.

My Mod- Asteroid field. (Making lootable field bigger) - Blackbeardjr - 12-27-2010

Oh, shot lol i forgot i had the activated because i'm always playing it. Okay, sorry for my mistake ill use single player.

My Mod- Asteroid field. (Making lootable field bigger) - Blackbeardjr - 12-27-2010

Can you help me find a way to mod the single player to make a serve with everything changed?

My Mod- Asteroid field. (Making lootable field bigger) - Cannon - 12-27-2010

change this

dynamic_loot_count = 1, 5
dynamic_loot_difficulty = 2


dynamic_loot_count = 1, 500
dynamic_loot_difficulty = 1

this should work.

My Mod- Asteroid field. (Making lootable field bigger) - Blackbeardjr - 12-27-2010

Thanks, do you know a website that was made especially for freelancer modding tutorials. Because the ones i look at don't help much.

My Mod- Asteroid field. (Making lootable field bigger) - Hidamari - 12-27-2010

if there is anything to know about freelancer, you will find it here