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Smuggler ID now Gallia is open. - Printable Version

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Smuggler ID now Gallia is open. - podgie_bear - 12-27-2010

I would like to use the L'Ane transport for smuggling, but because it is 4000 tons, I can't use it with smuggler ID, which can go anywhere in Sirius. If I get Gallic Brigand ID I can use it, but does that mean I can now use it for smuggling in all of Sirius?

Should I use the smuggler ID still and ignore the tonnage limit?

Use Gallic Brigand ID and go anywhere in Sirius?

Or forget the L'Ane and look for a different ship?

Smuggler ID now Gallia is open. - Slartibartfast - 12-27-2010

' Wrote:Use Gallic Brigand ID and go anywhere in Sirius?

This one me thinks.

Smuggler ID now Gallia is open. - podgie_bear - 12-27-2010

OK, 1 vote for option number 2. That's sort of what I thought.

Anyone else have an opinion?