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Neutral Rep help & advice needed - Printable Version

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Neutral Rep help & advice needed - podgie_bear - 12-31-2010

I just bought a Kusari 'Geisha' liner on the forum, but now find I am having problems because it came with the highest reps as Corsair 70%, Hogusha 60% and Farmers Alliance 50%, which interferes with my playing as a 'neutral' liner. I don't mind these reps, but all the factions I want to trade with are red to me!

1) Is there any way to gain a basic neutral rep on this character?


2) Will droprep do anygood and raise the negative reps if I use it on these 3 faction reps? ( I can't afford to experiment, I used all my cash buying it)

DELETE - SnakThree - 12-31-2010


Neutral Rep help & advice needed - dodike - 12-31-2010

Look for bribes

Neutral Rep help & advice needed - Brix - 12-31-2010

Droprep won't help you at all. Go to that Interspace station (Roponogi or something is the name) next to New Tokyo planet and take GC or Blood Dragon bribe, those will drop your Corsair/Hogosha/Farmers reputations and bring your GC/Dragon/Outcast reputations up (GC bribe is best for this cause they are close allies with both groups). Just dont take too much of them or Kusari lawfulls will become hostile to you. One, maybe two bribes will fix your rep just fine.

Neutral Rep help & advice needed - podgie_bear - 12-31-2010

Thanks, will give it a try.

Neutral Rep help & advice needed - VoluptaBox - 12-31-2010

Best way to achieve almost completely neutral rep is to get to that junker base in pennsylvania and take -MANY- xeno missions....long, tedious, boring....but it works...

Neutral Rep help & advice needed - arvg - 12-31-2010

bribes, missions, paying others to do missions
it takes a lot of work but once you have it, a neutral trading ship is a godsend.

Neutral Rep help & advice needed - podgie_bear - 12-31-2010

' Wrote:Best way to achieve almost completely neutral rep is to get to that junker base in pennsylvania and take -MANY- xeno missions....long, tedious, boring....but it works...

I'll try that, they should be low enough level that I can do them in my Geisha Liner I suppose.

Neutral Rep help & advice needed - arvg - 12-31-2010

I paid someone to do it for me while I traded. Saves me a lot of time, effort and pain.

Neutral Rep help & advice needed - zhihao420 - 01-01-2011

' Wrote:Best way to achieve almost completely neutral rep is to get to that junker base in pennsylvania and take -MANY- xeno missions....long, tedious, boring....but it works...

Yes, if you generally kill many Xeno NPCs every single faction will eventually love you.

But this is not the completely neutral reputation you want. It would be almost completely neutral except from Xenos.