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Hellfire Legion Bar and Grill (AO) - Printable Version

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Hellfire Legion Bar and Grill (AO) - Durandal - 01-03-2011

Duncan Voss stepped into the Hellfire Legion bar and grill. It was strange to think that just a few months back, the old bar had been run down and useless, but former Lord Commander Joyeuse had poured tons of credits into renovating it. If only he could see it now.

The bar had opened a few weeks back, but had gone largely unnoticed due to time restraints and people being off base. Several people had been promoted however, and the bar was slowly but surely beginning to fill up.

Duncan walked up to the counter and had a seat next to a fellow Legionnaire as he waited for the bartender...

Hellfire Legion Bar and Grill (AO) - Backo - 01-03-2011

The fellow Legionnaire was Jack "The Janitor" McLeul. He was a man in his 30s with a rough beard on his face and a tired look.

"Mr Voss," he mumbled, "Being shot down by enemy bombers wasn't anywhere in my contract, you know?" and took a sip from his glass of Liberty Ale.

Hellfire Legion Bar and Grill (AO) - Durandal - 01-03-2011

Voss turned his head and raised an eyebrow at the scruffy looking Legionnaire next to him.

He stared at the man. He stared at him long. Long and hard.

"I'm sorry, but uhh... who?" Voss asked baffled, turning his eyes towards the bartender as she walked over.

Hellfire Legion Bar and Grill (AO) - Backo - 01-03-2011

Jack gave out a long sigh and left his glass on the table, leaning on it.

"Jack, the Janitor, sir. Y'know, that guy that flies the repair ship bullseye and sucks in the enemy fire like a sponge?"

Hellfire Legion Bar and Grill (AO) - Dejavu - 01-03-2011

*Bartender Ivana "Melons" Johnson entered from a side door, the sight of her new bar almost brought a tear to her eyes. She moved swiftly behind the counter and perched on a stool.*

"Anything I can get you, lads? Another Liberty Ale, good sir?"

*She leaned on the counter and waited for one of the fellows to respond.*

Hellfire Legion Bar and Grill (AO) - Durandal - 01-03-2011

Voss simply mumbled "Oh, that guy.." under his breath before switching his attention back to Iva- Melons.

"Sure, hot stuff. I'll take some Legion Firewater, on the rocks."

Reluctantly, he turned his head away from the bartender's breasts and swung his gaze back to Jack The Repair Dude.

"So, how about hopping in a real ship instead of one of those flying coffins. There is a pay raise, you know. After the first couple of ranks..."

Hellfire Legion Bar and Grill (AO) - Backo - 01-03-2011

Jack gazed up at the bartender with a smile and then got his attention back to Voss.

"Well, sir, you think it was much choice to fly that doom coffin? They couldn't even install a countermessure dropper on it..."

Hellfire Legion Bar and Grill (AO) - Dejavu - 01-03-2011

*Ivana sat up intently as she received her first order.*

"Firewater on the rocks coming right up, my good man! Would you like anything else to go with that? Maybe a slice of Melon..."

*Ivana swiftly poured the Firewater with ease, it wasn't the first time she had done something like this afterall. She slid the drink across the counter to her patron.*

Hellfire Legion Bar and Grill (AO) - Durandal - 01-03-2011

Voss grinned, catching the glass as it slid over the counter.

"Well I dunno, I suppose that all depends on how juicy they are, right?" Voss questioned, still grinning.

"And firm.. and tasty.." Jack The Repair Dude added in, staring at Melon's melons.

"Yeah.. uh.. that. So how about the new Star Colonel?" Voss asked, changing the subject so as to avoid having the janitor embarrass himself too much.

Hellfire Legion Bar and Grill (AO) - Backo - 01-03-2011

Jack raised his glass again.

"New Star Colonel, man, I really need to start keeping track on things happening in the legion," Jack added with a grin "I spend too much time here."