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Massive Red Lag - Printable Version

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Massive Red Lag - pchwang - 01-04-2011

Location: East Coast, USA

I was in the middle of an engagement when the red lag suddenly set in. I thought that my internet had dropped, which it occasionally does, but checked, and realized that it was working perfectly fine. Instead, it was the connection to the server that was messed up. I tried "/ping" several times, each time I did so, it brought up what I normally see: 135 ping, 0% lag, 0% loss.

I ran a speed test to Copenhagen, got similar results to what I usually would get.

My internet is far from the best(Verizon DSL), but its usually reliable enough to get the job done without too many people(except you, Eno) complaining about lag. So, while this bit of lag might disappear after a bit, does anyone know what this is, and is there anything in my power to fix this?


- Would really like to apologize to the people who were affected in some way by the lag today.