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To: AGS-U - Printable Version

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To: AGS-U - Blodo - 01-06-2011

Message to: AGS-U, Bernd Schuster
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, Red Hessian Army
Location: Vogtland, Dresden
Encryption: High

Herr Schuster,

Today's incident has left me worried about the business that we have together. Corsairs marauding up north in Hamburg? Where was your security? It is only luck that myself and a loyal wing of fighters were in the vicinity for immediate defence of our holdings. Our diamond shipments cannot be prey to those barbarians in our own space, or else we will have to hire additional enforcers for protection, which means we will no longer earn the profits that we are used to -- and neither will you.

You must understand how vital this lifeline is to both our causes. Fix this situation, please, before we need to secure further help.


To: AGS-U - Wuselkobold - 01-06-2011

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[Image: berndschuster2.jpg]

Major Hoerst,

as you know there was also a major battle happening only minutes before that incident that happened. In these situations, we usually gather all availiable forces around Bering and Hudson to pick off any possible reinforcements, stragglers and pursuers of all parties involved, as our ships aren't equipped nor numerous enough to engage in a full scale conflict as you are fully aware of.
The few rookies guarding our backdoor in the meantime can hardly be called a threat to anyone and merely can functure as an alarm system.

As for Corsairs being in Hamburg? You know as well as I do about their raised activity in Rheinland lately, you also know that if someone really wants to go somewhere he most likely can, regardless of the defences in place.
You also know that we don't have and never had the desire to be caught inside that war that rages between you and the corsairs. Our rescources are tied up with hitting the shipping in Hudson, Berin and Frankfurt already. We try the best to hamper both parties war effords, hit the Liberty and Rheinland authorities where and whenever we can. Our rescources are tied up with this already, we cannot afford to open yet another front right inside our courtyard.

As for your worries about the diamond trade - don't. We've come to an agreement with the junkers lately that will aproximately double the shipping capacities for diamonds overall, we've also got the Xenos in check in coorperation with the Rogues so there won't be any problems in Bering and Hudson. There also never have been any issues with lost transports in Hamburg, even despite the raised corsair activety lately.

We value the Red Hessian Army as a lang standing business partner and as comrades-in-arms against the opressive Rheinland government, and this won't change anytime soon.

Bernd Schuster

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To: AGS-U - Blodo - 01-06-2011

Message to: AGS-U, Bernd Schuster
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, Red Hessian Army
Location: Vogtland, Dresden
Encryption: High

Herr Schuster,

It is pleasing to know that you are securing the passage for our cargo so well in the treacherous north. Regardless, expect increased RHA security patrols around our jump holes to and from Hamburg. If your situation in Hamburg is as bad as you describe it, then we will dispatch additional help to the southern passages and perhaps additional equipment from our surplus for the use of your organisation should you require it.

While you might prefer to not get directly involved in the People's War with the Corsairs, do remember that the majority of our interests are shared, and if those barbarians target everything that helps us (and they very much do) then they will target you as well. It's just a matter of time, so be prepared for it.


To: AGS-U - Wuselkobold - 01-07-2011

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[Image: berndschuster2.jpg]

Major Hoerst,

as many good intentions you might have with sending additional forces to Hamburg, I must ask you to refrain from doing so. Additional muscle attracts attention. Lots of it.Seeing that Hamburg is a warzone and tightly packed with warships and military patrols, increased presence from your side can and probably will attract their attention and we can't afford Wedels position to become known to our enemies. We can keep our backyard clean ourselves and the incident you were present at was an unfortunate exception.

There is another thing you have to keep in mind Herr Major Hoerst. Many of our people still remember what happened in and around Dresden back in the day. We still do respect your wish of us not to go there and now I ask the same kind of respect from you. Hamburg is our turf as much as Dresden is yours. Hessian activity in Hamburg would not only attract attention we don't want, it would also cut into our profits, driving away the few commercial ships that are left there and I know your pilots good enough to know that they can't resist a prize if they see it. Some of my people might also understand this ans a continuations of our old hostilities and an attemt of the Red Hessian Army to seize Hamburg for themselves, thus, don't hold me responsible for actions of individuals against your soldiers, as much I can understand their reasons and motives, as little reason they will show if asked to stand down.

The diamonds will continue to flow and your interests won't be harmed that way. What else happens in Hamburg, is our business.

Kind regards,

Bernd Schuster

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To: AGS-U - Blodo - 01-14-2011

Message to: AGS-U, Bernd Schuster
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, Red Hessian Army
Location: Vogtland, Dresden
Encryption: High

Herr Schuster,

The previous leadership of the Alster Union led by Gerard Himmel and Gustavo Prandl agreed with us to let bygones be bygones, long before the formation of the Arbeitergewerkschaft. Daumann has been steadily withdrawing from Dresden for years now, and there is hardly any reason for you to be barred entry, especially when it comes to business with the Red Hessians.

Now, I can only speculate where your recent mistrust towards us is coming from, although I'd very much prefer not to. You know full well that the reason for our deployment in Hamburg is to ensure that the incompetent Rheinland Military does not have its lines broken by those pesky Libertonian small scale strike forces. Your task is to ensure that our transports get through Hamburg, Bering and Texas safely, and it is a task that funds a good part of your movement, especially now that the corporates are scared of bringing their transports into those systems in large quantities.

We have little interest in the corporate cargo that is moved through or to Hamburg, but we will continue to operate there as we always have both in the interest of both our own and your movement by intercepting Vierlande prison transports, and in the interest of das Vaterland by engaging and dispatching Libertonian forces that threaten our positions and routes on the border. This operation has been very successful so far, and I see no reason why it should end. Therefore I propose you look further at the... special situation Hamburg is in right now, and think through whether internal bickering is exactly what the RRA needs right now, or whether perhaps we should work together like we have with the Alster Union in the past to further secure both our vital operations in that system, as different and unconflicting as they are.
