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Welcome to the Badlands and the Whitney Ice Field! - Printable Version

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Welcome to the Badlands and the Whitney Ice Field! - Ocampo - 01-07-2011

""""Incoming Transmission""""
""""Sender: Captain Nick Jackson of the Night Attack""""

Well hello to all of you "socially unacceptable" pilots and captain of my home Liberty. My name is Nick Jackson, the captain of the Scylla class Destroyer "Night Attack". One day while protect the blessed Buffalo base from any "unwanted" visitors. Well, those unwanted visitors came. I fell under attack by some Bounty Hunters a.k.a EDDE|. Upon taking down one of their vessel a captain of some Liberty Cattlebruiser decided to show up and try to end my fun.

While in the heat of battle with this brick, came some bombers to help him out...How the hell they knew Buffalo was there, I don't know, but they did.

I had to run from them and retreated to the Texas system before I was blown up. Sadly Buffalo can not support a Scylla class so there was no way I was going to try to dock there.
  • So, this brings me to the part you all want to see. I have a bounty for all you greedy people. This bounty can only be collected in the Badlands, New York System and the Whitney Ice Field, California System, and 10 k within the Planet Mojave - New York Jumpgate tradelane, California System.

    You are asking now, "who am I shooting for ya", well let me tell you. I want the heads of any Bounty Hunters. Also let me tell you who else I want, I want to see anyone the is part of EDGE| blown to bits! Now, if there is someone assisting them you can kill them as well and be payed as shown below. (Guncam proof of assistance needed)

Fighter/Bomber Class - 1 million
Gunboat - 2 million
Cruiser - 4 million
Battleship - 8 million
EDGE| Any ship type - 5 million
SPECIAL - Mandalorian Mercenarie Shotgun (MM~Shotgun) - 7 Million

Registered Collectors
Cornall Gilliam - The.Crippled.One
Maria Hernandez
Jeffrey Hernandez

Now, inorder to claim my bounties you must be registered here in this channel. If you are not on my lists, you will not be payed! Please register with this template:

Quote:Ship Name:
Pilot Name:
Identification Card: (Gun Cam Proof Needed)
Affiliation Proof: You must at least neutral to the Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues, and Outcasts (Gun Cam Proof Needed)

When claiming this bounty you are to use the following template:

[b]Ship Name:[/b] [Your name Here]
[b]Who you were attacking:[/b][Person your were attacking name(s) here]
[b]Proof of Location:[/b][Nav Map Guncam with HUD Showing]
[b]Proof of Kill:[/b][Guncam image here]
[b]I want my money to:[/b][size=4][name here][/size]

Remember, you must be registered with me to be payed, now go out there and kill those suckers!

""""Transmission Closed""""

****Don't post here unless you are claiming the bounty, no post from the bountied parties****

Welcome to the Badlands and the Whitney Ice Field! - Ocampo - 01-08-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]""""Resending Transmission""""

Welcome to the Badlands and the Whitney Ice Field! - Crusader4 - 01-08-2011

[Image: animatedtranmsission2f.gif]
Ship Name: The.Crippled.One

Pilot Name: Conall Gilliam

Identification Card: [Image: screen89a.jpg]

Affiliation Proof: [Image: 88417962.jpg]

Now, I know that Outcast don't like me very much, but this group has been making me some problems in the past days so I would to to take care of them personally.

I hope you won't mind if I invite some lads to join me.

[Image: animatedtranmsission2en.gif]

Welcome to the Badlands and the Whitney Ice Field! - Ocampo - 01-09-2011

""""Incoming Transmission""""

Cornall Gilliam;

Thank you for registering to hunt down these Bounty Hunter scum, but more importantly the group which call themselves EDGE|.
  • I am sure your help will be registering themselves as well, or else they will not get paid.
Happy hunting Cornall!
""""End Tranmission""""

Welcome to the Badlands and the Whitney Ice Field! - ChillerMiller - 01-09-2011

---Incomming Transmission---
Sender: Maria Hernandez

Oye amigo seems like there is some work for me

Ship Name:Maria.Hernandez
Pilot Name:Maria Hernandez
Identification Card:
ID Card 1
ID Card 2

Mi hermano also asked me to let his ship register here too

Ship Name:Jeffrey.Hernandez
Pilot Name:Jeffrey Hernandez
Identification Card:
ID Card 1
ID Card 2

Si, that would be all

---End of Transmission---

Welcome to the Badlands and the Whitney Ice Field! - Ocampo - 01-09-2011

""""Incoming Transmission""""

Maria Hernandez;

Thank you for registering to hunt down these Bounty Hunter scum, but more importantly the group which call themselves EDGE|.
  • You must be related to Jeffrey in some way right, or just have the same last names. Well that does not change anything. You are both good to go.
Happy hunting Hernandez's!
""""End Tranmission""""

Welcome to the Badlands and the Whitney Ice Field! - Ocampo - 01-09-2011

""""Incoming Transmission""""
""""New People to Hunt!""""

I have good news for you all, due to recent actions against the Rogues, and my Sweetheart Janel, I have decied to put a bounty on those pesky Mandalorian Mercenaries.
  • This is the same as last time, you need to have them either in the Badlands, Whitney Ice Field, or 10k within the most famous trade lane in California. The Payments on MM~ are the same as listed above in the first transmission, except for 1 person.
My little special person is MM~Shotgun. This man is a pest to all Liberty Rogues and should be dealt with using swift force. I am going to offer a large lump sum of 7 million for the destruction of his vessel. I will encourage you to keep hunting him down, and keep making him dig into his pockets deeper to get a new ship.

I wish you all Happy Hunting, and remember register to claim!

""""End Transmission""""

Welcome to the Badlands and the Whitney Ice Field! - Ocampo - 01-12-2011

""""Incoming Transmission""""

Okay, it is time to open up.....

You do not need to register anymore, as sooon as I see a kill, you are registered

""""End Transmission""""

Welcome to the Badlands and the Whitney Ice Field! - Zelot - 01-12-2011

This bounty is closed pending discussion.