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Graphic problerms, re installing the game.... - Printable Version

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Graphic problerms, re installing the game.... - Pacificator - 01-08-2011

Hi everyone, and a good new one to you all.

Due to some graphic problems I will now re install the game. Prior to do that I just gonna check what is to be done in order to recover my chars on the server. I have saved my account ID, is there anything else ?

I wont bother you with the graphic problems, but to make it short the game isn't fluid anymore, in both online and single player. You can actually feel it straigth from the main menu. I've tryed a lot of things :

* cleaning graphic card and motherboard.
* Checking connexion, uplugged everything and re pluuged everything.
* lowering the graphic option to minimum
* lowering resolution
* De activating most of the acceleration from the Nvidia panel control for the freelancer application.
* Checking sync mode on my TV.

and now just remain the re installation of the game, or maybe is there something else ?

I have a pentium dual core 2 X 2.7 Ghz, a Ge force 9400 and 2 G of ram. It is usually more than suffiscient. Don't know what is up....but the game isn't playable anymore and it pains me.

Graphic problerms, re installing the game.... - Cris - 01-08-2011

With saving your ID and signature should be enough, if you have the account manager it's even easier as it saves the accounts in a file.

Graphic problerms, re installing the game.... - A1t - 01-08-2011

To be sure that you won't lose account send the copies of account to flash card and mail.

As for graphic problems, just uninstall the discovery mod, freelancer. Then install it again. If it will not help try to find the problem solution by google.

Graphic problerms, re installing the game.... - AeternusDoleo - 01-08-2011

Did or does the game moan about the graphics card not being recognized? That can be fixed by another means. (I had the same problem).

Graphic problerms, re installing the game.... - William Frederick Cody - 01-09-2011

I have still a similar problem:

Graphic problerms, re installing the game.... - Pacificator - 01-14-2011

' Wrote:Did or does the game moan about the graphics card not being recognized? That can be fixed by another means. (I had the same problem).

So, back...

Yes, the game always moaned about 3D Graphic card ( a Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT) not being recgnized. <strike>What is to be done ?</strike>

I went there :

And done the add on flconfigdatabase.txt so the message doesn't show up anymore. But the problem remains...It kills me.

I could re install XP, but I'm pretty sure it isn't from there, for only freelancer is impacted by this. And I would have a helluva saving before this...I gonna get to it.

Any ideas ?.....I miss the game. Sob.