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To the Junker Congress - Hone - 01-10-2011 [font=Impact]*Incoming Transmission* *Encryption Level: PADLOCK* *Decrypting 10%* *Decrypting 50%* *Decrypting 100%* *Establishing Visual Link...................................................................... ![]() *VL Established* *CptHone of the Mollys* Gday gents, specially Murhp, I got them 2 ALG stealin from ye fields and stole from them, jus like ye said. Got em both, 1 paid in givecash the other traded directly. http://i55.tinypic.com/a1mlvc.jpg So thas 4 mill right? Cheers To the Junker Congress - TFinnegan - 01-10-2011 *Bridge of the Wake* *Invergordon Docks, Inverness* *Finn steples his fingers and glares at the screen* What, pray tell, are you on about, mate? Sounds like ye be tryin' ta make hay out of a sticky situation what's happ'nin near Trafalgar. *frowns* Lemme tell ye'z, The .:j:.Junkers Congress isnae amused, not a we bit. Ye keep tryin ta poke a stick inta th' wasp nest, an' we'll be sure ta fling some honey your way, boyo. Aye an' as the ALG has ne'er been at odds with th' Junkers, ye just made yerself unwelcome at Trafalgar Station for a good long while, ye did. *shakes head* Bloody Mollys! Ye be too deep in yer wheskey, it seems. Go an' sleep it off, lad. Wake out. *screen snow* To the Junker Congress - Hone - 01-10-2011 [font=Impact]*Incoming Transmission* *Encryption Level: PADLOCK* *Decrypting 10%* *Decrypting 50%* *Decrypting 100%* *Establishing Visual Link...................................................................... ![]() *VL Established* *CptHone of the Mollys* Look here Fin, I don know wha kinda crap ye fixin t pull, but yer boy Murph promised me 2 mill per ALG Pirated. Mayby this is ye tryin to deny responsibility for the brets, but if ye untwist ye skirts for a second, ye'll see this is encrypted, wi access to only the JC an Me. On the other hand if this is ye tryin t weasel out o givin me the money I'm owed, then I aint botherin with threats, I will jus come up there and give ye the hidin o a lifetime ye tight Scottish bastard! Don screw with me mate, I do this f a livin. To the Junker Congress - TFinnegan - 01-10-2011 *Bridge of the Wake* *Heading toward Trafalgar Station* Right. *stars streak past in the viewports behind Finnegan* Appears ye dinnae know how ol' Finn operates, aye? Oi respond to threats like a starved pitbull. Any half-wit Lane Hacker on a bender can open this 'ere channel. Ye wan' talk business, ye call me personal-like. Ye wan' threaten me on the Bounty Network? Buckle up tight, lad. Yer wee fractured Molly nation cannae stand up to the full weight o' th' Congress an' her allies. I'm like ter think them Mollys, whom I know ter be wise an' witty, would likely disown ye before raising the ire o' th' Junkers. Throw ye to th' wolves I'd think. *grins ruefully* Im comin' ter talk at ye'z, as we speak. Best ye think hard on yer demeanor, boyo. One wrong step could make life aye uncomfortable for a fella in your shoes. On any given day we've thrice th' hardware in New London as ye've got in all'o Dublin. Wake out! *slams fist into commpanel* *screen snow* To the Junker Congress - Hone - 01-10-2011 [font=Impact]*Incoming Transmission* *Encryption Level: PADLOCK* *Decrypting 10%* *Decrypting 50%* *Decrypting 100%* *Establishing Visual Link...................................................................... ![]() *VL Established* *CptHone of the Mollys* Ye can take ye threats an shove em up ye arse, at least that way they'll impress ONE person. This encryption aint gettin cracked mate, its Solid as a rock, sides, the hackers are freinds t both the mollys and the congress. I jus wan the money I was promised, if ye really paranoid bout it, I can take this down, jus so long as I get paid, aint my intention t cause hassle f the congress, I assured Murph o that, but IS my intention to get what is MINE! I'm waitin for ye right now To the Junker Congress - Hone - 01-10-2011 [font=Impact]*Incoming Transmission* *Encryption Level: PADLOCK* *Decrypting 10%* *Decrypting 50%* *Decrypting 100%* *Establishing Visual Link...................................................................... ![]() *VL Established* *CptHone of the Mollys* Well, at least ye man enough to pay what ye owe, thanks for that murph. But I'm feelin pretty bloody hard done by to be fired AND banned from trafalgar, jus f doin what ye told me to, hows this sposed t gain ye anythin? But fek it, life aint fair, not for me, and not for you either, seein as the junkers have turned their backs on me, you lot can all pay normal price for gold tax, staid o the junker discount, while I'm "person non grata" Take care To the Junker Congress - TFinnegan - 01-11-2011 *Bridge of the Wake* *Trafalgar orbit, New London* So ye gon' make all o' th' Junkers suffer for your foolishness, is it? *an evil grin slowly works its way into the corners of Finn's mouth* "Have it as it lies." me old man used ter say. 'Course he was talkin' boot golf, but it applies 'ere. Lemme say tha' my man, Murphy, payed ye on MY orders, cause ye be a loudmouf git an' we wished ye ter shut yer trap, nae fer any work ye done. In fact lad, I'd venture ter say ye gone an UNDONE a whole mess o' work. Yer lucky th' price on yer heed's nae o'er 20mil, boyo. *grits teeth* Th' temptation is killin' me, but me respect for 'yon Molly compatriots is th' only thread preventin me dirk from slicin' oot yer throat. I'll say this. the .:j:.Junkers Congress actively protects ALL Junkers. If tha' means I need ter post up some patrol vessels in Dublin, I'll bloody bet tha' me friend Dara O' Gara would refuel em fer nuthin'. In fact, ye daft bugger, I'm off ter 'ave a long talk with my old friend Dara aboot yer future right now. *Finn's teeth gleam in his smile* I suggest lad, tha' ye watch yer be'avior around any Junkers wha' cross yer path. We know how ta crack pods... an' vacuum burn's a roight betch. Wake oot. *screen snow* To the Junker Congress - Hone - 01-11-2011 [font=Impact]*Incoming Transmission* *Encryption Level: PADLOCK* *Decrypting 10%* *Decrypting 50%* *Decrypting 100%* *Establishing Visual Link...................................................................... ![]() *VL Established* *CptHone of the Mollys* Fin ye ol sack o rum, keep ye "dirk" in ye pants, I know I'm good lookin, but no all mollys are like Murph. I doubt the seps are gonna have any problem wi me taxin junkers, TAXIN mind you, not piritn, after all, its our gold. Don get me wrong I aint out t get the Junkers, why only a few mins ago I worked wi a junker in a slave liner "Mad.Liner" to blow up a mouthy BMM, an sell his ore to Mad, f only 2 mill, hell, I like t think o the congress as me freinds, thas why I WAS givin you a discount, a discount I didn have t give. So blusterin an posturin aside, can we sort this out mate? I hardly ever use trafalgar anyway, bu it's the principle o the thing yknow? I got me money, thas wa counts, so can we make up? (hell I'll even kiss if ye ask me nice!) To the Junker Congress - TFinnegan - 01-11-2011 *Bridge of the Wake* *Cortez system, sector unknown* *nods calmly* Cap'm Hone, Tis right noice ter see some civility hae crept back inter this 'ere conversation. I got some Junker lads 'ere wha' just finished off't a wing o' Xeno rats, an' was itchin' fer anovver tussle. *smiles* They was burnin' this way till Oi vectored 'em back ter Invergordon to 'ave a pint or four. Seems we CAN come to a resolution 'ere. Yer dockin' rights hae been re-esablished at Trafalgar, no small thanks to the roight hon'rable Cap't Dara O'Gara. E' went ter bat for ye'z an' tells me you're a right sort, p'raps just got a bit o' fire in yer pants, is all. Now tha' Oi can accept an' fergive. Be it known howe'er, when next we wish ter hire a pilot wif some tact an' subtlety, yer name's gon' be left off'a tha' list. We'll keep ye in moind next time we need a shyte-storm, however. *guffaws* An' ef ye try n' kiss me, lad, I'll give ye th' ol' 3-6-9. *wry grin* Tha's 3 doctors, 6 nurses, an' 9 months to pry me boot from yer arse. Clear skies, Cap'm. Wake oot. *screen snow* To the Junker Congress - Hone - 01-11-2011 [font=Impact]*Incoming Transmission* *Encryption Level: PADLOCK* *Decrypting 10%* *Decrypting 50%* *Decrypting 100%* *Establishing Visual Link...................................................................... ![]() *VL Established* *CptHone of the Mollys* Yer a mate Fin, I got nough wi the brets, sairs, tree hugges, an generic scum, t be worrien bout, tha I don need the junkers throwin their septic tanks at me too! I still think ye overreactin bout the hackin, but s ye choice who ye hire I spose, the junks can have their discount back, an me pleasure. Ye may no trust me so much wi subtlty, but next time, if ye were to five me specific instructions for how t deliver secret info, I can be sure t follow em? Heh, fat chance I spose, but there ye go. Take care |