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Eduard Leopold Helheim - Eduard Leopold Helheim - 01-10-2011

[Image: helheimfull.png]

*** Wiedergeburt Database ***

[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]*** New Entry ***

[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY: [color=#000000]Very High
IDENTIFICATION DATA: Eduard Leopold Helheim
Enty N°: 1
Date: 01/09/819

Grusse finally managed to get this thing working.
An some other good news! The recent events reminded me the rush that I had to sustain when I was a Daumann employee in their engineering division.

20 Years. That will be 21 in 2 months. 7609 days from which everything has begun.
As soon as I finished my studies at New Berlin, Dauman contacted me, they wanted me as an engineer to work für Rheinland, A new type of equipment to smash rocks, the mining turret. Well that was one of the most stupid deal I ever signed. During the few first weeks everything was going smooth, the propaganda was everywhere, telling you that anything is alright. But once you scratch the bottom, good things disappear, leaving room for an insidious business completely disregarding the human being. A huge game ruled by power and money.
I only realized that 5 years after that I signed the contract. I was so naive back then. But now it's too late.
As soon as I opened my mouth to protest, as insignificant it can be, the slow descent into hell began. First it was a note on my desk, then some verbal threat, public humiliation. And when the prototype was done, they fired me. But they weren't done with me. Since I had convinced some other Daumann member about the problem, they managed to cut me from their world and since they control almost everything there... That took me two months to do a mistake again. But 2 months living like a rat is hard. Especially in the cold and smurky sewers of New Berlin.
I came back, crawling and crying for a job. How pitiful I was.

So I work again for them, despite all the humiliations that I was forced to endure because of them. And they gave me a" wonderful" job at Solarius to repair and maintain the Hegemon class miners that moored there. And they watched me carefully, very carefully. During these 8 years they recorded everything, and they never miss an opportunity to blame and hurt me. Most of Solarius were and are "special" workers. Everyday we had the "Rheinland" hours. One hour to listen stultifying propaganda. And those who don't listen and act like a "Rhienlander" was injured then killed by the "caporal" or jailer. After 8 LONG years I was a perfect Rheinland larva. Just good to obey and don't think, sort of a human robotic drone.

Hopefully, the 24st september 812, I was in the Neubel.I, performing a basic electronic maintenance, that an hessian raid near Solarius damaged the security lock, releasing it. I had a brain wave, all the crap they "teach" me was dissolved. I was obsessed by one idea, to run away. Taking advantage of the chaos, I run away with the ship, stealing a nice amount of pure diamond.

But after the initial euphoria, I realized my situation. A rogue daumann, lost in omega 11, inside a dangerous system with a daumann transponder and lots of hessians in it. Hopefully I remembered that the zoners established a Freeport in a system called omega 41. I found it after 4 weeks of constant wandering. Then after a month of fear doubts, and pain I could start a new life. A new life to break the despotism who enslaved us!

I sold the raw diamonds to a rich merchant for the nice amount of 74 millions.
Much more that thousands of countless daumann slaves.
But Freeport 5 wasn't a safe place for me. Hopefully I met a red hessian called Xavier Baumhauer which helped me a lot. He learned me how to fight, how to find those Daumann tyrants and how to hurt them, bad.
After 4 years under his command, I decided to work under my own command.
But I needed an operational base, Xavier tried to convince me to stay at Vogtland but once again I did a mistake. During a patrol on my Odin, the Hoffnung, I found an ancient Pilgrim which was slowly drifting towards the edge of the system.
That took me 6 months and 67.426.248 credits to repair, but the game was worth the candle.
After that I had a fully operational base to raid those Daumann fools and park my Thor der Geldgierig und my Odin somewhere, I could finally have revenge. And I could repair my Hegemon more easily with it.

However after 3 years as an independent Hessian I forgot my real goal, which was obliterate by greed and a craving for revenge. The only things I had done during those 3 years was piracy. And Now my main standing goal is to overthrow the dictatorship that bothers the population of the Fatherland.

And the red hessians army refused that I was a good assett for them, and they were right.
I'have packed up my ship and go to Vogtland to find Xavier.
Hopefully the guy was there. And he gave me a new mission.
He needed me to deliver some "commodities" to our libertonian freund.
3500 units of blood Diamond and then come back with 3500 units of counterfeit software. It was dangerous, but necessary for our cause. Those diamond spread our goal and idea everywhere.
I met a Navy patrol near the Ontario Jump hole, 1 gunboat and some small craft. Hopefully they just jumped on Colorado and their scanner system weren't ready.

I'm quite sure that i'll do it again.

Diamond cargo :[◙]
Padua base on sight : [◙]
Diamond Sold : [◙]
Counterfeit Software cargo : [◙]
Freital on sight : [◙]
Special delivery : [◙]

After that, I was taking a break on the o11 sun light when A member of the RHA came to me.
He offered me to do a patrol with him and of course I take the offer with pleasure.

And during this patrol we meet a stupid smuggler who was working for Corsair by shipping artifact. This fool though it was good to cross omega 11.
I'm sure he will never do this again.

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That's it.

[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]*** TERMINATED ***

Eduard Leopold Helheim - Eduard Leopold Helheim - 01-11-2011

*** Wiedergeburt Database ***

[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]*** New Entry ***

[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY: [color=#000000]Very High
IDENTIFICATION DATA: Eduard Leopold Helheim
Enty N°: 2
Date: 01/11/819
SUBJECT: Job done

Yesterday, I was finally sleeping when Xavier called me again. His usual smuggler was busy.
So once again I do a little run for our cause. During the trip I met an IMG guys who was carrying some of OUR pilots hopefully this one cooperate and the 4 hessian pilots was liberate at Freital. And in California I meet a liberty Police officer, who tried to stop me. But in his tiny ship it was hopeless. So I let him behind in his little patriot.

Diamond cargo :[◙]
Img guys :[◙]
LPI :[◙]
Diamond Sold : [◙]
Freital on sight : [◙]

After that I patrolled again with the RHA, Mustapha. This time we encountered a weird ship, a scorpion. The only thing I know is : It's hostile and dangerous. After a long and hard fight with some SCRA reinforcement we finally destroyed that things.

And today, Xavier called me, his voice was hesitant. He was upset, the smuggler was caught by some corsair during a trip. And we are sure of somethings he is a dead man now.
So now I take his job. Doing this run is very lucrative, but hazardous. I hope not doing this everyday.

Freiral departure :[◙]
Arriving in Paula :[◙]
Leiden departure :[◙]
Arriving in Freital : [◙]


So now my little business amounts to 50.000.000 SC.

Not bad.
So in recapitulation :
  1. 10.500 blood diamond delivered to spread Our ideal
  2. 1 'sair smuggler destroyed
  3. 1 scorpion destroyed

Now I feel better, I can said without shame : Für das vaterland, für die Revolution!

[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]*** TERMINATED ***

Eduard Leopold Helheim - Eduard Leopold Helheim - 01-13-2011

*** Wiedergeburt Database ***

[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]*** New Entry ***

[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY: [color=#000000]Very High
IDENTIFICATION DATA: Eduard Leopold Helheim
Enty N°: 3
Date: 01/13/819
SUBJECT: An awesome day

Damn, Today is... Well. Where to start.

During a patrol In o11 I found another wreck. This one was a Sabre which probably run out of H-fuel. The pilots seems to be dead since a years. Well. I bring it to the Wiedergeburt. And during the repair, I found something amazing 4 Solaris! And after 6 hours of hard work the sabre was ready to fight again, but for our cause this time!

Later, I was at Kessel Outpost preparing my next run with Xavier. When we finished to pack it, I jump on my bomber and what did I see on our diamond field : A Dauman miner. They really don't know where is there place.
After a little talk about our cause I received a donation.

Then I dock at my precious Pilgrim With a full cargo of blood diamond.
As usual nothing bad happens another cargo delivered to our cause.

Freiral departure :[◙]
Arriving in Paula :[◙]
Leiden departure :[◙]
Arriving in Freital : [◙]

After a little break I decided to explore o54 a bit, since last time my scanner add pick a strange things.
And another good news another wreck. But only some metal. Always usefull to repair my Pilgrim's hull.
Afterwards the harvest of that things. I decided to test my new fighter. And well it's a good one!

I joined RHA mustapha on a fight against a BH gunboat. And we destroyed IT.

Then 2'sair gunboat appeared . Tss useless cannibal.
They don't stand a chance against us.
Destruction : [◙] [◙]

Thereafter we decided to make them paid. We launched a raid against their home system!
It was a great battle, this little sabre made his first kill: Destruction : [◙]

Well that was an huge battle. After destroying some cap and 'sair craft we decided to return resupply and take a rest.

So now my little business amounts to 70.000.000 SC.

Not bad.
So in recapitulation :
  1. 14.000 blood diamond delivered to spread Our ideal
  2. 1 'sair smuggler destroyed
  3. 1 scorpion destroyed
  4. 1 Bh gunboat destroyed
  5. 1 'sair destroyed
  6. 2 'sair gunboat destroyed ( I helped in that)

Für das vaterland, für die Revolution!

[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]*** TERMINATED ***

Eduard Leopold Helheim - Eduard Leopold Helheim - 01-15-2011

*** Wiedergeburt Database ***

[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]*** New Entry ***

[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY: [color=#000000]Very High
IDENTIFICATION DATA: Eduard Leopold Helheim
Enty N°: 4
Date: 01/15/819

As usual 2 more blood diamond run fur our cause.

Freiral departure :[◙]
Arriving in Paula :[◙]
Leiden departure :[◙]
Arriving in Freital : [◙]

Freiral departure :[◙]
Arriving in Paula :[◙]
Leiden departure :[◙]
Arriving in Freital : [◙]

During the second run, I meet an intriguing DHC, I'll contact RHA soon about that.
Data : [◙] [◙]

Then on my way back I meet a Lane hacker and this was proposed me his escort to magellan.
Well thanks to him.
Data : [◙]

After that I was in my miner when An ADMIRAL from the corrupt Rheinland military come in omega 11 and shoot : All ship report status.
That was strange usually they are never there. As Soon I possible I cruise to Freital but they was already there. Hopefully they was really coward and don't come too close. Hehe My AAA guns are pretty nice.
Then The RHA comes and became to hunt them. But A corsair cap fleet enter the system. I was quickly to jump in my bomber to give them a hand. The RHA and RM decided a cease-fire. The RF bring their Zephyr and that was a big mess. The 'sair concentrated their fire on us. We lost 4 ship, but hopefully not the pilot.
And Them. Well THEY LOOSE 2 precious Osiris. Not bad at all.
After that the both camp decided to stop. And the calm was back.

So now my little business amounts to 98.000.000 SC.

Not bad.
So in recapitulation (x is for team work) :
  1. 21.000 blood diamond delivered to spread Our ideal
  2. 1 'sair smuggler destroyed (x)
  3. 1 scorpion destroyed (x)
  4. 1 Bh gunboat destroyed (x)
  5. 1 'sair destroyed (x)
  6. 2 'sair gunboat destroyed (x)
  7. 2 'sair Osiris destroyed (x)

Für die Revolution!

[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]*** TERMINATED ***

Eduard Leopold Helheim - Eduard Leopold Helheim - 01-22-2011

*** Wiedergeburt Database ***

[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]*** New Entry ***

[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY: [color=#000000]Very High
IDENTIFICATION DATA: Eduard Leopold Helheim
Enty N°: 5
Date: 01/22/819
SUBJECT: Another week

Last week I have done another run fur Xavier.

Freiral departure :[◙]
Arriving at Paula :[◙]
Leiden departure :[◙]
Arriving at Freital : [◙]

After that, I have harvested a wreck part in o54. That will help me to repair my ship. The o11 radiation are quite strong. Hopefully I know how repair my ship. And that took me five day to resupply and repair my 5 ship. The hegemon was the most damaged, 3 of the 6 engines was down. However Xavier had managed to find me 3 news reactor. Now the Neubel.I is operational again.

Then I done another run for our cause.

Freiral departure :[◙]
Arriving at Paula :[◙]
Leiden departure :[◙]
Arriving at Freital : [◙]

So now my little business amounts to 130.000.000 SC.

Not bad.
So in recapitulation (x is for team work) :
  1. 28.000 blood diamond delivered to spread Our ideal
  2. 1 'sair smuggler destroyed (x)
  3. 1 scorpion destroyed (x)
  4. 1 Bh gunboat destroyed (x)
  5. 1 'sair destroyed (x)
  6. 2 'sair gunboat destroyed (x)
  7. 2 'sair Osiris destroyed (x)

Für die Revolution!

[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]*** TERMINATED ***