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Strange report - Printable Version

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Strange report - Outlandish - 01-10-2011

Greetings Admins,

I want to report something strange.
I was fighting a Hessian in Omega7 and suddenly all my guns, mini-razor and shield where gone!
Luckely when i was killed i had them back again.... pfff...
Never seen anything like this before!!!
Strange not?

That was all, thank you for your attention.
And thank you for all your work for Disco!

Strange report - Zelot - 01-10-2011

These systems can be sub-targeted and destroyed by an opponent. I would venture a guess that this happened when you got hit by a Nova torp.

Strange report - Eduard Leopold Helheim - 01-10-2011

hehe I was there you was : albert.***** right ?

First never stay immobile it's dangerous, second avoid nuclear mine they destroy your hull and your gun.

But I have to thanks you. We lol'd.

Strange report - .:Polarkreis:. - 01-10-2011

This might happen also when you are too close to enemy base;)this happened to me twice that some of my guns felt off just from the base-missiles :laugh:

Strange report - AeternusDoleo - 01-10-2011

Ahh... Good old splash damage. Battleship missiles tend to have the same effect.

Strange report - William Frederick Cody - 01-11-2011

Also, if this happens to you: Don't dock, but die. Otherwise, your guns are gone...