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To: The Independant Miners Guild - Printable Version

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To: The Independant Miners Guild - alphadog - 01-14-2011

[font=Fixedsys]:: [color=#CCCCCC]TRANSMISSION FOUND :: [color=#CCCCCC]SOURCE - Relay Satellite #12 :: ID - RICHARD PINAULT ::

My name is Richard Pinault, and I'€™m the Director of External Commerce at Île-de-France Shipping, Gallia'€™s largest shipping corporation. Recently, our King opened our borders for trade which opened up an entire new market for us. We set up a small exploration group, and ventured into Sirius. On our way to Kusari, we passed Tau-23, a system where the IMG is obviously present in large numbers.

We took some samples of the metals found in the system, namely Berylium and Niobium. The quality pleasantly surprised us, which is why we contact you. The demand for such ore is quite high Gallia, which is why we would like to establish a trade relation with the guild.

I am unaware how your current transportation contracts work, so I would like to open negotiations in this channel. Please let me know how you think about a contract with IDF, so we can start working on a healthy business relationship.

Awaiting your response,
Richard Pinault, Director of External Commerce, Île-de-France Shipping

[font=Fixedsys]:: [color=#CCCCCC]END OF TRANSMISSION :: [color=#CCCCCC]SIGNAL LOST ::

To: The Independant Miners Guild - AeternusDoleo - 01-14-2011

*** Incoming Transmission ***
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Richard Pinault, "Ile-de-France Shipping" Warning: organizational tag unrecognized
Signal origin: Dounby Outpost relay, Orkney
Target: "Relay Satellite 12", Orkney Warning: Signal parameters unrecognized. Interprative comms mode active.
Subject: Trade relations.

Greetings, mr. Pinault,

I must admit it is good to hear another friendly voice from Gallia. For the most part, our encounters with your people have been... difficult. Seeing as this would be the first contract established with a Gallic party, I will forward this matter to our trade division director. Typically, we would sell Niobium ore in bulk at around 5000 credits per unit, and Beryllium ore in bulk at around 4500 per unit, but these are just indications. I'll leave haggling to the experts in that field. I myself guide the research and development division. I do have a personal request.

Our communications equipment seems to have some difficulty with your signal modulation. I am not sure if this kind of communications equipment you are using is classified within Gallia, but if not, any chance we could procure a sample device, so we can augment our own comms systems to be compatible to yours?

- Johnathan Sanders, on behalf of the Independant Miners Guild

*** Error: Unknown signal flag received: FIN. Expected: TRM. Unclean transmission shutdown, signal lost ***

To: The Independant Miners Guild - alphadog - 01-15-2011

[font=Fixedsys]:: [color=#CCCCCC]TRANSMISSION FOUND :: [color=#CCCCCC]SOURCE - Relay Satellite #12 :: ID - RICHARD PINAULT ::

[font=Tahoma]Bonjour monsieur Sanders,
Thank you for your quick response. While we wait for your trade devision director to reply, I'll be happy to inform you of our communication equipment.

We have a number of relay satellites just outside the Gallic borders, to ensure a proper transmission into Sirius. Messages directly transmitted from Gallia had the tendency to break up into bits and pieces, which were impossible to decipher.

The satellites incercept any transmissions to Gallia and should transfer the messages to the proper channels, as it recognizes the original involved parties. They also translate it to normal Gallic frequencies, so there are no manual adjustments needed. You don't have to do anything special to enable this translation, it will go automatically. In case you want to manually force the transmission settings, I included our receivers' data sheet (Sirian edition v1.53) with this transmission.

Avec nos meilleures salutations,
Richard Pinault, Director of External Commerce, Île-de-France Shipping

[font=Fixedsys]:: [color=#CCCCCC]END OF TRANSMISSION :: [color=#CCCCCC]SIGNAL LOST ::

To: The Independant Miners Guild - AeternusDoleo - 01-15-2011

*** Incoming Transmission ***
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Richard Pinault, Ile-de-France Shipping
Signal origin: Dounby Outpost relay, Orkney
Target: Relay Satellite 12, Orkney
Subject: Trade relations.

Mr Pinault,

That datasheet was most useful. I've put a small comms team on it and it wasn't long before they adapted the programming of our comms array to properly recognize your signal. I suspect the earlier connection errors may lay in a malfunction in the signal relay box you used... it wasn't fully translating the signal. In reprociation, I'm attaching our standard comms datasheet (CIVC-IMG-3.22), which is valid for all civilian Sirian communications. I suspect you've already obtained something similar, but if incomplete, this will allow you to fully adapt to Sirian signals.

I've tried to contact our trade director but he appears to be out of comms range. Deep space reconniscance is something we frequently do within the Independant Miners Guild. It may take some time for him to be able to respond, but I fully expect a favorable outcome. Perhaps it would help to indicate what you are specifically interested in, in terms of quantities, and an indication of your own offer for these goods?

- Johnathan Sanders

*** Transmission Closed ***

To: The Independant Miners Guild - The.Outlaw.Star - 01-16-2011

***Incoming Transmission***
[Image: 10-serious-man-black-suit300mc12260.jpg]

From: Gene Starwind
ID: IMG Trade Division Director
Subject: Trading with External Commerce at Île-de-France Shipping

Hello Richard Pinault how are you today sir? I apologize for my late response to this transmission i was away on a recon mission in an Unknown Tau system... Your message was recived and your request has been reviewed. You are also correct in the fact we have not heard much about this "Gallia" ,a so called French colony. It is a relief hearing that you all are interested in our services here at the IMG.

Now lets get down to business, So you would like what exactly from us at IMG?

From my previous reports i can conclude that you are willing to work with us. I can not however figure out what it is exactly you would like with our services. I can throw some ideas out there if you don't mind;

#1 ~ We would be more than willing to supply your bases with me raw materials needed to manufacture your products. With your permission and the authorities also, provided a proper query of goods, quantity, and price we can have our Transports in route as quickly as 48 hours.

#2 ~ You Can also purchase the raw materials from our supply hold.
Quote:Typically, we would sell Niobium ore in bulk at around 5000 credits per unit, and Beryllium ore in bulk at around 4500 per unit, but these are just indications.

#3 ~ Our miners can provide ore extraction for your Transports. If you seek to form a neutral bond with our miners and provide proper a mutual benefit for both parties i see nothing wrong with aid of our Miners. This is if you can hang in Tau 23, its a cold hard place filled with onslaught and remorse.

#4 ~ You may enter Tau 23 at your own risk. This is a place of Independents and FREE men and women.

I hope that we can both work out some sort of deal that helps benefit us both. I would hate to miss out on a promising future with our new neighbors. We are willing to take any offers and the ones i purposed are just some ideas but, you can see at least the way things can be done. Finally a contract would indeed need to be written if any final decisions are to be made. The Independent Mining Guild looks forward to your reply on this matter.

Signed, Gene Starwind

**File download complete**
***Closing Transmission***

To: The Independant Miners Guild - alphadog - 01-16-2011

[font=Fixedsys]:: [color=#CCCCCC]TRANSMISSION FOUND :: [color=#CCCCCC]SOURCE - Relay Satellite #12 :: ID - RICHARD PINAULT ::

[font=Tahoma]Bonjour monsieur Starwind,

Thank you for your reply. From your options provided, I think option 2 would suit our wishes best. I suggest we continue talking with that direction in mind.

We are purely a shipping company, we deliver what our customers need. Currently, the need for Berylium and Niobium is quite high, with a slight preference for Berylium. Would it be possible to provide us, for example on a monthly basis, lets say 100.000 units of Berylium Ore, and 70.000 of Niobium Ore? And with such an order, would it be possible to get a small discount of lets say 200 credits per unit?

Furthermore, you mention a supply hold. Is that supply accessible at all times? Where is it located? Does it hold enough ore for our needs?

Then, in added exchange for that discount, we can offer you a number of Gallic specialties your miners might be interested in. We have the best tobacco available, as well as excellent wine from our vineyards. In addition to that, we have some mining equipment available, coming from our client, the GMS. They are able to produce high quality machinery at a low price, which might help you in your mining efforts.

Please let me know what you think about these terms.

Avec nos meilleures salutations,
Richard Pinault, Director of External Commerce, Île-de-France Shipping

[font=Fixedsys]:: [color=#CCCCCC]END OF TRANSMISSION :: [color=#CCCCCC]SIGNAL LOST ::

To: The Independant Miners Guild - The.Outlaw.Star - 01-18-2011

***Incoming Transmission***

From: gene Starwind
ID: IMG Trade Division Director
Subject: Trading with External Commerce at Île-de-France Shipping

These questions you ask are not necessary just the fact we have them. Select IMG officials will contact you privately for ore extraction and payment upon pick-up. I will contact you privately for further instructions. I am glad to see us working out such great profits and relations and look forward to the future.

Signed, Gene Starwind

***End Transmission***


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