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Closed - Coral Reaver - 01-18-2011


Closed - Coral Reaver - 01-19-2011


Closed - ophidian - 01-19-2011

How much do you offer? And do you have any image of the Kusari logo?

Closed - Coral Reaver - 01-19-2011

' Wrote:How much do you offer? And do you have any image of the Kusari logo?

I offer the price you find reasonable for your work. If you find that your work is worth 20 mil, then we will call it 20 mil. If you find your work to be worth 50 mil, then we will call it 50 mil. But, there is a limit as to how much I'm willing to pay. Let's say anything that exceeds the price of 70 mil.

The Kusari Logo:

[Image: Flag-kusari.png]

Closed - ophidian - 01-19-2011

Ok then. Thank you for the info. My price is 100m / sig so I guess we're not in agreement about the job.

Thanks again for your time.

Closed - Coral Reaver - 01-19-2011

I don't mean any disrespect, but the title clearly says Kempeitai Logo/Avatar.

I'm not requesting a signature. I'm requesting something of the size of a Forum Avatar, which is served basically as the Logo for the Kempeitai. The only reason I put it in the Signature Request Section is because I don't know where to put an Image Request elsewhere, I also saw a similar thread made for Cerberus. But I understand if you have a fixed price.

Closed - ophidian - 01-19-2011

My bad =) sorry. I have a fixed price yes and you are perfectly right to put it here, no problem =)

Closed - Coral Reaver - 01-20-2011

Alright it seems the interest for a logo wasn't as much as my signature request so I have taken the liberty to ask someone in private. This request will be considered closed now.