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The day I died. - Printable Version

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The day I died. - Implosion - 01-21-2011

Chapter One
It was regular cloudy night down on Planet New London.
Sergeant Halsey,an undercover cop working for the Bretonia Police was silently walking down the street.
He was nervously smoking his cigarette while rushing for a nearby pub.
Frederick had a meeting with one of the biggest artifact dealers in the region,and he was inches away from gathering enough evidence to arrest him.The plan was simple,Frederick had to meet up with his partner,Daniel,and from then they had to order a large shipment of illegal artifacts.
Frederick entered the "King's Brew House Pub" and found his partner carefully examining one of the local "Girls for hire".He smilled and sat down.

Daniel looked him back and winked.
'oi chap,what's the big deal?You look stressed.
Halsey silently bottom up'd his partner's whiskey and sighed
Danny,we are not some street pushers,we gotta look rich and serious about this,or we can loose our heads...or worse.
His partner grinned and ordered a round of whiskeys.
In the same moment,a hover-car pulled right next to the pub.There was an odd weapon-like object sticking out of the window.

Daniel scratched his forehead and whispered.
Hey Fredy,check this weirdo man.Bloody nutters.

Halsey looked at the vehicle,while using his artificial eye to zoom in.
In the next second,all hell broke loose.The men from the car opened fire on the pub.
Blood and bits flying everywhere,people screaming and plasma grenades exploding.
Frederick pulled out his Dublin Eliminator and fired back while using the knocked metal table for cover.
He couldn't match the gatling cannon fired from the vehicle.Suddenly,he realized that Daniel was lying on the ground,covered in blood and trying to reach for his gun.

Freddy...g..go!Get...out of here...p..plea..

Daniel couldn't finish his sentence because yet another plasma grenade detonated not a foot from him.
Then out of nowhere,police sirens cried in the night.The attackers took off as fast as they appeared,leaving everyone in the pub dead,or so they thought.

The day I died. - Implosion - 04-06-2011

Three years after the shootout in the bar,Halsey was still working on the case.
This time,he had a name of the man pulling the strings.
Victor Rivera was the man who got his partner killed three years ago.
Frederick managed to infiltrate one of the transport hauling for Rivera.

"Oi,mate!Go check on the cattle would you?"[
Halsey simply nodded and went for the cargo hold.
Instead of artifacts,this ship was full with lifestock,headed back the what Halsey thought was the base of operations.
As he entered the cargo hold,his com unit flashed and screamed

Frederick picked his com unit and started reporting

"Right...right...readings are all good.Looks like that enzyme of yours is working"

"Of course it's working!Them cows won't age a single day and the fact our trip lasts two months ain't changing nuthin'."

After that the man laughed and shat down his com.

Everyday on the ship was the same.Halsey was the man who looked after the stock.
He had to "dispose" of the cows that failed to make it.The enzyme wasn't really the healtiest thing for them.
Frederick had only one thing on his mind,his goal,his ideal...his purpose of life.
That thing was payback.