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Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - Printable Version

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Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - oZoneRanger - 01-24-2011

So I see the Junker Bribes in Gallia do not work.

Is there a way that if,

1. You have Role Played getting permission to enter Gallia and trade limited commodities.
2. You have Role Played finding someone to take you there.

Can you have your reputation adjusted so as to be able to trade there without getting the living crap blow out of you by the Gallia NPC's?

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - oZoneRanger - 01-24-2011

**bumb so it gets seen, since it's not in flood:)**

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - stewcool - 01-24-2011

The way to do it as a junker you actually need to start in gallia to make it easy on yourself. but then trading with Sirius is a problem.

Though I think if you do /restart gallia (On a new character) and junker them up from there it'd probably be faster.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - .:Polarkreis:. - 01-24-2011

From my experience no, there isnt a way to do it... all my bribes at Junker bases were reversed back to the original due to the repninja... (i really hate that!!! the most stupid idea was to implement that thing on server)

As mentioned above you have only chance to trade with a Junker ID (and not to get blown up by bomber patrols in seconds with your whole cargo) I used for that purpose the /restart Gallia command and then i have set up the Junker char.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - oZoneRanger - 01-24-2011

yea... so I quess that I'm asking someone to Rp ninja me neutral to Gallia Police and Naval forces... This possible at all? Character/ship is not a Junker. But a Sirius Business man.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - .:Polarkreis:. - 01-24-2011

' Wrote:yea... so I quess that I'm asking someone to Rp ninja me neutral to Gallia Police and Naval forces... This possible at all?

Dunno maybe admins could help you with that... but i am not sure... never thought of that :huh:

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - stewcool - 01-24-2011

Without bending rules I dont believe so. Cause you would somehow to drop your Gallia rep to neutral.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - ryoken - 01-24-2011

Get full green with junker guard,and bribes work fine,and gallia likes you. How i did it.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - Dab - 01-24-2011

What ID are you using?

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - oZoneRanger - 01-24-2011

' Wrote:What ID are you using?

It is a Stork with IC ya that's it..Bet ya nothing can be done... But, this was all role played out, so if the powers that be knew it (Gallia government) and gave permission, I was operating under the impression that this was acceptable.

If its not possible..It just gives my character another angle to RP so...really...No big deal..That is what happened in game...Lets see how He (my character) reacts to it.