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Gabriel Gallius - Printable Version

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Gabriel Gallius - Recnaleerf - 01-25-2011

Name: Gabriel Gallius
Age: 26
Birthplace: Planet Houston, Texas System
Birthdate: 792 A.S.
Gender: Male
Height: 6 ft 2
Weight: 192 lbs
Relatives: Rodger and Claire Gallius (parents, father deceased), Harold Gallius (brother), Clarisse Gallius (sister, deceased), Dick Herbert (cousin)
Previous Occupations: Was once a miner for Beckon Industries, had a short-lived career in ALG Waste Disposal, freelancing
Experience: Has average combat experience, average trading experience
S-KYP3(or Skype)Communications ID: highpriestofkefka

Born in 792 A.S. to a semi-wealthy family on Planet Houston in the Texas System, Gabriel had everything a kid could have asked for: friends, money, and above all, lots of stuff to play with. He was perfectly content with everything he had, when one tragic day, when Gabriel was 7, a Liberty Rogue that had somehow managed to dock on the planet invaded his home. He took their money, their home, their belongings, everything. Trying to defend their home and belongings, as well as their physical existences, his father Rodger made his final stand and attempted to fight him back. Sadly, he was outgunned and outmatched: the Rogue mowed him down like grass. Due to not being very well-hidden, his sister older sister, Clarisse(17 years of age at the time)was found, beaten, raped, and then killed by the Rogue. The rest of the family, Gabriel included, managed to escape through a trap door that led to the back of their home. From that day on, he vowed that he would have revenge on the Liberty Rogues.

Fortunately, the Rogues hadn't taken everything, after all - they had an emergency fund stored in their basement, that they had been saving for years. Due to extreme care taken while amassing this fund, they had 500k credits to be used in the event of the unthinkable. They bought a new home, just a bit less nicer than the one they had, and divided the rest amongst themselves. They lived a mildly normal life, though not the same with the losses.

Years later, when Gabriel was 15, he set off on his own. He had enough credits to buy a Starflier to start his life in space. It was a tearful departure, but they all managed to accept that Gabriel would likely not return anytime soon. After saying his good-byes, he lifted off the launch pad, and into the void of space. His first order of business - visit his cousin Dick, who lived and owned a bar on Planet Denver in the Colorado System. He got his first mission here: kill Max Lohnbecker, a Liberty Rogue operative. He accepted this with a great deal of excitement, knowing he would finally get some payback. He had a close call during the mission, and almost died, but in the end he succeeded. He got 7,500 credits for his success. Later he learned that Max Lohnbecker was the Rogue that had invaded his home and killed his father and sister 11 years ago. This was one of the best moments of his life: learning he had killed his most hated enemy.

After about three years of freelancing, he decided he wanted to buckle down and actually have a set career. He started working for ALG Waste Disposal when he was 18, and he managed to get a good amount of credits. His problem with this job was the hours and the smell. His manager was quite condescending and quite a jerk, as well. He felt that this was not where he belonged, but tried to fit in with this line of work for 4 years. Nothing ever truly improved. He left ALG and went back to freelancing for a year, which proved to not bring in much income this time around.

He still needed money, so when he was 23 he started an ill-fated career mining for Beckon Industries. He was given a medium-sized mining craft with moderate defensive capabilities, to be able to fend of pirate vessels that were almost garunteed to attack. Sure enough, Outcasts attacked him one day and nearly destroyed his vessel - if it wasn't for the Liberty Navy ships that had shown up, he would have died. He managed to get his mining craft back to Planet Denver, where he abandoned the crippled vessel. He decided his best course of action then was to join the Liberty Navy, so he could truly make a difference and prevent what happened to him when he was a child from happening to anyone else. He finds himself here now, awaiting approval from the Navy to be recruited.