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In response to n00bl3t's signature - Printable Version

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In response to n00bl3t's signature - Coral Reaver - 01-25-2011

[A]lthough I always welcome the weekly updates of n00bl3t's snarky comments about my past posted in his signature, (having fans is great), I would like to make you aware of the reason behind the current status of his signature in regards to Samuel Zanders.

If you take a read here: Post #67

It shows what happened to Samuel Zanders after I left the [LN]. Since he died, in character, I have no use for that Role-Play account and thus have changed his display name.

In response to n00bl3t's signature - n00bl3t - 01-25-2011

Ironically enough, speaking of updates.

In response to n00bl3t's signature - Coral Reaver - 01-25-2011

' Wrote:Ironically enough, speaking of updates.

You have yet to remove the super offensive sign[a]ture about my character.

In response to n00bl3t's signature - n00bl3t - 01-25-2011

' Wrote:You have yet to remove the super offensive sign[a]ture about my character.

Already done.

My apologies, it was never intended to cause you to cry.

In response to n00bl3t's signature - Bobthemanofsteel - 01-25-2011

Nublet I <3 you.

In response to n00bl3t's signature - Coral Reaver - 01-25-2011

' Wrote:Already done.

My apologies, it was never intended to cause you to cry.

Bec[a]use you haven't removed it, you have lied to me. Now you have insulted my character and lied to me, and thus I take it you are trolling. That is not allowed on the forums.

I thank you for understanding my feelings and you didn't have the intention to make me cry.

In response to n00bl3t's signature - Cond0r - 01-25-2011

Its actually fun watching nooblet behave like a small boy.

In response to n00bl3t's signature - Dab - 01-25-2011

PMs would have worked quite fine here. Locking this. I'm also giving you a serious warning on trolling.

And Nooblet, I'm removing that line from your signature. It's flamebait and trolling. Don't do that again or you'll find yourself in a lot of trouble. Furthermore, your lines concerning PMs sent to you is also inappropriate. As is our policy with Skype messages, you will not be posting PMs you receive publicly on these forums. The point of PMs is to be private. Hence why it is called Private Message. This part of your signature is also getting removed. If I find you posting any PM you receive publicly without the consent of the person who posted it, you will find yourself banned.