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A hello from an underd0g - Printable Version

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A hello from an underd0g - underd0g - 01-08-2008

I reckon this is where I present myself. My online identity is underd0g and it has been for the last 10 years or so of online gaming. It all started with good old Quake in 1997, back in the days when modems where something you had to put isolation around to keep'em quiet.

I picked the nick 'underd0g' because back in the days low ping internet connections where available, but only at universities. There was an on going battle between HPW, to which group I belonged (High Ping Whiners) and LPB (Low Ping Bastards), the spoiled university brats. Low pingers had a huge advantage and as a modem player you were literally slaughtered everytime you came in range of a LPB. So, I was fighting an uphill battle, and once in a while I beat them. Hence the nick underd0g.

I'm swedish, but I'm not a chef :cool:.

I never really played Freelancer online until I was lured into Discovery by my younger brother. I haven't gotten the hang of it all, I probably never will. I've been blasted to pieces outside Malta when trying out playing as a mercenary. You live and learn. Well most of the time my character is obliverated before I learn :).

Well, a big hej (hello in swedish) to all of you!

A hello from an underd0g - LancerZero - 01-08-2008

Hello, Underd0g! Glad to have you here.:)And yep, you live and learn - or die and learn, that works too.:PAhhh, I remember my first was rated at a maximum of 2.4 kilobytes per second, and rarely reached half that. Had to bring a good book to check my e-mail.

A hello from an underd0g - Guest - 01-08-2008

Welcome to Discovery hope you enjoy you welcome
and dont forget to read the rules

A hello from an underd0g - RingoW - 01-08-2008


Yep, its just simple that.


A hello from an underd0g - Praetyre - 01-09-2008

Don't listen to the madman rambling about cannibals and penguins. Also, have a very nice time on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7:)

A hello from an underd0g - Xing - 01-09-2008

yes well I'll do the mad stuffs instead.
Beware of evil penguins.
There are two canibals around.

Welcome and enjoy discovery =P

A hello from an underd0g - Heartless - 01-09-2008

swedish eh'?

You have NO IDEA how many times I have been confused with one of you people, lol, I mean, I love the face on some people when I tell them that I'm Swiss and not from Sweden, it's like you asked them some question about rocket science.

Well welcome then, there's nothing to be afraid off (hints to the next few posts and their content that will be posted soon enough), and have fun!

A hello from an underd0g - Eppy - 01-09-2008


Yes, anyways, beware our cannibals and Communist Penguins, they are in abundance here...

In other news, roleplaying a Merc on malta can be...a bad thing lately. But, join the 66th, and we can fix that by making you a proper Outcast so you can kick some Cannibal (Corsair) tail whilst jittering form that huge wad of Cardi you smoked a few minutes ago! [/shamelesrecruiting]

A hello from an underd0g - Qunitinius~Verginix - 01-09-2008

Ha! Score 1 for Communist Penguins!

Anyways, welcome to the server! Have a good tim here, but don't forget to read the rules!

Safe Flying and Good Hunting!


A hello from an underd0g - underd0g - 01-09-2008

Thank you all for the welcome! I'll be sure to be on the lookout for any cannibals and evil communist penguins! :D

I've written down all the rules across my computer screen, so now I can't see any of the action in Discovery, but I can at least keep track of the rules :lol::). Just kidding! There aren't that many rules, and most of them are common sense and easy to remember. You don't attend a social gathering swearing all over the place, harassing everybody, killing anyone shorter than you, do you? Do you?!:cool:

SwissScorch, yes, I'm sorry, I think we swedes are to blame here. We are jeluous of your beautiful Alps, our mountains bleak in comparison. So I guess we told everyone that Switzerland is indeed a state in the north of Sweden, with beautiful alps and lots of powdery snow! Sorry about that :$:P! No really, I have no idea why people keep mixing up our two countries. Maybe it'd help if Sweden was spelled with a simple V in english (as we do in our language) instead of a W, but that just looks (and probably sounds) silly in english.

Again, thanks all for the warm welcome!