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The Molly Council - Printable Version

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The Molly Council - Molly Council - 01-28-2011

[Image: starter.png]

General Information

in the years 817 / 818 A.S, many things changed
as leaders of each station would do, arranmore did it as the first one,
breaking with the republic, after weeks of fighting many other bases followed in the need
for a better future. in the eyes of the Separatists together with La tene it was needed to create a single governing body who could accept that there are differences between bases an therefor let the old clan system rise up again.

till the day of today the clans are still disorganised, but on their way to get organised. with Londonderry as their center of commerce and rest, the molly council's future is bright.

General Diplomacy

in the light of the clan system, each clan may push its own diplomacy, that what bounds us
is our deeply rooted hate towards the corsair nation and the treacherous work of BMM.


Molly clans
Red Hessians
Liberty Rogues/Rouges


Zoners in general
NLH / Gaians in general

Bounty Hunters

Known Clans and their respective ZOI

Molly Separatists, MC|MS].
Based from Lisburn Rock and the Molly destroyer in NL
Operates in Bretonia and border systems.

La Tene, MC|LT]
Based in Newcastle
Operates from Newcastle and Londonderry

Molly Mining Company, MC|MMC]
Based in Dublin in co-op with Garda and Knights of the Old Gaurd
Operates primarily in dublin

Knights of the Old Gaurd, MC|OG]
Based in Dublin, in co-op with MMC and Garda
Operates in Bretonia and border systems

Code of Conduct
"All mollys whether they are in clans or not should follow these guidelines"

1. Do not shoot at mollys, Except in self-defence.
2. Dublin can't be free with corsairs, indians and other pirate scum flying around.
3. Drink at Arranmore are free for Mollys and mollys only.
4. The council decides what to do with diplomacy and deals if it affects all clans and for those witouth a clan.
5. Each clan may set its own diplomacy for each own base of operations, however it may not be in violation with the set course by the council,
7. New clans may be formed with permission from the council, this also counts for base claims.
8. Clans may form relations with each other, it be wise to conclude that with the rest of the council.

The Molly Council - Molly Council - 01-28-2011

[Image: starter.png]
- Docking Rights -

All Molly owned bases are restricted for non-Mollys.
with the exception of those listed as allied or below.

any individual or group wanting to dock or do bussines with the mollys
must request their docking rights before docking on any of the bases bellow.
you can obtain it here

- Arranmore -
Operated by: Garda, MMC and Knights of the Old Gaurd.

- Rights given to individuals -
Roger Claymore (+associates)

- Rights given to groups -
.:j:. Junker congress ships
The Vagrant Raiders


- Lisburn Rock and "Creidhne" (molly destroyer in NL) -
Owned by: Molly Separatists

- Rights given to individuals -
Roger Claymore (+associates)

- Rights given to groups -
none yet.


- Belfast -
Operated by: La Tene.

- Rights given to individuals -
Open for Merchants

- Rights given to groups -
Open for groups of Merchants


- Tayport -
Owned by: The Molly Council

- Rights given to individuals -

- Rights given to groups -


- Mull -
Operated by: La Tene

- Rights given to individuals -
none yet.

- Rights given to groups -
none yet.


- All Bases in Londonderry -
Owned and operated by: The Molly Council
- Rights given to individuals -

- Rights given to groups -


The Molly Council - Molly Council - 01-28-2011

[Image: starter.png]
Molly Tech /Ships

The following persons/groups have been allowed our tech/ships

Exact Technology Granted:
Use of Saoirse Gunboat Turrets

Exact Technology Granted:
1 Barghest.


CrossBones Foundation *CBF*
Exact Technology Granted:

21 Werewolfs
11 Greyhounds

6 Molly Gunboats
16 Barghests
limited MOLLY Weaponry* (No Destroyer Guns/Equipment)
Unioners, AGS-U|
Exact Technology Granted:

5 fuly Kitted Molly VHF's
1 Molly GB

Exact Technology Granted:
Use of all Molly weaponry.
LIberty Rogues LR-
Exact Technology Granted:
Use of any Molly weaponry, excluding Saoirses. Use of Rogue Cruiser Turrets.
Exact Technology Granted:
Use of Trefoils. Use of 2 Werewolves.
Red Hessian Army [RHA]
Exact Technology Granted:
Use of 2 Barghests.
Hellfire Legion [HF]
Exact Ship Name: [HF]-HFD-Iblis
Exact Technology Granted: Scylla Destroyer
The Joker and his Thugs
Exact Technology Granted:
Use of Molly weaponry
Use of 1 Scylla (The.Joker)
Use of 1 Pirate Gunboat
Use of 2 Werewolves
Use of 2 Barghests

The Molly Council - Linkus - 01-29-2011

This is basically a faction information post.
The MC, and the clans involved, are becoming more active and organised again and this is part of the overall push.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to get involved, we just ask that folks respect that people have time issues sometimes.

The Molly Council - Govedo13 - 02-02-2011

The only problem is that there is no clear diplomatic relations with the Bretonians and this is a bomb witch can blast this very good attempt of organising the molly players.
Molly A escorts and protects BMM miner in the field for a fee, he is acting like lawful escort,he is shooting corsairs and dont commit crimes according to bretonian law.
Molly B come to rob the escorted by A BMM miner....
Since when one Molly IDed player cannot shoot other Molly IDed player there is a big confusion and problems connected with the whole issue.

DELETE - SnakThree - 02-02-2011


The Molly Council - dodike - 02-02-2011

' Wrote:One can ask nicely to not shoot already "pirated" BMM miner or split the aquired money. Works well to me every time.
What if the Molly doesn't want the BMM in Dublin and their money?

DELETE - SnakThree - 02-02-2011


The Molly Council - Hone - 02-02-2011

' Wrote:What if the Molly doesn't want the BMM in Dublin and their money?

yes that is a problem

The Molly Council - Linkus - 02-03-2011

It is quite confusing, partly intentionally.
The idea is that each of the clans has their own diplomacy.
La Tene have no intention of blowing up Bretonian vessels.
Molly Seperatists might blast the bejesus out of every single Shire they see.
Other Mollys are free to make up their mind themselves.

Bretonia can come forward and make agreements with the clans, or with the Council as a whole, but it only applies to those independents who want to roll with it.
No one can stop an independent Molly who just wants to pirate everyone and kill Corsairs, since that is what the Molly's started as in 4.85.

Untill any treaties are signed, La Tene are staying neutral to most.
Mike will no doubt be able to clarify the Seperatists' position soon.