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**HIGH ENCRYPTION** To: 101st OutCast High Command - Printable Version

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**HIGH ENCRYPTION** To: 101st OutCast High Command - Xanthian - 01-29-2011

** Incomming Transmission **
** Tranmission Frequency 12956707 **
** Security Clearance: Special **
** Full Military Encryption **
** Request Access **
** Access Granted **

To: 101st Outcast High Command
From: Merc/Scout NiteCrawler
Subject: Request Employment

Esteemed Command Members,

First my apologies for this transmissions delay. Due to battle damage to my onboard systems this message was not sent on time originally. There was no transmission made, thus security was not broken.

I have under gone rigorous training and would like to provide my services in the Outcast cause, especially where it comes to destroying the Corsairs. As of this message I have participated with some members of the Outcast fleet.

Scouted for and Defended Malta from corsair attacks 2 days ago along with:

Scouted for troubles in Tau-23 yesterday for:

Provided scouting and support/escort today for Outcast fleet in the assault on Omicron Gamma with:
Top-Killer 101st (mission commander)
MNS-Peronte (Capital ships captain)
Along with several others...

It is my aspiration to gain permanent employment with the Outcasts as a Merc/scout. My status will alow me operational freedom that may not be available to standard Outcast ID ships. I will continue to provide tactical and scouting information on Corsair and their allies in the hopes that my worth will be proven.

It is my aspiration to gain perminent employment with the Outcasts as a Merc/scout. My status will alow me operational freedom that may not be available to standard Outcast ID ships.

I will continue to provide tactical and scouting information on Corsair and their allies in the hopes that my worth will be proven.

Thankyou for your time and consideration.

**HIGH ENCRYPTION** To: 101st OutCast High Command - Dennis Jameson - 01-29-2011

[Image: eyesa.png]

No Maltese officer would ever use a ludicrous name such as "Top Killer" which leads me to believe that you are lying.

Should this not be the case, you are welcome to attempt to earn our trust. Simply continue along the same path and I'm sure you will eventually be deemed as a fairly decent asset, and be treated as such.

Good day.

**HIGH ENCRYPTION** To: 101st OutCast High Command - Xanthian - 01-29-2011


My apologies if I incorrectly reported questioned individual (Top-Killer) by name or unit. Due to the battle dmg of my system I was resorted to writing this memo without comms replay or the video footage that I had.

I am certain that many of the other individuals can verify my aid in these situations, should you be so interested.

As always I will continue to earn my place until such as a time that the command is willing to meet with me about my employment request.

**HIGH ENCRYPTION** To: 101st OutCast High Command - Adain - 01-31-2011

----Incoming Transmission----


--Displaying Contents--

*Ahem* Evening, Sirs. Minister Jameson, if I may, this pilot Nite Crawler has fought by my side only a single time, which is not enough for anything meaningful, but I am willing to be available to supervise any activity he participates in, to act as witness. If you permit me to do so, I would report regularly of our activities. Of course his reconaissance missions will be soley on him, but any other events that happen, where he is involved, I will have an account of. I wish only to learn about this pilot; you, sir, are very busy. Along with many other members, so I would like to volunteer and oversee this applicant, to examine how we may use his abilities and to truly locate his loyalties. For you never know anything of anyone until you see them perform.

Gracia pero tu tiempo,

Lt. Adain Erylian


--Locking Transmission--