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Alien ruins in Newcastle - Printable Version

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Alien ruins in Newcastle - GohanCZ - 01-29-2011

What is their purpose?
It looks like in the middle is some fort and arond it are some shield generators.
I destroyed two of them, but then i docked and when i undocked they respawned and i cant destroy them anymore, so i destroyed the remaining "generators" i wonder what is its purpose

Alien ruins in Newcastle - Wellingtons - 01-29-2011

Basically it is bretonia's research in to the nomads and a highly secure area e.g Zone 21 in liberty.

Alien ruins in Newcastle - GohanCZ - 01-29-2011

Well there is no security at all if you dotn count a few ships of bretionia armed forces and a few mollys.

I was just wondering if there is somethign interesting like detroying the generators shuts down the main shield in the middle and then you are able to dock/destroy the middle base and perhaps drop some guns and stuff from it or if its completely useless.

Alien ruins in Newcastle - Backo - 01-29-2011

Define useless? It gives you RP possibilities, it gives you the feel of something unknown and new. So, yeah, just because you don't profit from it it isn't useless. Same is the Chester hive.

Alien ruins in Newcastle - Boss - 01-29-2011

Depending on the time of day you might get something interesting like Nomad fighters/gunboats chasing you off for shooting it.

But it's such a long, long way to fly there...

Alien ruins in Newcastle - GohanCZ - 01-29-2011

Useless = no drops upon destroying/no opportunity to get some items or anything

Alien ruins in Newcastle - jxie93 - 01-29-2011

' Wrote:Useless = no drops upon destroying/no opportunity to get some items or anything

Aw man, you're so gonna be disappointed by roleplaying.

Alien ruins in Newcastle - GohanCZ - 01-29-2011

Aw man i dont see reason why, its just i wanna know if sticking around it is gonna be worth something or not.

Alien ruins in Newcastle - Korny - 01-29-2011

' Wrote:Aw man i dont see reason why, its just i wanna know if sticking around it is gonna be worth something or not.

Appearantly not for you, no, it isn't gonna' be worth it.

Alien ruins in Newcastle - Not Espi - 01-29-2011

if you can wait roughly 30 minutes, your presence there is worth one blue message. those, as well all here know, increase <strike>penis</strike> tentacle size:cool: