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Bounty on Pirate - Printable Version

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Bounty on Pirate - redkestrel - 02-01-2011

*Crackling, as though a distant or shaky transmission.*

Hey there stranger! Sorry about the comms, I'm on the move and can't tap into a good stationary connection. Anywho! This is Felix Vantera, captain of the Universal contracted Transport.Broadway. Now normally when I run into pirates I cut my losses, but now and then one gets my dander up. Well after payin' one insurance deductable and havin' to dodge him a second time, I'm fed up. I've got 5 million credits each time you destroy the ship of one "Rip.Red.Rorry". He was flyin' one a' them Kusari Explorers, the Ahoudori. Armored, I recall. Not a crack shot by any stretch, but don't take him too lightly: seems like he's off his meds. I'll be payin' out this bounty four times, so first come first serve! By the way, I ran into him in the Honshu system. Look fer him around there.

If you're collectin', be sure to mention that the Transport Broadway sent you... And throw in a few good digs, yeah? But don't go out there and make a fool of yourself, it'll look bad on me!

This contract's open to any Bounty Hunter (Core, EDGE, what have ya') or anyone authorized to take a lawful contract in the space you find him in.

Contact me here with your guncams when ya get 'em!

Bounty on Pirate - Jack Payton - 03-11-2011

[Image: transmissionpaytontau37.png]

This is Enforcer Jack Payton. Dear Mr. Felix Vantera, I must admit it took us some time to get him as he pirates outside of our usual zone of operations. This time, however, we got intelligence report on time and were able to send a gunboat to Sigma-13 to intercept him. Here are the gun-cam proofs.

[Image: th_2011-03-11Sigma-13RipRedRorryID.jpg] [Image: th_2011-03-11Sigma-13RipRedRorryKill.jpg] [Image: th_2011-03-11Sigma-13RipRedRorryLog.jpg]

Bounty target: Pirate gunboat Rip.Red.Rorry
Payment owed: 5,000,000 SC
Payment receiver: EDGE|Leviathan

[Image: transmissionterminated.png]

Bounty on Pirate - redkestrel - 03-12-2011

Payments been transferred to ya, pilot. Thanks for your help! I'm gonna be putting a close on this contract.