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Gallic Metal Service Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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Gallic Metal Service Feedback Thread - fencore - 02-01-2011

Greetings from Ze Arch. If you have any questions or comments for the [GMS] folks, throw 'em here. Your feedback helps us grow as a faction.

Useful Links:

GMS Faction Status Post - Post #66 at the time of this edit
GMS Faction Database - Contains all relevant RP sources and character information
Message Dump

Faction Write-Up

[Image: gmsforumlogo.png]

Fetchez le Vache

Basic Information
Name: Gallic Metal Service, SA
NPC allignment: Gallic Metal Service
ID: Gallic Metal Service ID
Faction tag: [GMS]

Current Faction Leaders: Battlesnax, Daedric, Dr. Donut, and Garrett_Jax

Your History Lesson
Gallic Metal Service S.A. (GMS) was formed in 314 AGS (398 A.S.) by merging several mining companies operating across Gallic space. Over the ages, she expanded her influence across Gallic space, laying claim to any and all exploitable space resources by virtue of daring exploration and careful corporate absorption, most notably, Arcadia Materiaux Distribution. While smaller mining companies do operate in Gallic space their share is no more than 5 percent of the market.

With 10 percent of its stake controlled by the government and no executive representation from the same, GMS is one of the few Gallic corporations that isn'€™t heavily influenced by the Crown. The Company is generous, providing medical, housing, and education services to its employees and their families. While work on mining operations planetside and in space can be very dangerous, high salaries and extensive social services are attractive enough for many colonists who seek a better life and have no intentions of joining unlawful groups.

The GMS's relatively low level of government control has afforded them a nearly unprecedented level of autonomy. Autonomy carefully maintained by gracious affability to the crown and careful internal management to avoid any cause or need for "offered" supervision by military of political bodies; resulting in a company well versed in taking care of its own, personnel and problems alike.

The recent breach of the barrier has afforded a unique opportunity for a select few members of the company, to scout, claim and exploit those resources which might be discovered within a relatively unknown Sirius.

The Skinny
All right. Obligatory history lesson to prove at least one person in the group knows Languedoc from Burgundy: Completed.

Here's the good word. We fly into the Taus, we bust rocks. We score the ore and we shuffle for home. We've a few tricks to do this. Our ultimate goal is to employ said tricks and hope they're good enough so that we don't lose said ore to the dozens of pirates who want to steal it, or to the horrors of the Languedoc or Orkney systems (NPCs can insta pop a Vache in the right numbers) and that we have a good time busting said rocks in a nice little mob of like minded happy OCD carebears.

That's the plan for 4.85. We'll see how it goes down the road. We'll see if we're even here down the road.

If you like the idea of shooting rocks and looking around Gallia some we're a pretty safe bet.

Join Criteria and Rules

Join Criteria:
Read through the general guidelines listed below. If you can abide by these, drop a post here or go ahead and sling a hello to the current leader of this mob. He'll set you up with an interview.

Rules of the Road:
  1. Be excellent to one another. Failure to be a non jerk will result in dismissal.
    • 1.1: No, really, don't be a jerk. Malcontents, wankers and the perpetually irate who seek to dump their unending flood of woes on the rest of the faction/server/world will find their stay short and unsatisfactory.
    • 1.2 Don't get caught doing something considered less than legit.
      • 1.2.1 Even if you -do- get caught, don't get "caught". Everyone has a price.
      • 1.2.2 In the case of getting caught barrel rolls are encouraged.
  2. Discovery server rules are to be obeyed at all times, there is no excuse for not being aware of these rules. Failure to adhere to the rules will be judged according to the infraction and resulting sanction.
    • 2.1 But expect to be dismissed.
  3. All members of the faction must be registered members of the Discovery forums. We apologize for the inconvenience, don't forget your waders and nose plugs.
    • 3.1 Don't be a nubtard on the forums.
  4. RP is paramount in game. Going in with all guns blazing will not be tolerated. Punishment is instant dismissal. Witty banter in local is to be rewarded with free drink coupons.
    • 4.1: Going in with all guns blazing is acceptable if your target is an asteroid.
  5. Ship and weapons are to match permitted lists at all times, no excuses. One day to fix, subsequently dismissal.

  6. OOC bantering is severely frowned upon. If you're discussing rules, your mother's cooking or which Power Ranger is your favorite and the text isnt green or pink, you're wrong. This is a kickable offense, there are plenty of clever ways to discuss such things if you're pressed to the point, we're clever people.

  7. Real life comes first. This is an internet spaceship game. Its the goal that should you decide to spend your free time playing an internet spaceship game you'€™ll have a good time doing so.

  8. All kills shall be attested to the stunning grace and battle prowess of Gheis Mace. Gheis Mace gets all of the kills. Failure to comply will result in instant dismissal.

  9. ZE ARCH
Obligatory Ship, Weapon and Rank Listing
  • Lawful Gallic Stuff
  • Sirius Mining Fighters/Transports (pending something better coming along)
  • Gallic Civilian Sauce Warmers
  • Gallic Military Face Beaters
  • 700/700 Plasma Weapons if we can get Igiss to approve them without anyone noticing.
  • Gunboat Forward Guns, can't fire them but they look intimidating.
  • Merciless Taunting
  • Taunting a Second Time.
  • Outrageous Accents.
  • Cowtapault.
  • The French Advance.
This is the guy in charge, naturally. He can do just about whatever he pleases with the faction, and is the base ingredient used when making awesomesauce.
Senior Member - Must be sponsored by Director/2IC to obtain
Capt. Battlesnax
Senior members have shown dedication to the faction and deep understanding of the RP blah blah blah. Once a member hits Senior status, he essentially has the ability to take on pet projects, expand on roleplay, and form his own little niche in the faction. These are the sexy people. They're allowed to use any of the faction's ships freely, and can throw together Gallic lawful ships for use in RP that wouldn't be normally used by the faction. All with the Director's approval, of course.
Full Share Member - Must be sponsored by Senior Member or higher to obtain
Ted Sanford
Full Share Members are guys who've finally been accepted into the faction fully and we've decided haven't been total jerks. Once a member gets here, he's entitled to 100% of one share of mining profits and can make a personal ship following GMS convention with a [GMS] tag in addition to gaining access to all of the shared transports. We might even bequeath him a silly name, if he's lucky.
Hoy there, small fry. Lonely at the bottom, eh? Well, being in GMS involves a lot of trust. Trainees are permitted access to one training account and are entitled to only 50% of a full share from mining. A trainee's stay at this rank will hopefully be short, but we've gotta make sure you're going to mesh with the boys before we start handing out real paychecks. If a Trainee doesn't graduate within a couple months, we'll go ahead and give 'em the boot.
Home Stations

New Paris
Alesia Station, Burgandy
Roanne Production Facility, Lyonnais
Diplomacy? Diplomacy!

Faire la Bise!
Gallic Corporations: Kissing is actively encouraged. Is also hot.
The Gallic Royal Police: Wave with one hand and hold onto your wallet with the other.

The Gallic Royal Navy: Wave with one hand and look around in a panic for the guillotine with the... Other? You get the point.
Junkers: Unsavory lot. They smell. Loyalish to the Crown, we think. Generally shifty and full of curious ideals. Their Sirian brethren are generally identified as drug dealers and slavers, from what we've seen in the Taus.

Council of National Unity and Liberation: There are two things you don't discuss at the family table: How much you enjoy sleeping with your brother's wife and politics. There are a number of takes on the Council, varying from individual to individual. As a corporation we frown on them, the rest is up to the pilot.

Temporary Autonomous Zoners: Given that we like shiny things, and they have lots of special shiny things, we want to be friends with them (Don't tell Aurelia).

Sirians in general: Fellow miners in the Taus are to be treated with smiles, waves and lack of mention concerning their future in the region. Be nice. They'll make great pets.
Brigands: Nice ships, to be fair. Shame about the whole killing you for the paper in your wallet thing.

Union Corse: They'll kill your family if they see you sitting in their favorite seat at a restaurant they're not even interested in eating at. Why we use codenames. Smile and nod to them within Gallia, rip them apart outside of.

Maquis: Like the Council but prone to walking into cafes to blow themselves up. Lack the good manners to blow all of themselves up at once. Like to shoot at us to "make a point". Often drunk. Can't cook. Have no taste in wine/clothing.

Bretonia Mining & Metals: They've got a fantastic little mining spot in the Taus. Make sure they know that we're houseguests who don't plan on leaving soon. In lieu of rent checks, antimatter will do fine.

Gallic Metal Service Feedback Thread - fencore - 02-12-2011

Bump for great justice.

Always eager to hear what people have to say about us. We're not the most traditional miners, and we'd like to hear how that rubs people.

Gallic Metal Service Feedback Thread - AeternusDoleo - 02-12-2011

Well... being one of your nextdoor mining neighbours, I have been wondering. What is this arch you guys are always babbling about?:D

Gallic Metal Service Feedback Thread - fencore - 02-12-2011

Ze Arch is Ze Arch.

Really, we don't know either. It started as a joke and has become something of a minor cult of sorts within the GMS. Nevertheless, we are wholly devoted to it and its hunger for ore.

Occasionally, Ze Arch sends us the embodiment of its spirit in the form of large, blue, glowy, jelly-like ships. We've discovered that The Order tends to like to help said spirits back on their way to the ephemeral beyond so that it may rejoin the cosmos and watch over us always.

As Jack Ramirez has learned, though, it is unwise for an Outcast to saunter up and demand respect from us if he is not to respect Ze Arch in return. Most unwise, in a fiery, exploding manner.

Gallic Metal Service Feedback Thread - Not Espi - 02-12-2011

oooooo-kayyyyy. first of all - congratulations.

faction status is nice and lulzy. good start. nice to see someone enjoyng the game for a change.

i have a few questions though:

allowed ships - osiris? 8-|

and one more: wtf is zhe arch? am i to be scared?

also, i never saw you ingame. that is yet to come, i believe. and yes, i understand it is gallia and is empty 90% of the time.

Gallic Metal Service Feedback Thread - Daedric - 02-12-2011

For your question about the Osiris look here.

As for Ze Arch:

Quote:Ze Arch is Ze Arch.

Really, we don't know either. It started as a joke and has become something of a minor cult of sorts within the GMS. Nevertheless, we are wholly devoted to it and its hunger for ore.

Occasionally, Ze Arch sends us the embodiment of its spirit in the form of large, blue, glowy, jelly-like ships. We've discovered that The Order tends to like to help said spirits back on their way to the ephemeral beyond so that it may rejoin the cosmos and watch over us always.

We don't sit in Gallia, we frequent Sirius to shoot hostile rocks and steal their shiny ore for Ze Arch.

Gallic Metal Service Feedback Thread - Shagohad - 02-12-2011

' Wrote:For your question about the Osiris look here.

As for Ze Arch:
We don't sit in Gallia, we frequent Sirius to shoot hostile rocks and steal their shiny ore for Ze Arch.

And make fun of Jean Pierre LeBlanc. And then talk about John Pierre LeBlanc's wife in rather crude ways. But most of the time, Jean Pierre LeBlanc acts like a jerk...

Gallic Metal Service Feedback Thread - Daedric - 02-12-2011

' Wrote:And make fun of Jean Pierre LeBlanc. And then talk about John Pierre LeBlanc's wife in rather crude ways. But most of the time, Jean Pierre LeBlanc acts like a jerk...

Jean Pierre LeBlanc agrees with this statement.

Gallic Metal Service Feedback Thread - fencore - 02-12-2011

Jean Pierre, you shut up. Jean Pierre, quit pissing your wife off, I continue to have to clean up your messes. Your wife isn't pretty enough to make it worthwhile.

But yes, we spend most of our time in Tau-23. The only time we actually are in Gallia is when we're running ore back. There's currently no mineable areas within Gallia proper, as the RP goes that we've exhausted our resources.

We generally operate in the wee hours of the morning UTC, usually between 3 AM and 6 AM if we're doing some group work. (That translates to between 10 PM and 1 AM on the US East Coast, so it's perfectly normal for us) I'm working on getting stuff together to help make us a bit more individual-friendly, so that'll most likely broaden our activity spectrum a bit.

We'd be more than happy to throw you haughty snorts of derision and seduce your women if you ever manage to make it on by, of course.

Gallic Metal Service Feedback Thread - Misane - 02-16-2011

Me i have to say honestly that you're one if not the faction i'm the most fond of.

Everytime you come in game, it's fun,refreshing, i laugh, you're good fighters too, you keep talking men ! I don't know where you find the ideas!
And you stay opened, i approached you with several chars, Freelancer, Council, IMG...and everytime there was something new.

Special kudos (if you allow me to):a scene in t23 with a nomad Battleship that came to you, he just did nothing and you began to simulate a group delirium with toys and presents and...Ze ARCH !
i just laughed a lot.:lol:

Hope you'll keep on doing like this.:yahoo: