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To: all Zoner - Printable Version

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To: all Zoner - kun - 02-01-2011

##Incoming Transission##

[Image: oriavi.jpg]


What is this name worth? what does this name stand for anymore?

We should be people living on the edges of known Space facing threats most people cannot even imagine every single day.

But remain neutral to all human beings and give them a place to recover no matter what their affiliation is.

to guarantee and defend this neutrality we have military Technology that is able to match against any other in this Universe.

and now...tell me..what do you see if you meet a Zoner today?

A Man who has seen many things, giving everything to remain his Freedom and believe in the Zoner way no matter what will come?


You see an anxious man who wants to believe in Freedom and Neutrality but does not have the courage to fight for it.

Let me give you an example. About a week ago, one of our Priors helped out a damaged Order Vessel and escorted it to Bethlehem Station for repairs and resupply.There have been about 2-3 other Zoner around. Now as the Order Vessel was repaired it launched again and wanted to leave through the Lane in front of Bethlehem. But it was held of by some Navy who entered the NFZ and disrupted the Lane. The Order Vessel asked our Prior for help, because not one Zoner had said anything so far. So our Prior tried to solve the Situation. The Answers of the TF7 / Navy Vessels was that they do not even care a bit about our NFZ and that they will attack the order nonetheless. and they did. Of course our Prior defended the NFZ without hestitation. He was the only Zoner, in fact the others took a Distance from about 5K . So our Vessel was forced to dock on Bethlehem and could not safe the Order Vessel nor the Zoner neutrality, even though there would have been enough Forces around.

Same Location, few hours ago. Three of us and two independent Zoner and some others were standing right in front of Bethlehem. We had a nice talk as suddenly the TF7 and an independent Navy showed up. This Time they brought 3 Battleships. They asked what we were doing with two capital vessels and a gunboat in front of this Station. We told them its because of the previously actions against our Neutrality in this Sector. The TF7 asked us to leave. By that time we 3 were standing alone in front of Bethlehem, the other Zoner Vessels must have gotten serious problems with their ships, which forced them to dock.
We refused to leave. No one should be kicked out his own Station by someone else. Especially not Zoner in their NFZ. The Fight was short. The TF7 / Navy Battleships have been destroyed within a few minutes.

There are many more examples like these, where Zoner tried to avoid a Fight by just doing what they are told no matter if that means to betray everything they should believe in.
Zoner these days give Weapons to Governments to gain their courtesy, disband NFZs in order to avoid trouble and prefer to look away if a difficult situation appears.
That is one reason the ORI do not tag their Ships with the ill famed Zoner Banner.

I now ask all of you: How long do you think this is going to work? No need to answer for i already know it.
Most of you joined the Zoner not because they believe in our Ways but they believe in their own Profit of being neutral to everyone, having an easy way of researching and might having a free pass out of Piracy many times.

We are composed of people from many different Regions, many different Religions and the reason we joined the Zoner may be equally various, but we all do believe in our Freedom and Neutrality. But it does not come for free. There always will be someone who tries to dominate us for thinking neutrality means weak. You can either accept that and live as a coward or you proof them wrong and live as a real Zoner.

ORI have been named Terrorists, Traitors and many more things like that. But ask yourself one question before you judge us: What did we do that was against the Zoner way and should not have been done by every other Zoner? We never attacked; but defended.

Whenever you met an ORI, you can count on him as a Friend, fighting for and aside you until the end, if it is needed

##Transmission terminated##

To: all Zoner - Mannock - 02-01-2011

Comm ID: Mannock
From: Freeport 9
To: the unknow Zoner from the ORI.

Who do you think you are to speak to us like that? Your using the easy way out for problems, shoot before you shoot. We do not start wars, we are free spirits and we just give our lives for our people (including friends here.)

We are scientists, diplomats, explorers, and some merchants. But too many of us were warriors, soldiers on the payroll of the houses or other groups, therefore, for us the weapons are the last election, when others have left us no other choice.

You are not anyone if your ships do not use the Transponder Zoner. I get bored talking to John Does who believe that the path of war is the way of the Zoners.

You ought to go home to your mothers, war is not glory, power and victory, only death, destruction and defeat for all. Grow up and stop your silly childhood dreams.

To: all Zoner - Stygian - 02-01-2011

[Image: gabetrans.png]
Well, whoever you are, I'm not going to argue over what it is to be a Zoner. We could go on forever over that. What you do need, though, is a reality check.

Take a second and think about where you are. Thats right...Liberty space. They caught you aiding one of their enemies and reacted how anyone would expect them to. And about the other situation. They have laws forbidding any foreign capital ship from entering Liberty space. You, grossly, break this law and get the treatment anyone would expect.

You need to realize that our stations in house space are there only because the houses allow them to be. If you think you can stop the Liberty Navy by force you are a damn fool. Our neutrality is not something that was just given. It is something we have had to work hard to maintain. Now with idealistic morons running around that will be even harder than ever.

You can expect no help from my company, or any Zoner with a brain. Hopefully you come to your senses and do the smart thing. And that is to get out of Liberty space before you get your crew killed and quite possibly make Liberty an unwelcome place for the average Zoner. I'll give you a day to do this. After that I do everything in my power to make sure innocent people don't suffer because of you.
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

To: all Zoner - Ames Research Station - 02-01-2011

[Image: stationfinaltbtop.png]
COMM ID : Edward Malrone, Co Admistrator

To : ORI.


Well, I think you guys are really crazy to show our technology to Sirius. The Jinkusu is a myth, a legend.
And You you bring it in the most crowed house. Liberty don't want cap ship in Liberty Space. And As is know Bethlehem Station can build such things. So you cross liberty systems WITHOUT authorization.
Maybe they have breach the NFZ, but guess what, Pennsylvania is a liberty system. Yes Bethlehem Station have an NFZ and Zoner Law is applied there. But bring capital ship there is a really bad idea. And why capital there ? They are no problem which need capital ship in Pennsylvania !

So leave your cap in a system where they "can be" useful.

Sincerely Edward Malrone.

[Image: stationfinaltbbottom.png]

To: all Zoner - Decerebrated.Individual - 02-01-2011

Incoming reply...

Sender : Jonathan J. Calahassy
From : Bethlehem Station:

Are you crazy, man?

You trying to start a war with liberty or what?

In case you didn't know, the Order are wanted as terrorists in Liberty, and Pennsylvania has a strong navy presence that could kick us all out in a month if they wanted.

I came here for a peaceful life free of all the damn wars the houses are leading, not to start a new one with them.

I dont need this [color=#FF0000]*BLEEEEP*.

*female voice:*
This message has been altered to suit our younger listeners. A courtessy brought to you by the Independant Neuralnet Division

Next time, when you gotta invite an Order combat ship to Bethlehem, pretend you dont know them when navy shows up.

Thank you.


*transmission ends*

To: all Zoner - kun - 02-01-2011

##incoming Transmission##

' Wrote:Next time, when you gotta invite an Order combat ship to Bethlehem, pretend you dont know them when navy shows up.

That is exactly what i am talking about. Coward.

to Mr.Malrone:

I know that Name...somehow. We brought the Ships after the Navy attacked a non-battleship of us.
Bring them where they can be used? They are quite useful where they are at the moment. We would have lost many of our People if they haven't been there actually.

to Mr.Caudill:

I am sorry for your misbelief. I hope you will think before taking any actions in order to "make sure innocent people don't suffer". For a wrong step on this can lead to much greater suffer than is necessary.

to Mr.Mannock:

There is a Difference in starting a war and defending your belief. We all being "scientists, diplomats, explorers, and some merchants" and just living our lives in peace and harmony is a great dream. But a dream only.

##Transmission terminated##

To: all Zoner - lousal - 02-01-2011


To: all Zoner - Uzed - 02-01-2011

op..ening... channel..

Hallowed are the Ori!

Humans.... stop shoving your head up in
<div align="right]other *navys* .... behind...

the Hallowed ORI have a destination... and it will be reached..
.. by peace or laceration *


Hallowed are the Ori!

<div align="right]...terminated...

To: all Zoner - Yaoquizque - 02-01-2011

Fnordnet transmission, Node #55555 Wrote:++ Source : "KSC" Mnemosym ++
++ Destination : ORI vessels ++
++ Derivation : Goddess Discordia ++
++ Encryption level : mu ++
++ Transmission begins ++

[Image: eris.png]
The Sirius Greatest Association of What-ever-it-is-that-we-are
*A somewhat aged lady appears on the screen*

Dear friends, i'm sorry to have to say it, you are going astray.
Remember we don't keep our assets thanks to our military power. Said military power is quite weak actually, compared to the ones of the houses for example.

No... We protect our base by doing something we're good at. Diplomacy.

Understanding our neighbours, comprehend their priority, staying useful to them, following their laws on their territory?
*She shrugs*

If you wish to fight for the sake of it, or use zoner technology in an aggressive way, i doubt you will have any support from TAZ.

Please... Think of the repercussions of your actions before going wild again.
++ You will find that the state is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly too ++
++ End of transmission ++

To: all Zoner - tyro - 02-01-2011

...:Incoming Transmission:...
...:Robert Pirx:...
...:Trading Office, Freeport 5:...

TO: ORI vessels

From your words and deeds, looks clearly that you don't understand what it means to be Zoners. So, stop using our technology and rely on Zoners membership if you wish to continue your activities detrimental to the Zoners.
You received a warning, or even explicit instructions from official Zoners organizations. You should apply to that.

Robert Pirx

...:End Transmission:...