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Problems with Loss - Printable Version

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Problems with Loss - Charo - 02-04-2011

So, all this week, I've been having problems with the server.

This is not normal for me...

And it's getting on my nerves, because I've been trying to get out of New York for over an hour now, but the furthest I've made it was Magellan before getting sent right back to Manhattan.

So does anybody have ANY advice at all?

Problems with Loss - Korny - 02-04-2011

Seems that many people have a problem with raising loss/fluct/lag at the moment. Not me, but I still have lagouts all the time. I think the server has caught a cold.

Or you're downloading something dirty :P I keed. Maybe your ISP has trouble, etc.

Problems with Loss - Cond0r - 02-04-2011

Yeah, its not just you. A lot of people have been having weird lag/loss. Although, not that high.

Perhaps make sure if your lag is just on this server, or on others as well?

Problems with Loss - VoluptaBox - 02-04-2011

Yeh, it hit me as well. And I live in Italy, pretty damn close to the server, I shouldn't have those problems.

As someone said, cut the porn download! Closing skype might work as well:D

Problems with Loss - Charo - 02-04-2011

' Wrote:Perhaps make sure if your lag is just on this server, or on others as well?
Yea, it's happening on the USA server too, but with Lag instead of Loss.
People have said that they have problems too, but I don't think they have it this bad. It's taking me 20 minutes to get across one system, if I ever make it.

Problems with Loss - Linkus - 02-04-2011

It seems the server is being a bit silly for some reason, I get quite a high amount of loss some days and none the next for no visible reason.