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illuminati symbol? - Avalanche - 02-04-2011

Just watched that, got very freaked out.

Quote:>1 type ILLUMINATI backwards put .com in the end.

>2 press ENTER

>3 S**t Bricks
Also tried that, got freaked out.

Am I crazy? Am I blinded? Your opinions? Your theorys? Your answers?

illuminati symbol? - Zukeenee - 02-04-2011

Ewige Blumenkraft.

illuminati symbol? - Bobthemanofsteel - 02-04-2011

Lol, that's bull****.
Most of those were put in there as a plot device, and the rest are just assumptions.

illuminati symbol? - Avalanche - 02-04-2011

A lot point to 9/11 and lets face facts, of all the numbers to have on a clock or on a wall/book cover, its extremely weird.

illuminati symbol? - Zukeenee - 02-04-2011

What I don't like, though, is the way that video spins the Illuminati as being "the bad guys."

Come on, guys. We're just doing what needs to be done.

You'll thank us when it's over.

illuminati symbol? - FGDireito - 02-04-2011

i dont belive much in that film... 9:11 its a normal hour for people get to work and so

but the NSA thing is just weird :wacko:

do you think if that someone controlled the world would give us clues like that in movies?
of course not :P they are just making us belive in the illuminati so we cant find the real ones! O_o (jk)

i recomend you see Zeitgeist -
it will freak your mind ^^

but dont be influenced by this documentaries, AWLAYS THINK FOR YOURSELFS

illuminati symbol? - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 02-04-2011

What a stupid thing.

Also... did you knew this? ?

illuminati symbol? - Not Espi - 02-04-2011


Seriously, guys? This? Half of the clips there are from movies that are ABOUT secret societies etc. What symbols do you expect they will use? An inverted swastika, the discordian apple, a thesaract or the pyramid with the eye??:lol:

Eye of horus being an illuminati symbol. God, people are paranoid. If an NWO society existed in ancient Egypt, they would have fullfilled out their agenda a loooooooong time ago.

illuminati symbol? - Rommie - 02-04-2011

That made me rofl tbh.

The NSA are some jolly fellas :lol:

illuminati symbol? - Decerebrated.Individual - 02-04-2011

So basically, the Illuminati's main agenda is to put certain numbers and symbols in movies?


Seriously, it just stupid.