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Paralyzer missiles - chopper - 01-10-2008

Well, those are the only missiles that really are useless.
Compare it with the Inferno cannon for example.
It is much harder to hit, it is slower, it is a missile (so CM can stop it), it makes 3 times less damage, and has limited ammo.
Yes, it has a + side, and only one. It doesn't use energy.
Still, i gave it a thought, and i think that it should do at least 14-15k damage (so it can destroy fighters shield instantly, and be more useful against Gunboats/Cruisers/BS's).
Because, as things are now, nobody uses them. And they are class 10 missiles.
They really need improvement, and i don't think giving an alternative to Inferno would unbalance things.
It still uses a Gun mount, so if you want to use it, you are -1 gun.
Any thoughts?

Paralyzer missiles - Othman - 01-10-2008

Maybe turn them into an anti-cap shield busting missile with some splash radius like the nova torpedoe. Increase the damage, reduce the speed and turn rate and there you go, a brand new weapon..

Paralyzer missiles - Jinx - 01-10-2008

caps and real missiles don t go well - its quite bugged. maybe thats the reason they were not included in the original FL. i remember making a nova test run - one nova against a liners 100k shield - i saw the explosion and the nova hit me ... however it did no damage to the shield at all - and that with the large blast.

Paralyzer missiles - Vape - 01-10-2008

hmm, then how would custom anti cap torps for the AEGIS series work?

Paralyzer missiles - Jinx - 01-10-2008

@Vape: they don t - unless they are sort of like the supernova. but before that is a concern for you - you ll have to first finish the model, get an igiss blessing about it - and THEN you can wonder how to make custom missiles ( that is - if igiss agrees with that feature at all ) - with the current missiles - a missile capship is useless.

Paralyzer missiles - mjolnir - 01-10-2008

I use them :crazy: ... just love the sound :)

They actually do drop fighter shields with one hit... don't know why.... some sort of splash damage I guess, maybe it doesn't work on all fighters... but I made it quite a few times.

But I agree that they do not work against GBs and up...(they do work against transports), because on GBs they have to explode in range of the shield generator... which nobody remembers/knows where is on bigger caps.

They could use a bit of damage increase... to some 12-18k.... and a much bigger explosion radius - to the Nova torpedo one....I think

Damage increase will not make then more deadly against fighters... for obvious reasons.... and would make a nice alternative to the inferno (that's why it should have max some 18k damage). The current Paralyzer could be reclassified as class 9 missile.

Paralyzer missiles - Gamazson - 01-10-2008

With mjoinir, they take practice but paralyzers work just fine.

Paralyzer missiles - Rogue63 - 01-10-2008

I had a fighter that sported 2 paralyzers versus shield-killer guns, could drop a VHF shield in one pass leaving power available for guns to work on hull. Was a very effective loadout, only drawback was in long battles you may run outta them, then you have nothing effective for shield busting. As with all loadouts there is a give-n-take to it. My opinion the Paralyzers are very effective versus fighter size, but have noticed not as effective against larger ships.

Paralyzer missiles - chopper - 01-11-2008

Rogue63, yes, but then again.. They are missiles.
Which means, in duels, they will always work perfectly.
But, if you need to chase a Bomber that is bombing your capship, missiles will almost never hit.
You need to face your enemy face to face to score with a missile.
Missiles are very very effective in 1v1, and even 1v2 battles.
But, 3v3, and something like that, not really.
Paralyzer missile launcher is, and this is not a subjective opinion, the least useful launcher.
Corsair GB needs to be hit right in the middle, shooting from the side.
In tail, nope.
In face, nope.
It doesn't work.
Only shield generator, and that is really hard to hit if GB pilot knows his job.

@Mjonlir - Yes, they sometimes take whole shield, it's something like a shield wireframe:)
Didn't have the time to test it, but the only ships i managed to do that on were Vanilla.
Though, i could be mistaken very easily.
Because, i mostly fight against Vanilla ships.
I have no idea how that works, and it doesn't make sense if it is only on Vanilla.
Just didn't notice it on the rest :/

Anyway, they really need a boost.
Because, very few people use them.
Even if you take people who generally use missiles, not even 5% of them uses paralyzers.
And as i said, they are class 10.

It's something like SOLARIS..
Code weapon weaker then most 9's.