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JLMMT Mega-Corporation - Gman513 - 02-05-2011

Hello people. I've started out with making a new Faction and everything and i thought i'd post here to see what the general Population thinks and to see whether anyone would be interested in joining or not.

right. sooo, uhhh, yes here is a small piece of history or whatever so you know how the faction is foremd and everything.

"Upon the planet Manhatten in the New York system, a man had a idea. He wanted to create a Mega Corporation which would be rich and control the galaxy. Course this was never likely to happen so his idea was quickly crunched up and thrown in a Waste incinerator. Only for the mans son to come upon the same idea but actually pursue it. His name was Jeff Leyton. Jeff Muireadhach Leyton. Ex. Liberty Security Force pilot and creator of the J.L. Muireadhach military and trade Corporation. (A Registered Sirius Trademark)

The company had been founded several years before the start of the Rheinland/Liberty war under the name of JML United Trading and was a relatively small company until the need for arms required a larger trading fleet. Seeing a opportunity in the conflict Jeff Leyton soon recreated JML United Trading into the J.L. Muireadhach military and trade Mega-corporation. The newly created company specializes in the trade of military weaponry and large scale trade missions of other goods as well as the provision of military support or weapons to any or all factions of the Sirius Sector.

Currently the JLMMT Corporation'€™s main headquarters is situated upon Planet Manhatten but there are other large scale headquarters on Planet New Berlin, Planet New Londen and Planet New Tokyo with other minor bases situated on other minor planets.
As a result any attempt to destroy the Corporation will simply result in lower standing and higher prices for the responsible faction in their future dealings with the Corporation."

So, basically what the company is is a two pronged Trade and Military Company. You need soldiers, you got em, you need some nukes for RP reasons, you got em, you dont want to have to spend 8 minutes flying between Tau 23 and New Berlin then we'll bring the goods to you. For a price of course.

So basically the Faction will be Freelancer or Mercenary ID based since all the other Faction ID's are gone and these ones work nicely for whats required.

The faction will be pretty much Neutral to everyone. period. The Company is meant to have dealings with all houses and all Factions throughout Sirius so there will be friends and enemies except for the duration of the contract. Oh right, the whole Factions gonna be based on Contracts, all formal and everything so that everything is as it should be.

Anyway. thats most of the Idea. i may have forgotten something so if you Want to know something else just ask and ill answer and add ti to this post.

JLMMT Mega-Corporation - Dart - 02-05-2011

If you are a corporation, and you focus on trading. I think indie trader is the proper ID.

JLMMT Mega-Corporation - dodike - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:The faction will be pretty much Neutral to everyone. period.
Perhaps you could elaborate how you are going to achieve that.

JLMMT Mega-Corporation - Gman513 - 02-05-2011

Quote:Dart Posted Yesterday, 11:40 PM
If you are a corporation, and you focus on trading. I think indie trader is the proper ID.

Its not going to mainly focus on trading. It will have like two different arms in it, one for mercenary military work and one for trading and slightly more civil things.

Quote:Dodike Posted Yesterday, 11:44 PM
QUOTE(Farenheit @ Feb 5 2011, 08:56 PM)
The faction will be pretty much Neutral to everyone. period.
Perhaps you could elaborate how you are going to achieve that.

Generic ID means no affiliation, No affiliation means no Base meaning center of operation is everywhere. no base means no Rep, No rep means no enemies. Elaborated. My logic may be flawed but that seems to work in my opinion.

JLMMT Mega-Corporation - dodike - 02-05-2011

Generic ID will help.

But still, you will most likely start as unfriendly to unlawful factions.
Let's see what you have to offer to make them reconsider that status.

JLMMT Mega-Corporation - Daedric - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:Generic ID means no affiliation, No affiliation means no Base meaning center of operation is everywhere. no base means no Rep, No rep means no enemies. Elaborated. My logic may be flawed but that seems to work in my opinion.

Your logic is indeed flawed.

Claiming neutrality to everyone won't fly. You will be required to work for said neutrality, just like the faction that is known for their neutrality.

The fact you have a mercenary arm will cause issues for your trading arm. If your mercs get hired on by the Liberty Navy to hunt Rogues, Hackers, etc etc. Those guys will of course target your traders. They don't care if you claim you're neutral.

Overall it looks just like most of the other trade factions; I'd prefer to see you in one of them instead of creating another trade faction, but its your choice not mine. Have fun either way.

JLMMT Mega-Corporation - Linkus - 02-06-2011

You basically want to be the IND.
The IND is neutral to mostly everyone and trades with everyone.

Take a gander at them and see how they maintain said neutrality, should help.

JLMMT Mega-Corporation - Gman513 - 02-06-2011

Perhaps i didn't explain well enough and Daedric point taken but i've got some Fallbacks and wrokarounds in the "contracts" for that sort of problem. Its not a 100% answer but it'll have to do for now. Thank you.

And now to properly Explain. The Mega corporation isn'ta mercenary Group or a Trader group. It provide's services which fall under those categories but not always and not specifically. They trade. Its not a from point A to B thing. Its a service to other Traders. If you want to get that awesome amount of Cash from Mining Niobium Ore from Tau-23 but don't want to have to travel all the way from there to New Berlin. then you request our services and we will get a ship to bring you the goods wherever you want for a only a small fee.

Then the mercenary Side of it. These Contracts that i keep talking about are how the Faction will do its business. So, say the liberty navy (hypothetically) wanted to hire 5 fighters for a specific battle or traspot or protection job. Then thats done and we send out "Mercs" out to do it.

So neither of them are Specifically Traders or Mercs but they could be placed in those categories.

JLMMT Mega-Corporation - Ivan - 02-06-2011

Heh, this faction idea reminded me about my own old idea, faction of treasure hunters working for scientists from Camridge. Although I don't like your idea, since we've got enough factions with Sirius-wide tech, ZoI, etc, etc, and majority of them have clearer goals atm.

And you could simply turn into mercenaries like MM~/Reavers/Ronins. That wouldn't prevent your trade, unless you're not willing to take consequences of your mercenary activities. Oh, yep. Try to join IND.

JLMMT Mega-Corporation - Gman513 - 02-06-2011

Well. thanks for the Review Elven. Except this Faction is already severly limeted Tech-wise by the Generic Id's as it can't have anything bigger than a Bomber and by Role-play wise tech limitations. I'm obviously not going to be able to give my Mercs SCRA, GRN, Nomad or whatever weapons plus the fact that since we are essentially civilians we are futher set back by the lack of military Grade weaponry.

And then finally, I don't want to make this faction for unique Gameplay. i want to create this faction for the Unique RP. In all my time in Disco there are no serious Business like factions or anything.