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Unlawfuls and lawful bases - James.Caan - 02-06-2011

Can someone clarify for me whether unlawfuls can land on lawful bases?

I've just started a new Liberty Rogue char and he's neutral with quite a few lawfuls including the liberty navy and liberty corporations. I know I'm allowed to trade as a LR and I know certain ID's list what type of base you can and can't land on but the LR ID doesn't list any restrictions.

From an RP perspective I can see nipping in and out of Manhattan in your Ptrans might not be reasonable, but howabout the odd visit to a backwater base? Freeports?

Unlawfuls and lawful bases - Commissar - 02-06-2011

Landing on Freeports and Freelancer bases is usually just fine.
I'd be more cautious about docking with any in-house bases, since they'd likely have a strong police presence in-RP.

Unlawfuls and lawful bases - Daedric - 02-06-2011

Everyone is welcome at a Freeport unless you give Zoners a reason to ban you. Any Freeport, even ones inside house space. Just don't get upset when the law shoots you for being in their space or expect Zoner NFZs to protect you from them.

As a LR, I don't think you can land on Manhattan or any Liberty Navy, Police, or corp base. I could be wrong though, I know little about Rogue RP.

Unlawfuls and lawful bases - schlurbi - 02-06-2011

In Liberty you can only dock on Liberty Rogue, Junker, Lane Hacker and Zoner Stations. It's not only within Role Play to stay away from Manhattan, Riverside or Sugarland, it is also against the Server Rules.

You should not be neutral with the Liberty Navy anyway, again it is because of Role Play and the Server Rules. The Reputation-Ninja should strike soon, if it didn't already.

Unlawfuls and lawful bases - r3vange - 02-06-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]Well OC-hackers and Rogues ain't the buddies they used to be and I expect them to be even more separated in the next mod (if it comes out in our lifetime). So I suggest if you plan on landing on any UL base with an OC in Liberty you first establish good RP relations with the official faction members

Unlawfuls and lawful bases - James.Caan - 02-06-2011

' Wrote:In Liberty you can only dock on Liberty Rogue, Junker, Lane Hacker and Zoner Stations. It's not only within Role Play to stay away from Manhattan, Riverside or Sugarland, it is also against the Server Rules.

You should not be neutral with the Liberty Navy anyway, again it is because of Role Play and the Server Rules. The Reputation-Ninja should strike soon, if it didn't already.

Could you point me to where this is in the server rules as I'm trying to make sure I stay within the rules and RP.

The Pirate ID is quite clear that users cannot land on any lawful bases except Zoners, but not the Liberty Rogue ID. I've been all over the place and my rep is still neutral with the Liberty navy and most Liberty corps which I find odd - I assumed buying the LR ID would automatically make me red with these people.

I'm not trying to be a apin, just understand the complex rules, written and unwritten of this game! :)

Unlawfuls and lawful bases - schlurbi - 02-06-2011

Quote:6.2 Ship and equipment used must match tag and ID as closely as possible.

The following chart is an official guideline of ship and weapon use on the official Discovery Server :

All characters using mismatched ID/Ship/Weapon combinations must possess either an Admin granted Terrorist ID or a Special Operative ID.

6.10 Player reputation and conduct must match player actions. For instance a player may not dock on a base belonging to the persons whom they are attacking or being attacked by.
These are the Rules you're looking for.

R3vange, the Liberty Rogue, Outcast and Lane Hacker Business is fine. As long you're not in a Cap Ship you're fine to land on Rogue Bases as an Outcast too. The Outcasts know how Rogues treat the Outcasts in Cap Ships, they aren't against it, they even wanted that we're telling them to get back Home. Sometimes we even got Weapons for doing so.

Unlawfuls and lawful bases - James.Caan - 02-06-2011

' Wrote:6.10 Player reputation and conduct must match player actions. For instance a player may not dock on a base belonging to the persons whom they are attacking or being attacked by.

Thanks. That rule makes sense. So as long as my LR rep is neutral with, say for example, Universal and I don't attack them and they don't attack me, I can land on their bases?

Or are LR's just forbidden from Liberty Corp bases entirely even though it doesn't say so explicitly anywhere I can find?

Unlawfuls and lawful bases - Irra - 02-06-2011

"Or are LR's just forbidden from Liberty Corp bases entirely even though it doesn't say so explicitly anywhere I can find?"

Basically, yes it's forbidden. If you had correct reputation this rule would apply to you too.

You have LR ID that means you are LR and you should be hostile to Liberty Navy, Police and corps and their towards you. (inRP) Each char is bound by that RP, if you are LR your goal when you are setting up char is to set it hostile to Liberty lawfuls too, not just friendly to your faction, in this case LR.

I only wonder how aren't you hostile, make sure you do few more missions for rogues.

Fix it soon.:)

Unlawfuls and lawful bases - Aes_Sidhe - 02-06-2011

LR Id dont make You automatically Hostile to LN and Liberty corp Only to LPI... especially if You was making character as /restart liberty... so games mechanics will alow you to.. but that will be very OORP and probably sanction able as violation of Rule 6.10