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To Outcast leaders - Printable Version

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To Outcast leaders - Zweibrucken - 02-06-2011

SOURCE: Dublin system.
SUBJECT: Ship useage

Greetings dear fellows,

id like to request a Outcast "Tridente" Gunship for personal use and pirating, reasons for this is my bomber is uncapable of dealing with servel foes at once and i often end up on the wrong side of big guns.

I am a freelance pirate who has been around a fair time used many differnt ships of deiffernt clases but found that none could match the Tridente...a truly amazing ship. i know you dont give these out lightly but i wont use it agasint outcasts or her allys, it will be squeky clean and well maintaned. you will often see me around dublin or in california and even smuggling cardi from time to time.

i do ask what is needed exactly to gain one of these ships as i would love to own one and i know what ive sent probly wont be enough,

Miranda Lambert
Freelance Pirate