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ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER AGGRIEVED - Dieter Schprokets - 02-07-2011

LNS-Red_Bull has been sanctioned owing to a report posted for:

Quote:6.7 Attacking freighters, transports, liners or demanding cargo from the same is not allowed for cruisers and battleships.

Consequences: Fined all credits and guns.

Admin Link to Report

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER AGGRIEVED - Orca.Freelancer - 02-07-2011

May i ask what this is about as i have no idear

as i play Lns-red_bull

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER AGGRIEVED - Orca.Freelancer - 02-07-2011

' Wrote:LNS-Red_Bull has been sanctioned owing to a report posted for:
Consequences: Fined all credits and guns.
Admin Link to Report

OK may i ask who when and were this happerd



You killed a Gallic Train with your capital ship in New York.

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER AGGRIEVED - Orca.Freelancer - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:You killed a Gallic Train with your capital ship in New York.

Liberty Navy Guard ID
From Discovery Wiki

i honestly do not remembers this but,,,

Pilot carrying this ID is in the Liberty Navy Guard, who :

* Can destroy traders in Liberty who belong to corporations headquartered in Houses that Liberty is at war with if the trader refuses to drop all cargo and leave Liberty.

im sure we are at war with gallic government and i would not kill with out reson in this red bull profile
like asking the trader to leave new york ect


You can't kill transports with a capital ship (with a few exceptions, none of which apply to you)

The killed player had a Gallic Train. You had a Dreadnaught.

Do you understand?

Quote:im sure we are at war with gallic government
Liberty is not at war with Gallia yet. It doesn't matter if you are at war or not; you cannot kill transports with a capital ship.

ADMIN NOTICE : PLAYER AGGRIEVED - Orca.Freelancer - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:You can't kill transports with a capital ship (with a few exceptions, none of which apply to you)

The killed player had a Gallic Train. You had a Dreadnaught.

Do you understand?

Liberty is not at war with Gallia yet. It doesn't matter if you are at war or not; you cannot kill transports with a capital ship.

yes i understand

but im in a LABC but i gess its the same for that ship as well
