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Assassination Bounty on all .:J:. Tagged Vessels (5 MIL) - Printable Version

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Assassination Bounty on all .:J:. Tagged Vessels (5 MIL) - Coral Reaver - 02-07-2011

[font=Century Gothic]
"Greetings members of the Reaver Mercenary Company, Xeno Alliance and the Official Bounty Hunters Guild.

I have sent this direct transmission to only your three organizations for an offer that I'm certain of that you will accept. That is the very reason why you have received this transmission.

What I want is simple, in addition to the data bounty which is in effect against all Junker Congress vessels, your three parties have been offered an additional bounty that you can claim. This bounty however is one of an assassination-nature, I don't just want to find dirt on the Congress, I want them dead as well, and that is what you will provide me with. For money of course.

All questions regarding this bounty should be cleared from the information below."


Terms of Contract:

THE AMOUNT AVAILABLE - 200 Million Credits

To be eligible for payment you must:

'€¢ Have a recorded kill-shot of said .:J:. target.

This bounty is valid Sirius Wide


Five (5) Million Credits per successfully shot down Junker Congress member.

Should you find a .:J:. vessel in smuggling contraband, then you are (provided that you have acquired the requested evidence) allowed to both claim the reward of the data bounty, as well as proceed to shoot the same target down in order to claim for this board.

Naturally, I expect you to make the data and assassination transmissions separate in this particular scenario.

Good luck, I know you will accept this.

- Mr. K

Assassination Bounty on all .:J:. Tagged Vessels (5 MIL) - Tanker - 02-07-2011

Greetings Mr. K

Getting paid to kill Junkers? I must be dreaming. However, If ya are serious about this, you can count us in.
These credits will go a long way in helping us pay fer our supplies and duct tape.


Mr. X

Assassination Bounty on all .:J:. Tagged Vessels (5 MIL) - Coral Reaver - 02-07-2011

[font=Century Gothic]
"Mr. X,

I wouldn't have come to you with this offer if I wasn't serious.

You get me those kills, and you will reap the rewards."

[color=#FFCC66]- Mr. K

Assassination Bounty on all .:J:. Tagged Vessels (5 MIL) - Reaver Company Inc. - 02-07-2011

-( Incoming Transmission
-( Reaver Mercenary Company
Color us delighted. There's something so... Satisfactory about such a task. Consider us on the job.

[color=#999966]-( Transmission terminated

Assassination Bounty on all .:J:. Tagged Vessels (5 MIL) - Primitive - 02-10-2011

Source: Ouray Base, Kepler System
Comm ID: XA-Earl "BushMaster" Hopper
Subject: Report

[Image: earlhopper2.jpg]

'Ello there, I heard ya want junkers dead...and paying for it. Well here is a dead junker for ya.

File 1
File 2

You can send the credits to XA-BushMaster.

End of Transmission

Assassination Bounty on all .:J:. Tagged Vessels (5 MIL) - Silver - 02-10-2011

[Image: kallcomm2.png]
Here's one Junker for you.
He was running from Tau 23 to Tau 37. He didn't made it to Alpha.

.:Junker ID Scan:.
.:Junker exploded, re-colored and re-made:.

Send the 5.000.000 credits to [color=#FFFFFF]Silver.Reaver

I'll split them later with my homies.


Assassination Bounty on all .:J:. Tagged Vessels (5 MIL) - Coral Reaver - 02-10-2011

[font=Century Gothic]
Bushmaster and Silver Reaver,

Your payments have arrived:



[color=#FFCC66]- Mr. K

Assassination Bounty on all .:J:. Tagged Vessels (5 MIL) - Cannon - 02-10-2011

This bounty is now closed.

Blanket bounties may only be declared by official factions.

Good day.