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To all parties interested in obtaining Rheinwehr technology - Printable Version

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To all parties interested in obtaining Rheinwehr technology - Sturmwind - 02-07-2011


SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Strausberg,[color=#33CC00] New Berlin System.
[color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FFFFFF]Low, port RM-CH-HC-23-F.


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION ON SCREEN]=
[Image: Anna-transmission.png]

SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Anna Kirsch, Rheinland Military Secretary.
[color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]All parties interested in obtaining Rheinwehr technology.
[color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Surplus, or the lack thereof.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

We regret to inform you that the Rheinland Military is temporarily standing down with surplus equipment distribution. We will no longer be giving out Rheinwehr equipment to freelancers, mercenaries, bounty hunters, retired ex-servicemen or any similar third-party assets.

We have made this decision considering that we are getting more requests for equipment than we can afford giving out, as an addition to our offices being overwhelmed by paperwork due to an ineffective bureaucratic structure, which needs reworking.

On the final note, I would like to clarify that this does not affect currently pending technology negotiations or approvals and that the bounty board is still open for job opportunities.

Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.


Anna Kirsch,
Secretary of Admiral Alec Voelkel
Oberkommando der Rheinland Militär.


[color=#009900][font=Tahoma]=[[color=#33CC00]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED]=