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sanction's with lack of info - Printable Version

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sanction's with lack of info - Orca.Freelancer - 02-08-2011

Can players be sanctioned without evidence or screenshots ect

or can people be sanctioned without time to defend thems self, i think that is not a good idear as in the real world people are given the right to defend them self before any sanctions are put on them

so i would like to see who and why im being sanctioned and not a rule just quoted at me without a reson why i broke it like as in , who i killed ect or broke the rule at who ect

so i think a change is needed that or sanctione's must come with evidence and at least 48hr for a reply to get both side of any story to keep this sanction fair to both partys


sanction's with lack of info - Cond0r - 02-08-2011

Sanctions do come with evidence. No one gets sanctioned if there is no evidence provided, in the form of a screenshot.

And you're comparing real life to a online gaming forum. Why?

sanction's with lack of info - mwerte - 02-08-2011

When in doubt the admins won't sanction people if the evidence isn't clear-cut.

This isn't the real world, this is a virtual game. You don't actually go to jail/lose your livelihood if you're unjustly sanctioned.

Adding an extra step will just add to admin grumpiness, and extra grumpiness leads to more sever sanctions.

sanction's with lack of info - Charo - 02-08-2011

You can get evidence, just ask for it. But here's the thing, admins are busy with keeping this place a little less then an insane asylum, so it may be a day or two before you get it. So when in doubt, be patient.

sanction's with lack of info - Orca.Freelancer - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:When in doubt the admins won't sanction people if the evidence isn't clear-cut.

This isn't the real world, this is a virtual game. You don't actually go to jail/lose your livelihood if you're unjustly sanctioned.

Adding an extra step will just add to admin grumpiness, and extra grumpiness leads to more sever sanctions.

what i mean is i have been sanction and i have no idear why all i can see is this

"6.7 Attacking freighters, transports, liners or demanding cargo from the same is not allowed for cruisers and battleships."

no name of the transport or person i demanded cargo from , so i think it fine to ask who and when this tool place as i have no idear,,, and i sure i have not done this but i could be wrong but hay i think i should know


sanction's with lack of info - Orca.Freelancer - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:Sanctions do come with evidence. No one gets sanctioned if there is no evidence provided, in the form of a screenshot.

And you're comparing real life to a online gaming forum. Why?

becos it still roleplay i think and roleplay should have some common sence to it reel or not it makes for better online gaming if people are treated fairly but thats my view i gess

sanction's with lack of info - Anonymous User - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:what i mean is i have been sanction and i have no idear why all i can see is this

"6.7 Attacking freighters, transports, liners or demanding cargo from the same is not allowed for cruisers and battleships."

no name of the transport or person i demanded cargo from , so i think it fine to ask who and when this tool place as i have no idear,,, and i sure i have not done this but i could be wrong but hay i think i should know

go in ya sanc thread and say "please send me the env. via PM, thx"

and you will get it

sanction's with lack of info - Enojado - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:and i sure i have not done this but i could be wrong but hay i think i should know

Are you making fun of yourself?

sanction's with lack of info - Weedalot - 02-08-2011

i see LNS in his name, i was certain LNS can pew pew transports.. Guard ID and all..

sanction's with lack of info - Orca.Freelancer - 02-08-2011

but the point i am making is when a post is put out about a player is being sanction , the post should show the evidence as well as the rule, also be in the same post