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"Two computers, one player" - Printable Version

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"Two computers, one player" - Hielor - 02-08-2011

I'd like clarification for the "legality" of a couple scenarios of a single player using two computers/accounts simultaneously. Similar things have come up on the boards before, but as far as I can tell there hasn't been an actual admin response/opinion, and I'd really like to avoid getting in trouble.

Scenario 1:
Quote:Two accounts, a miner on account A and a transport on account B.
Player is mining on A, logs in to B, transfers ore, logs off B. Repeat until B is full, then logs off A and flies B to market and back, then logs off B ad back onto A to continue mining.

Scenario 2:
Quote:Two accounts, a barge on account A and a transport on account B.
Barge A arrives at the planet that B is docked at. Player logs into B, launches to space, fills B from A, heads back to the planet, sells everything, fills B with whatever the next cargo is from the planet, launches to space, then swaps the new stuff to A for another full load of the original cargo, heads back down to the planet...and so on until the barge's cargo has been fully swapped for something new.

References (omg I used the search function! Also note that the first two are direct links to the relevant post, not the start of the thread, since the preceeding stuff was irrelevant):
R1: Rule Explanation Series for 2.1
Quote:Yes, it is perfectly acceptable if you have two computers and multiple accounts for you to briefly (and by that we're talking about 2-3 minutes) log on so that you can do equipment transfers - just don't do that when the server is more than 3/4 full. (We know dead drops in space can sometimes just disappear.)

What is not acceptable is to have two traders chugging down the lanes where we can obviously tell that one person is controlling both ships. Or someone pulling another ship across a sector, when (again) it's obvious no one is in the second ship. Or for that matter, having a trader being 'escorted' by another ship - again, where it's obvious that there's only one pilot for both ships. Any and all of these are multi-boxing, which is not allowed on our server. Other servers may (and do) have different rules on this rule.
R2: Logging out in ore fields
Quote:Miners do it all the time

5k Transports log out in the middle of the Ore fields, they mine in there little old mafic and log back in regularly with thier transport and collect the ore.
Quote:Well it's allowed since you transfer things from ship to ship...also it's allowed to use two computers for Item transfers only.

But if you abuse it, it might be sanctionable...i think

/summon Admins ?
R3: Transferring Items Between Accounts
Second page:
Quote:Anything big - as in, doing trade runs with both computers, or pulling a suicide trading run using two computers.

No one really cares one way or the other if you log on and transfer stuff from one ship to another.
R4: Working around Zoner Guard ID restrictions
Quote:Playing on two PCs at the same time is powergaming am I right folks?
So, if You ever planned to do so, be aware that You may not be cought second day, but if Admins will find out about it, sanction is almost sure.

The "official" word from R1 says that it's okay to do "equipment transfers," so if you go by explicitly what that says is okay, then neither of these scenarios is acceptable (since they're transferring commodities, not equipment). It also says that what they're trying to avoid is actually controlling both characters at the same time, such as when travelling--so if you go by what that says is not okay, then I would think that both of these scenarios would be acceptable.

As far as I can tell, Scenario 1 is considered "okay" as long as no other rules (e.g., F1-ing to avoid player interaction) are broken. I would prefer to do this when there are no other people around, natch. I'd probably also favor doing it at a base rather than F1ing in open space. This raises the question, though--what do I do if someone shows up during the transfer?

As for Scenario 2...R4 seemed the most relevant, but it was talking about using a second character to avoid the restrictions on the Zoner Guard ID, and using multiple computers only came up briefly. This leaves the original question unanswered--is Scenario 2 okay? I mean, from a roleplaying perspective it does make sense--given a freighter too large to dock at a given location, you'd naturally have cargo handlers available to help you offload your cargo. Heck, I'd even be willing to stick AI IDs in them (and follow the limits of that ID) for the sake of RP (automated cargo loading drones), but I think I'd have to draw the line at using Heavy Lifters:P

I assume that scenario 2 would be perfectly fine if I had someone else flying down to the planet, but I suspect I'd have a hard time convincing someone to follow me around at barge speed just to do that. Note that in Scenario 2 I wouldn't ever be moving the "cargo handlers" around, they'd just be logged off docked at their respective planets and I'd only log in to them to unload cargo. During that time, the barge itself wouldn't be going anyplace, it would just be waiting above the planet.

Based on what I've found on the forums, I'm leaning toward saying that "yes, scenario 1 is okay" and "scenario 2 is not technically against the rules but is kind of a gray area," but I'd like confirmation/clarification before actually trying either of these.

Thanks in advance,

"Two computers, one player" - Divine - 02-08-2011

Transferring equipment was always alright. You quick log two chars the same time and transfer your weapons/armour.

For everything else it's not. Ore and other cargo is not equipment, it's cargo. Find players to do such transfers with you (or drop your precious ore into space).

You must not log a second char you earlier F1'd in the mining fiels as long you still got your first char logged in there just so you can -savely- transfer your precious ore. Same for unloading trading ships to stations/planets.

The key words to remember are - "so that you can do equipment transfers". For everything that isn't an equipment transfer (that's that stuff you actually can mount) it's considered multiboxing.

"Two computers, one player" - Hielor - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:The key words to remember are - "so that you can do equipment transfers". For everything that isn't an equipment transfer (that's that stuff you actually can mount) it's considered multiboxing.
Thanks for the quick reply. It would be nice if this were more explicit in the "explanations" thread, as most posts I found on the matter seemed to have a much less strict interpretation of the rules.

"Two computers, one player" - Ceoran - 02-08-2011

From what I recall from certain skype-talks I'm fairly sure Scenario 1 is considered legal. (No, not going to dig that log out since it was months ago in one of the most spammed chats I'm in)

"Two computers, one player" - NixOlympica - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:The REAL question is, what do you care that the person there logs in his other pc to transfer his cargo...

Does it somehow impact your game?

Apart from slots, that is.

Or is it just trying to find another reason to sanction someone?

He will earn more money!!!

He will have more than me!


Now seriously, logging on server with 2 computers of same user is prohibited. I read it somewhere admin-written. Not sure where now, to be honest.

"Two computers, one player" - r3vange - 02-08-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]Hm interesting I wanted to ask a similar thing, I know it's illegal but is there any chance in hell you could use multiple windows account for RP purposes only?

"Two computers, one player" - NixOlympica - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:Every time I roll around the server
there are at least three encounters when I meet 2 to three transports
only one talks
all have same ping/lag/loss
I don't give a.

"I once met a person who gave a damn, you know what I did to him?!"

"Two computers, one player" - Ceoran - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:Now seriously, logging on server with 2 computers of same user is prohibited. I read it somewhere admin-written. Not sure where now, to be honest.

Logging alone only if the server is somewhere above 160 players I think, otherwise it's legal for transferring stuff, actively playing two accounts at the same time (as in doing trade runs together) is always illegal. I also read that somewhere admin-written, and I'm fairly sure that it was Hoodlum and included the term "common sense"

"Two computers, one player" - The.Sikisawa - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:The REAL question is, what do you care that the person there logs in his other pc to transfer his cargo...

Does it somehow impact your game?

Apart from slots, that is.

Or is it just trying to find another reason to sanction someone?


"Two computers, one player" - Cannon - 02-08-2011

Aye. Common sense is the key word.

Strictly by the rules, using two accounts or computers to transfer equipment is illegal but we have stated that we will ignore this as along as it isn't abused.