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Gate/Lane Parts: A Clarification - Printable Version

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Gate/Lane Parts: A Clarification - Echo 7-7 - 02-08-2011

Edit: This thread is largely irrelevant due to the new Ageira Technologies ID in v4.86.

I thought I'd make this post in order clarify Ageira's stance on the trading of Gate/Lane parts.

For all ships, carrying Gate/Lane Parts is not a sanctionable offence - you cannot and will not be punished by Admins for carrying it. Please keep in mind this is an ooRP post explaining Ageira's RP stance on the trading of Parts.

Note: Underleveled ( < 30 ) players with Civilian IDs are exempt from the following 'rules'. Anyone found to be abusing this leniency will quickly find themselves on the receiving end of a FR5.

You are allowed to trade in Gate/Lane Parts as a member of one of the following player factions:
- Ageira Technologies; Ageira|
- Deep Space Engineering; DSE)
- Universal Shipping Incorporated; [*USI*]
- Interspace Commerce; IC|
- Bowex; Bowex)

These are the only factions who have current contracts allowing them to trade in Parts.

If you are an independent ship, you are allowed to carry Parts if you have one of the following IDs:
- Ageira Technologies
- Universal Shipping

No other Factions or IDs permit you to carry Gate/Lane parts.

* How Ageira will treat you if you are carrying Parts.

If you are allowed to carry Parts, we will provide an escort service, if there are Ageira ships available. The escort should be paid if the cargo reaches its destination.

If you are not allowed, and have an ID that is neutral or friendly to Ageira, you will be stopped, and given two options:
1) Return your Parts to their origin immediately, and sell them.
2) Drop your Parts into space, immediately.
Failure to comply will result in the destruction of the offending ship. Should the offending ship somehow avoid punishment, they will be bountied, and may become kill-on-sight for Ageira faction ships.
'Failure to comply' constitutes, but is not limited to:
- ignoring the Ageira ship.
- engaging the Ageira ship, at any time.
- fleeing from the Ageira ship.
- deviating from the course chosen by the Ageira ship to the relevant base.

This includes, but is not limited to, IDs such as: Freelancer, Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Corporation, Police/Navy, Independent Trader, Miner.

If you are not allowed to carry Parts, and have an ID that is unfriendly or hostile to Ageira, you will be stopped, and must immediately drop your cargo. There will be no exceptions.
Failure to comply will result in the same penalties as above.

These IDs include, but are not limited, to: Outcast, Corsair, Slaver, Privateer, Hogosha, Blood Dragon, Xenos, Molly, Unioner, Gallic Lawful, Gallic Unlawful.

If you have any of the following IDs, and are found to be carrying Gate/Lane Parts, you will be considered Kill-on-sight by all Ageira ships:
- Pirate ID
- Junker ID
- Smuggler ID
- Lane Hacker ID
- Gallic Corporation ID
You will receive little warning when being attacked.

Addendum 1:
Only certain types of ships are able to correctly accomodate Gate/Lane Parts in their hold. Additionally, some vessels belonging to foreign entities are extremely suspicious and are not authorised to carry Parts.

The only permitted vessels come from the following categories on the Tech Chart:
- Civilian Liberty.
- Civilian Bretonian.
- Civilian (Sirius-wide excluding Gallia).

- a Barge may not be used to transport Parts, seeing as they are manufactured in small quantities insufficient to fill a Barge's hold, and Ageira does not have mooring facilities for such a ship, which is really more of a mobile space station.

Certain other vessels flown by the permitted factions listed above may have been specially modified to carry Parts, and are therefore permitted.

Independent ships with an appropriate ID and flying ships not authorised here should contact Ageira Technologies to have their ships modified and gain clearance to transport Parts.

Addendum 2:
There is a 2 million credit bounty on any unauthorised ship carrying Gate/Lane parts; see here.
This is claimable by anyone who is Neutral, or friendlier, to Ageira. Read through the posts to see examples.

This policy is subject to change without notice. Significant alterations will likely be announced.

Gate/Lane Parts: A Clarification - Snoozzzer - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:If you have any of the following IDs, and are found to be carrying Gate/Lane Parts, you will be considered Kill-on-sight by all Ageira ships:
- Junker ID
- Smuggler ID
- Lane Hacker ID
You will receive little or no warning when being attacked.

Why would Junkers be kill on sight while the pirate factions (Outcasts, Xenos, Slavers, Hogosha) are treated like regular traders?

Yes, I know about Gallia, and was under the impression that Ageira did not know the Junkers were Gallia's source of lane parts. Any other reason for this?

Gate/Lane Parts: A Clarification - Echo 7-7 - 02-08-2011

That's since Ageira is not looking to start a head-on fight with the larger pirate syndicates.
And if you read carefully, general pirates are not treated the same way.
They have to drop the cargo, or die. If they drop the cargo, and it it still permissible within the bounds of the Ageira ID, they may still be attacked/and or killed. (We have permission to hunt Pirates and Hackers.)

When writing this, I wasn't actually considering the situation with Gallia. There are Junker-killing missions available on Ageira bases. Many corporations don't like the Junkers; most see them as scavengers, so if they've got Parts, it indicates they've gone out of their way to steal our product.
Also, reading the linked post about Ageira bounties, go to the end and notice the screens of an indie Junker hauling Parts. While you may claim that's simply one individual, we're not taking chances.
As for Gallia; I like to say that Ageira strongly suspects the Junkers but does not have concrete evidence.

Edit: Thinking realistically, there would be little difference beween the KoS and Pirate encounters; the only difference would probably end up being a few lines of RP dialogue, as most pirates are unlikely to drop stolen goods or loot. The general pirates get the benefit of RP engagement; the KoS targets do not.

Edit 2: This form may be subject to some minor adjustments.

Gate/Lane Parts: A Clarification - Bobthemanofsteel - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:Yes, I know about Gallia, and was under the impression that Ageira did not know the Junkers were Gallia's source of lane parts. Any other reason for this?

' Wrote:s for Gallia; I like to say that Ageira strongly suspects the Junkers but does not have concrete evidence.

Think about it.
Ageira makes the gatelanes. We are the only ones with the power to do so.
Gallia appears. They have gatelanes.
Junkers exist there. Junkers exist in Sirius.
As much as I'd like to completely ignore Gallia, that won't do.
So the obvious assumption is that Junkers somehow obtained the parts in order for Gallia to backengineer.

You're paying for your ancestors actions.
And the Devs.

Nice post Max.

Gate/Lane Parts: A Clarification - SnakThree - 02-08-2011

Just a detail, it's IC| I think.
Since there are few other IC tagged ship.

Gate/Lane Parts: A Clarification - Bobthemanofsteel - 02-08-2011

Yeah, should probably put their tags up there Max.
Thanks Snak3.

Gate/Lane Parts: A Clarification - Zelot - 02-08-2011

Just to be clear, if any of that happens in Kusari space, let the Kusari government know, because Gatelane parts are not considered a restricted good in Kusari. If any of these things happen in our space, it will be considered an act of piracy, and Ageira will be treated accordingly.

Gate/Lane Parts: A Clarification - Daedric - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:No other Factions or IDs permit you to carry Gate/Lane parts.

I'll make this even more clear for everyone, since you are spreading false information.

Any ID can carry and trade in gate/lane parts per the rules. Any.

You will not get sanctioned for carrying the goods. That doesn't mean there won't be inRP consequences for carrying them. Ageira is extremely protective of their product and per the rules is allowed to blow you up should they find you carrying them when they haven't given you permission.

However, as Zelot has pointed out, it is not illegal in any house to be carrying them (Might have changed recently I did see Bako working on getting some of the houses to make it illegal, dunno not going to check the laws right now). That means, if you are in house space and an Ageira tries to take them from you or blows you up. File a report with the house you are in as it will be considered piracy/etc etc. Though some of them might side with Ageira even though it isn't in their laws, they do after all depend on Ageira for the things.

Gate/Lane Parts: A Clarification - Echo 7-7 - 02-09-2011

I have not at any time said that carrying Gate/Lane parts is illegal, merely that Ageira will treat you with varying degrees of hostility.
See the further clarification at the end of the first post.

Tip: If it happpens in Liberty, you can bet that the law will be on our side.

Furthermore, our approach is not pirating. We are not demanding that you drop cargo or pay up for our own financial gain. It is more akin to the Police or Navy requesting that you drop allied pilots or contraband.

Gate/Lane Parts: A Clarification - Daedric - 02-09-2011

I don't believe that clarification was there when I made my post, hence the reason for my post.

As for what your approach is and isn't. In role play, if you can't legally demand the goods or destroy the trader for non compliance it is indeed piracy. From a rules perspective, no it isn't.

Kudos though, be interesting to see any role play that stems from Ageira actually enforcing/trying to enforce their monopoly.