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Anti lolganking - Printable Version

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Anti lolganking - Levi Payne - 02-08-2011

It has come to my attention that ganking happens a lot. Actually, I've known this for a while but I have recently been lolganked severely.

My ship in that video is Bobby_Drake. [Garda]one and I were ganked most severely. We had three Corsair Dreadnaughts, 1 Ossie, about 7 fighters, 2 bombers, and a couple cruisers.

As a player of Discovery, I do not gank. Ever. I have been ganked, I have been slaughtered by 3 bombers who decide they wanna blow something up, but I have never, ever, ganked anyone.
In my opinion, ganking is one of the most rude things anyone can do. It makes the game "unfun" as it were.
In order to reduce the number of ganks that occur, I would like to try propose a possible rule that limits the number of opposing players able to engage one player.
Or we could just say

"Ganking is illegal because it is pvp abuse. Ganking is defined as 3 or more players engaging 1 target. Should more targets be involved, the maximum number of enemys may go up by a maximum of 2. So if you have 2 fighters being attacked by 4 fighters, it is not a gank. 2 fighters vs 5 fighters is a gank."

What do you guys think?

Anti lolganking - Rapur - 02-08-2011

[Image: emo.jpeg]

Anti lolganking - BalckWidow - 02-08-2011

Define Gank.

Anti lolganking - Ayem - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:Define Gank.

The TCG.

No, I'm kidding, you guys are cool.

Constructive edit: Not ganking is what I'd consider a "gentleman's" rule, in that sexist way of mine. If you are ganked, rub your hands with glee at the prospect of.. REVENGE GANK. To put a rule -against- ganking in would cause violation reports to triple in number.

I mean, I may not be an admin, but I'm not a sadist either. Those folks just don't deserve -more- work to trudge through before they get to play.

Anti lolganking - Divine - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:...I would like to try propose a possible rule that limits the number of opposing players able to engage one player.


Anti lolganking - Snoozzzer - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:Define Gank.

He just did. 3 or more enemies per friendly.

Looks like the average day in dublin to me.

Anti lolganking - BalckWidow - 02-08-2011

All i can say is that you should of stayed out of their way..They looked angry:crazy:

Anti lolganking - Kaze Dagon - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:He just did. 3 or more enemies per friendly.
Looks like the average day in dublin to me.

Soooo... 3 Starfliers against a Hegemon?

Or 3 Ranseurs versus a Zephyr?




Anti lolganking - Ceoran - 02-08-2011

Don't fight corsairs, at least not if they are untagged (and no, CNS is not a tag, it's a joke.)

As for your suggestion: So, 3 fighters vs Solarizer-ossie would be gank done by the fighters? Don't think so.

Anti lolganking - Captain - 02-08-2011

' Wrote:
[Image: emo.jpeg]
