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The Karume's Rise to Power - Printable Version

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The Karume's Rise to Power - Karume - 02-08-2011

I'€™d like you to meet the Kusari Karume family. And the ill fate that has befallen them. The leading patron of the family,
the great Karume Sama, has fallen ill and can no longer work the family company. He left it to his brethren to pick up
the company and move forward. Unlike their patron, the Karume members all specialized in different trades.
resulting in an inevitable split, that luckily led to very good results.

The next chapters will describe in detail about the leading figures of each of the brethren. All information is gained
through extensive interviewing and log research. I hope you enjoy my reports. If you desire more information, please
fill out the contact form and state a request for clearence on classified information. The neural net addres to send it
to is: Karume Chaplain at Kyushu Planet.

Captain: Nioshu Karume
Ship: The Karume Trader
Ship type: Kusari Heavy Dragon, Freighter

Log Date: 000-06A-24F
The First to rise to the patrons call were those devoted to trading. They literally stepped in the footsteps of their
patron, and in doing so inherited the old Bumblebee, nicknamed as Brick. In the First months a captain was chosen to
lead the others and make the decisions about where to go, what to buy. A wealthy era began anew for the Karume
family under guidance of Nioshu Karume.

The small family company quickly grew larger and wealthier. One day Nioshu Karume hopes to become part of the
Samura Clan. To achieve this goal, Karume aligned itself with Samura and made some lucrative deals. Nothing to big,
has happened, not jet. But the future hopefully looks bright to a time where Karume can join the Samura.

Karume Trade, under edict of Hioshu is a gentle organization, doing it all for profit by trade. Although not fond of
pirates, choosing between less profit or brethren getting hurt, Nioshu finds it an easy choice. Avoid them if you can,
but pay them in time to prevent bloodshed, where the late Grand Karume Sama'€™s wise words.

Log Date: 000-06A-B40
The wealth of Karume has increased. Nioshu Karume managed to attract the attention of the Samura Heavy Industry
reqruitment team. Within the last weeks Karume wealth allowed for ordering a custom Heavy Dragon Freigter. And
soon after The Karume family was admitted to the Samura. With acces to new trade information, and the larger ship
adequately nicknamed the Karume Trader, the profits have Skyrocketed.

Log Date: 000-06B-480
Joining Samura has proven to be one of the best deals ever. The company provided a startup loan to Nioshu. This
allowed for the ordering of a Kusari Ryuuin train. And profit has never been better. the loan itself has been repayed
in half the time planned for it while it even allowed for a pass to nother new Samura member. It feels to Nioshu as
one big new family. And he is hounoured to be part of it.

There is a downside to this new profit rate though. Nioshu has seen an increase in pirate attempts. While trying to
avoid as manny as possible, their impact on profits has been noticed. Especially the Outcast Jack.Ramirez has been
a bane for the Karume. He raided the train twice, and took all scientists hostage. The second time a lone Officer
came to the resque but Ramirez desroid the train without warning.

Sadly this destruction had a high death count. Nioshu managed to get out alive, together with 27 of his 60 man crew.
Nothing has been heared from the scientists, and the Karume family has held a mourning service on Kyushu for
them. Luckly the escape pods got picked up by another Samura trader and were brought to Tokyo.

Due to the high proftis of late, Nioshu had ordered another train to be build for the Karume. With his first one destroid
he vowed never to give in to Pirates, nor let it deter him from trading. He quickly assembled a new crew and set out
once again. "Time costs Credits, so get a move on, haul these crates aboard." ware his words before departing.

Captain: Miazaki Karume
Ship: The Karume Cruise
Ship type: The Geisha, Freighter

Log Date: 000-06A-24F
Boosted by the profit made in Trading and the wonderful sights of the universe, Miazaki Karume took it upon himself
to spend his inheritance on traveling around. Exploring, cruising, seeing things no one has ever seen before.

Upon returning with stories of untold wonder, it became clear that many other people had an interest in seeing these
sights. And these people were willing to pay for it. Mizaki realised the bissness potential when he recieved a
request to give some Liberty officials an official tour of the Tokyo system. However due to the political state of the
Kusari Government the profit would be limited. So a delegation of the Karume clan took to the Kusari authorities to ask
for a political independence edict.

Only after taking on several of the governments officials in a 6 star test cruise, did the authorities reluctantly wrote an
edict. To late did the Karume found out that the edict was actually an independent edict within a trade embargo. No
support from Kusari in any way could be relied upon. From Kusari Political viewpoint, the Karume Cruise had been
made into just another of the many freelancers in space. Although all gathered information on spacial anomalies had to
be logged and reported. The benefits for the Kusari government. The responsibilities for the Karume family.

Funded by their trading brethren the Karume Cruise ordered a custom made freighter to house passengers in a 6 star
hotel and still have enough space to trade some goods to sustain a steady income. With this ship nearing completion,
the Karume Cruise is about to launch.

Log Date: 000-06A-B40
Miazaki recieved word that the construction of The Karume Cruise nears completion. Miazaki and his crew are thrilled
to begin their work. The last few weeks have been though as Miazaki orchestrated a series of drills to train those
willing to join him. It is starting to look like they will be ready in time.

Log Date: 000-06B-480
A setback hass occured. Miazaki relied upon his trading brethren to finance the construction of the ship. Sadly the
recent increas in pirate raids has put a dent in this plan. It might be some time before his fellow brethren come through
for him. Miazaki will need to wait it out.

Captain: Nogrado Karume
Ship: Krume Security
Ship type: Classified

Log Date: 000-06A-24F
As the influence of Karume grew so did their adversaries. After several '€œincidents'€ as authorities declared it, the
Karume family started to put aside credits for their very own protection service. Hence the Karume Security
detachment was born.

Focusing on protecting the Kusari from external influences this private security sector is hoping for good ties or
alliance with the naval forces or police forces. As privateers it is hard to obtain the right equipment. But the traders
once again provided. They procured an old explorer type vessel that should provide as a startup base.

Log Date: 000-06A-B40
After months of scrubbing, refitting and repainting, the vessel nears completion, and will soon be taken on duty.
Nogrado Karume is still in the process of selecting his crew and training them. The location is one of the old <classified>
Castles on planet <classified>.

Log Date: 000-06B-480
As far as we know the training is going to plan. When we tried to reach Nogrado we were stopped at the gate. They
told us it was a classified governmental earea and we could not go in. They even took oure r ecordings to, screen
them for classified information. At least thats what they told us. We have jet to see them back.

Regardless the Karume Reporting office will do its best to keep you up to date.

Captain: Chibi Karume
Ship: Karume Harvests
Ship type: Civilian Miner class

Log Date: 000-06A-24F
The main motto of The Karume is through hard work comes great fortune. And none believe so more in this credo than
the Karume Miner delegation. It is their purpose to obtain the required materials for the building of the other brethrens
company ships. His name being a honest description of the man, Chibi Karume thinks big.

Together with the Karume Trade Company the Miner group should be responsible for almost 75% of the profit made by
Karume. Utilizing hard labor as a negotiation tool, the Miner delegation is petitioning the Traders relation to Samura to
obtain better equipment.

Log Date: 000-06A-B40
Chibi has been infuriated by the slow progress in the negoiations with Samura. Until they get approval from them, the
work cannot proceed in the most lucrative asteroid fields. Chibi has petitioned Nioshu with the urge to make haste.

Log Date: 000-06B-480
His brethren finaly cam through for him, Chibi Karume got the contract from Samura. He is supposed to be mining in the
Leeds asteroid field for Niobium ore. Regular dropoffs are sceduled to take place near the Stokes station. Chibi and his
crew are thrilled to get drilling. The initial reports state a lucrative haul from the field.

The Karume's Rise to Power - Karume - 02-24-2011

Preorders for the Karume 6 star Cruise are now open: