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Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Printable Version

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Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - tansytansey - 02-09-2011

' Wrote:
[Image: newLRbanner.png]

The Beginnings.
Best viewed in Deep Blue.

The Liberty Rogues began as a motley crew of lower-class citizens beneath the foot of the Liberty Police Inc. and cast out from society; for years they spent their lives in a four by four cell lit by fluorescent white lighting, no room to stretch their legs; or working the dark depths of a mine on Houston where noxious gases mingle along the ceiling as they breathed deep. They were not men, they forgot how to be. Then when their time had been served they returned to the world with no home or families to go back to. They looked up and saw the stars and they became the only thing they knew how to be. Their hopes and dreams were quashed, but not their spirit; they took what little they had in this world and headed out for the stars.

In 816 A.S. Sylpheed took the Position of Crime Boss from Felix Valder and began to shape the Liberty Rogues to his vision, eventually becoming what they are today. Unlike most other Unlawful Organisations, the Liberty Rogues have chosen to cast aside all idealologies and causes. The Liberty Rogues goal is simple, to loot and plunder hapless transports before disappearing back into the Asteroid fields before the Police and Navy can respond. In general, the Liberty Rogues avoid confrontations with even the most pitiful of the Authorities; a Rogue that runs away lives to plunder another day. The Liberty Rogues also hold a brutal stance towards piracy in what is considered their territory, often attacking even their own allies for pirating in their hunting grounds, most notably is their hostility towards Outcast Gunboats and Destroyers with in Liberty Space.

Well when an old friend came and asked me what I knew about the Liberty Rogues, I told him that I had a lot of information on them and their operations. I also told him I knew a secret about the Rogues that they probably don'€™t want anyone to know. I'€™ll get to that info later but for now I'€™ll just stick to the general facts.

The Liberty Rogues are the Outcasts route for Cardamine into Liberty, with their connections to the Junkers of Rochester and Beaumont, However that chain is precarious as it'€™s just as easy for Outcast smugglers to miss out the Rogues and go straight to the Junkers. The Rogues therefore exist on a knife edge between useful and useless, without the Cardamine trade the Rogues would become a lot less than they are right now.

Recently a new group within the Rogues has emerged from the darkness, bringing propaganda and scare tactics to try and get things done. Kind of like the Xenos only with less isolationism and more insanity. The Democratic Peoples of Liberty sprung up around the time of the Manhattan Protest Massacre in which perennial whiner Simon Reynolds was reputedly killed, along with a few other folks including three children. The timing of their arrival is somewhat suspect, but more on that later.

- The Liberty Rogues as told by Fisherwoman
Liberty Rogues Today.

Since the disappearance of Sylpheed, long standing Crime Boss of the Liberty Rogues, and the colapse of his pet project, the Democratic People's of Liberty, the Liberty Rogues have been cast into disarray, with many leaders stepping in to take command until his return, such noteable leaders as Andrew Mort, Dervin Malfient and Danny White. Many Rogues seperated themselves from Sylpheed's old rule and became independant of the Liberty Rogue's new leadership. Those that remained loyal to Sylpheed begun to call themselves Sylpheed's Liberty Rogues in honour of their leader. With the previous leadership stepping down from the role, Sylpheed's Liberty Rogues were left leaderless with many claims to the title Crimeboss left in contention. All claims were silenced on the return of ex-Liberty Rogue Underboss, Ashes Yotaka from Kusari, who immediately proclaimed herself as the Pirate Queen of the Liberty Rogues upon her return. Her goals and motives for returning from her home in Kusari are yet to be made, and only time will tell what she has in store for Liberty, and the Rogues.

[Image: Sonsoflibert2.png]

The Nonsense Factory.

Pirate Queen Ashes "Nighthawk" Yotaka

Originally from Planet Kyushu in Kusari, Ashes left behind her bleak fate to seek the freedom Liberty promised. Cast out from society, she joined with the Liberty Rogues in order to fulfill this dream through hard work. Ashes' first friend with in the Rogues was Draya Kirillov, who was a new recruit at the same time Ashes joined. The two dubbed themselves the "Cali Girls" and flew matching "Doomsday" Barghests. While not exactly an Ace pilot, Ashes gained a small reputation of being one of the '€œunkillable'€ Rogues. She has eluded certain death from overwhelming odds countless times in the past.

Ashes spent much time befriending and forging links with the 'higher ups' of the Liberty Rogues, and when Andrew Mort took over she was chosen to take the position of Underboss. When she recieved news her only remaining relative, her Grandfather, a member of the Blood Dragons, had died, she returned to Kusari to attend the funeral and eventually agreed to join the Blood Dragons, inheriting her families Katana. There she remained, resuming training in her martial arts and undergoing space combat training from the Blood Dragons as she tried to sympathise with their cause. When she recieved news the Liberty Rogues were leaderless, she took the opportunity to return to Liberty and sieze control with her newly honed skills and proclaim herself the Pirate Queen.

Originally joining the Liberty Rogues seeking freedom, Ashes is slowly losing sight of her goal, and her humanity.

Personal Vessel: Misery Buisness, a Katana Very Heavy Fighter.


[color=#390d3c]Underboss Jack Galahad

Personal Vessel: Irregular Apocalypse, a Barghest Heavy Bomber


[color=#390d3c]Underboss Nathaniel Hathorne

Leader of the Pauda Liberty Rogues


[color=#390d3c]Underboss Eva Jones

Eva Jones comes off as narcissistic and from the beginning she was notably arrogant and disliked by many, but quickly proved her worth on the battlefield. Eva Jones inherited the Gunboat of Ex-Underboss Ashes Yotaka, the Heart Of Gold, and uses it with deadly precision to create chaos all over Liberty. Eva Jones quickly gained the trust of Sylpheed and rose through the ranks to Underboss in record timing. Very little is known about Eva Jones, except that she handles her ships and hand weapons with military finesse and takes pain medication for a limp in her right leg.

Her brutal disposition and trust held by the new Pirate Queen, Eva Jones has proved instrumental in maintaining the new leadership. Any of those that wished to challenge the new leadership would first have to get through Eva Jones.

Personal Vessel: Heart Of Gold, Charybdis Gunboat.

[Image: Gunsoflibert2.png]


[color=#390d3c]Run of the Mill Liberty Rogue -[color=#600b0d] LR-Insert.Culture.Here

IFF -[color=#600b0d] Liberty Rogue

ID -[color=#600b0d] Liberty Rogue/Liberty Rogue Guard ID

Your typical cannon fodder Liberty Rogues. A bunch of general ne'er do wells usually found hanging about the Trade Lanes in every corner of Liberty, and even as far north as Shikoku. These boys and girls are out for little more than personal gain, and will extract it from careless traders through any means neccissary.

Flagship: I Blame Your Mother/I Blame My Mother


[color=#390d3c]Democratic Peoples of Liberty -[color=#600b0d] LR-Insert.Culture.Here-D

IFF -[color=#600b0d] Liberty Rogue

ID -[color=#600b0d] Liberty Rogue/Liberty Rogue Guard ID

Thankfully for the rest of Liberty, there aren't many of the crazy DPL guys left, and most of them are little more than regular Liberty Rogues now any way. The DPL was Sylpheed's pet project to bring his own motives to light in Liberty through funding from the Liberty Rogues. The organization fell to pieces upon his disappearance.

Flagship: Someone Elses Problem (Status: Destroyed)


[color=#390d3c]Cult Of Contraband Smuggler -[color=#600b0d] LR-Insert.Culture.Here-C

IFF -[color=#600b0d] Liberty Rogue

ID -[color=#600b0d] Liberty Rogue ID

The Cult of Contraband is the smuggling wing of the Liberty Rogues who travel through Sirius connecting the Rogues with their various buisness partners. They focus primarily in shipping Cardamine, Slaves and Blood Diamonds, but may also trade with the Lane Hackers and Mollys on occasion. Rare occasions may even see trade conducted with the Golden Chrysanthemums. While the Rogue smuggling operations are lively, they are not large, and the Outcasts and Unioners are still deliver the largest shipments of Cardamine and Blood Diamonds respectively into Liberty.

Flagship: Big Sexy Beast


[color=#390d3c]Buffalo Wing Assassin -[color=#600b0d] LR-Insert.Culture.Here-B

IFF -[color=#600b0d] Liberty Rogue/Liberty Rogue Guard

ID -[color=#600b0d] Liberty Rogue/Liberty Rogue Guard ID

Originally founded by Onyx Wolffe, the Buffalo Wing was eventually absolved by Sylpheed's Liberty Rogues to become the elite assassination wing of the Liberty Rogues. Only the most highly skilled of pilots fly under these colours and are tasked with eliminating threats to the Liberty Rogue operations.

Flagship: Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality


[color=#390d3c]Pauda Liberty Rogue -[color=#600b0d] LR-Insert.Culture.Here-P

IFF -[color=#600b0d] Liberty Rogue/Liberty Rogue Guard

ID -[color=#600b0d] Liberty Rogue/Liberty Rogue Guard ID

Pauda Liberty Rogues were an independant Organization that developed in the remote Galileo region, and eventually begun to co-operate with Sylpheed's Liberty Rogues to further their own goals.

Flagship:Unnecessary Force

[Image: one1.png]


Before becoming a Liberty Rogue, one must become a recruit and suffer through the time honoured hazing of flying an unarmoured Greyhound for a total of six flight hours before being inducted to Sylpheed's Liberty Rogues.

Ships Permitted:
Unarmoured Greyhound Only.

The main body of the Liberty Rogues, essentially the cannon fodder and nobodies who have yet to make a real name or fortune for themselves. They're now worthy enough to waste armour on, but just barely.

Ships Permitted:
Bloodhound, Hyena
Wolfhound, Werewolf
Mule, Bactrian
Pirate Transport, Pirate Train

Rogues who have distunguished themselves above the rest and been recognised for their service to the Liberty Rogues. Rogues are promoted to Veteran status on a case by case basis. Veteran Status cannot be lost except by dismissal; former Underbosses automatically gain Veteran Status.

Ships Permitted:
Only one Sabre or Falcata

Rogues who have proved highly capable on the battlefield. This rank is not higher than Veteran, an Ace holds no more authority.

Ships Permitted:
Access to the Ace Pool shared ships:
x2 Bayonet
x1 Arbeiter
x1 Werewolf
x1 Rogue Gunboat

The 2IC of the Liberty Rogues, the Underboss answers only to the Crime Boss and generally takes care of all the messy paperwork the Crime Boss can't be bothered doing, like updating the roster and wiki page. The rank of Underboss is also given to the caretakers of the Liberty Rogues' specialty wings; like the Democratic Peoples of Liberty and the Cult of Contraband.

Ships Permitted:
Rogue Gunboats
Scylla Flagships only
Unlimited Border World ships

<strike>Crime Boss</strike>Pirate Queen[color=#600b0d]
The Big cheese, what she says goes. The only way to become the Crime Boss is to beat the current Crime Boss in a bare knuckle duel. Good luck with that.

Ships permitted:
Whatever she damn well wants, she's the Pirate Queen.

[Image: LR_Sons_of_Liberty.png]


[color=#600b0d]Immediate Threats
Rheinland Military
Rheinland MND
Interspace Neuralnet Division

Avoid at all Costs
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Kusari Naval Forces
Kusari State Police
Bretonian Armed Forces
Bretonian Police Authority
Mandalorian Mercenaries
Reaver Mercenaries
Bounty Hunters Guild
Colonial Remnant (Taus only)
Independant Miner's Guild (Taus only)

We won't bother you if you don't bother us
Hellfire Legion
Liberty Police Inc
Farmers Alliance
Sirius Coalition
Corsair Smugglers
Independant Mercenaries and Freelancers

Fair Game
House Trading Corporations
Independant Traders
Independant Miners
Everyone else not listed, so long as they have credits to take.

Only if you can get away with it
Junkers (Independant only)
Outcasts (Only if they're pirating)

Ignore under all circumstances
All Blood Diamond Smugglers
All Cardamine Smugglers
All Slave Smugglers

Business Partners and Folk of use to us.
Gryphon Clan
Lane Hackers
Junker Congress
Red Hessians
Golden Chrysanthemums
Blood Dragons

Note: Not all of our diplomacy is mutual. This is how we feel about them, not how they feel about us.

[color=#390d3c]Liberty Rogue Recruitment

Liberty Rogue Message Dump
Liberty Rogue Feedback
Liberty Rogue Technology Negotiations
Liberty Rogues Wiki Page
Liberty Rogue Roster

[Image: LRPoster.png]

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - tansytansey - 02-09-2011

So, I finally did what all the Crimebosses before me couldn't be bothered doing: Updated the Faction Information.

I'm mostly looking for critique on the faction write up itself. Spelling/grammar mistakes, colour critiques, layout/formatting, missing or incorrect diplomacy or whatever else you think is missing or needs to be changed.

But of course, feedback on the faction itself is welcomed. Please post that in this thread now instead of the old one.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Dennis Jameson - 02-09-2011

I'll withdraw my old statement of you being a megalomaniac with delusions of what the Rogues are until such a point that they are proven to be accurate once again... or not.

The only other thing that I can really say is that the writeup is decent, fairly accurate and the fact that you left out why you destroy Outcast gunboats, beyond the bog-standard "because it's our turf" argument, gives room for onlookers to draw their own conclusions. As it should be.

P.S. I'm going to miss Schlurbi since he was, in my mind, much more flexible than Del ever was, and he was quite creative at his peak.

P.P.S. Will the deletion of Schlurbi's old tech permissions cause any grief? I just don't like having deleted characters on my list.:P

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Commissar - 02-09-2011

Nicely done; the pictures help break up the traditional eye-melting-wall-of-text. The only thing I'd suggest would be darkening the 'Ignore under all circumstances' section. It's nigh on impossible to read as it is.

Also; are we losing the 'Thief' rank? Anyway; bravo! No longer shall I trawl through three different topics for information!

- Commissar

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Cond0r - 02-09-2011

The "Ignore under all circumstances" is written in a color thats kinda hard to read. Just wanted to mention that since you asked for feedback on the writeup.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Dennis Jameson - 02-09-2011

I also find it odd that the Sabre is green to the Rogues when they have their own line of ships. But I Suppose that's being overly analytic about the matter.

(Note: I know that's not LR-specific, I just found it to be very, very odd.)

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Cond0r - 02-09-2011

' Wrote:I also find it odd that the Sabre is green to the Rogues when they have their own line of ships. But I Suppose that's being overly analytic about the matter.

(Note: I know that's not LR-specific, I just found it to be very, very odd.)
Yeah, they should fly the GC VHF like the outcasts :rolleyes:

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Korny - 02-09-2011

Nice to read, I like it.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Dennis Jameson - 02-09-2011

' Wrote:Yeah, they should fly the GC VHF like the outcasts :rolleyes:

Ah, you mean the one flown by Xelgion who never plays? Heh.

Besides, that single ship is white cell, not green cell like the Rogues have towards Borderworld tech. Borderworld tech... in Liberty. A bit of a paradox, don't you think?

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Cond0r - 02-09-2011

' Wrote:Besides, that single ship is white cell, not green cell like the Rogues have towards Borderworld tech. Borderworld tech... in Liberty. A bit of a paradox, don't you think?
Perhaps, but note, I know its not Outcast specific and I didnt mean to cause bad feelings with my words. I just found it to be very, very odd.