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Sanctioned ! For what ? - Printable Version

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Sanctioned ! For what ? - 10popovitch - 02-09-2011

Yesterday I played a little bit with my pirate character and then it happend BOOM ! I was disconected. I thought " Ok so I`ll log in again". But when I looked in my character selection and I saw something terrible ! 4 of my 5 characters disappeared and one of them where in Bastille ! I logged in with my last character and in my sanction report stands something strange : I was sanctioned cause of cheating !
But Nr.1: I had never a console report that I will be kicked cause of cheating
Nr.2: I even dont know how to cheat
Nr.3: I would never risc 2 years hard work only to be deleted later

And why my other characters had been deleted ? I dont think that I cannot do something wrong with a character I havent played for 2 month

My characters are :
Ted"Striker"McLane - ( The one in Bastille )

Admins please help me !!!

Youre active player : Robert alias 10popovitch !

Sanctioned ! For what ? - mwerte - 02-09-2011

Our anti-cheat is pretty nifty, and the admins usually err on the side of caution. So they wouldn't have sanctioned you for cheating if they weren't very sure you were cheating.

Sanctioned ! For what ? - Boss - 02-09-2011\-Event

That's the only one I see :/

Sanctioned ! For what ? - Rema 'Pesas - 02-09-2011

If you were sanctioned, a report should appear here soon, if not already.

The admins have a ton of stuff to do, so it might take a while. just be patient.

Also, if you didnt play on a character for two months, theres a chance the auto-delete thingy got it. It auto deletes characters after a certain amount of inactivity.

Sanctioned ! For what ? - Error - 02-09-2011

' Wrote:And why my other characters had been deleted ? I dont think that I cannot do something wrong with a character I havent played for 2 month
You just answered you own question there, actually. The inactivity wipe deletes characters that you haven't been
on for the last sixty days - or, in other words, about two months.

EDIT: Ninja'd. >: (

Sanctioned ! For what ? - 10popovitch - 02-09-2011

I know about this one sanction but it was little bit ago. And with the auto delet. You say there will be auto deleted when yyou are not active for 6 days. But how can that be that I havent played with it two months but can select it to play ? So I think that`s not realy right with the auto delet.

Sanctioned ! For what ? - Error - 02-09-2011

When you're not active on a character ("haven't played on it", as you say yourself) for two months it is deleted. Permanently. There isn't much more to it, really.

Sanctioned ! For what ? - 10popovitch - 02-09-2011

Ehm no I had a possebility to select the char for playing ....

Sanctioned ! For what ? - Boss - 02-09-2011

You had five ships.

You didn't play for two months.

You came back and had one ship.

Inactive player wipe has struck again.

Sanctioned ! For what ? - mwerte - 02-09-2011

' Wrote:You came back and had one ship.

Inactive player wipe has struck again.
Wouldn't have moved his ship to Bastille.