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Base camped - Printable Version

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Base camped - magicmacer - 02-09-2011

me and a friend are currently stuck in Freeport 4 as 2 pirates are camping when i undock, Paco.Pistols and Eric.Knox

Eric.Knox was killed in the system yet he returned before the 4 hours were up. Last time i played on the server i thought attacking at a freeport was not allowed, i may be wrong, but these two wont even let us leave with out opening fire.

they dont even talk to us, we try to talk to them but all we get is "You Die Now" when we undock.

Base camped - Boss - 02-09-2011

Trial by forum is trial by forum.


Base camped - minuit - 02-09-2011

Let's see....

Trial by forum is bad.

There is no server rule about attacking at Freeports.

If you think there's a rule violation go file a sanction report.

Base camped - Taneru - 02-09-2011

Go here:
Read the threads.
Use common sense.
Rule violation reports go in the rule violation report section.
There's no such rule concerning freeports.

Base camped - Snoozzzer - 02-09-2011

No rule concerning base campers either.

Base camped - Daedric - 02-09-2011

inb4trialbyforum...........oh wait.

If you think he broke a rule, file a report. There are also no rules preventing someone from attacking you near a Freeport. There can be inRP consequences for it, but only if you role play it out by telling the controlling faction about the issue.

Freeport 4 belongs to the IMG, not the Zoners. Just so you know.

Base camped - Boss - 02-09-2011

Besides, if you fled and docked on a base while I was pirating you, you can be sure I'd camp it too.

Base camped - Athenian - 02-09-2011

If someone breaks a rule, try the appropriate sub forum.